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Dec 9, 2022
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"They engaged in "visibility filtering." "

Well they can VF Right Off.

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"well, just watch."

WTH was that?

"but awareness (self- or any other kind) is as endangered as common sense these days."

"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe."

- Zappa

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TGIF for sure. For the first time (except Thanksgiving weekend when all the people at work who annoy her were also gone) in at least 6months, it looks like my wife will have a whole weekend for herself! Huzzah!!

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Anyway, as for Twitter and it past behaviors, all the lies Twitter told are now being defended by retroactively redefining terms. The so-called "journalists" of the LSM are as angry and ignorant as ever. Talk about privilege.

And Jack@Twitter is either neck deep in the lying or some sort of idiot savant who understand little but coding. I kind of lean toward the latter. I've known people like that.

It may be that the Leftist Narrative will not be able to shut down, shout down, the evidence coming out of Musk's release. I suspect a future move will be to allow all Twitter accounts to search for past limits put on by the old regime.

And I am REALLY not a lawyer, but is there any way some of those damaged in one way or another by Twitter employees can sue individuals and possible take some of their money? I don't have a Twitter account, but I would love to see that.

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Dec 9, 2022
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"I don't want Twitter, under Musk's ownership, to pay out one thin dime because of this – I want those who did this to be personally liable."

Corporations are People. The corporation didn't commit those crimes. People committed crimes. People should be held accountable.

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Perhaps if Twitter were sued and lost they could go after former employees for violation of their contracts or something.

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Dec 9, 2022
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Better than nothing.

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Dec 9, 2022
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"I don't know how you even begin to make restitution for that and so much else."

I think you meant 'reparations'.

"hijacked by religious fanatics (of the more secular kind)"

*points, face all Soyjak-ed* Heretic!

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I'm not a lawyer either, I'm a stupid duck who rides a bike, but I don't want to sue anyone.

Do I want to take some of those who were at Twitter and kick them in the face? I mean, a free kick right to the grill. Do I want to do that?

As sure as god wears sandals, I sure the F**k do.

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"As sure as god wears sandals, I sure the F**k do."

Amen, Brother.

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I have an old pair of jump boots around somewhere. I'd wear those. Or the pointy-toed cowboy boots.

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I like the cut of your job, my friend.

But I would allow a plea arrangement where I can wear my Adidas Samba's, my everyday shoes. Of course I would walk through the local dog park prior to The Kickening.

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"The Kickening"

I have two words for you: Pay Per View.


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"And Jack@Twitter is either neck deep in the lying or some sort of idiot savant"

I also think Jack might've been dabbling in the pharmaceuticals.

Exhibit A (plus a great caption): https://imgur.com/gallery/euKMDxA

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It wouldn't take much of a stretch to think that Jack has a medicine cabinet chock-full of "interesting" substances.

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Funny! Here's hoping the Lighthouse Keepers don't sue!

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Nor the Robot Butlers.

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My dear Jorg,

I am a lawyer and as I once ought-to-be-famously said, "You can always sue. The question is, Can you win?"

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That's why I included "take some money". That would be a win. I spent 30 or so years 'splainin' to college students that the US legal (not justice) system allowed you to sue for practically any reason (or no reason at all), but it wouldn't guarantee that you would get a trial or win.

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"as I once ought-to-be-famously said"

I've got entire volumes of this stuff...

But I'll ask the lawyer: I've always thought we could reduce the number of frivolous suits if the loser pays. If the Plaintiff is just trying to make Process The Punishment - Marc Steyn vs. Michael Mann comes to mind - then they might be more reluctant. Yes?

Would this hurt the legal process, or the plaintiffs or the defendants, in some way? Would Tort Law be adversely affected? Are those your real teeth?

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Dec 9, 2022Edited
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Pretty sure that goes for all countries' legal systems. Anyone who thinks that the people imposing the laws, no matter what form of government it is, don't write and enforce those laws on the basis what helps them is clearly delusional.

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Dag. What a great clip.

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I've pretty much supported "loser pays" forever. There are some minor problems with it, but overall it should help in some useful ways. Sort of like SLAPP laws.

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I'll bet you do! "The Quotable Pi Guy"!

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Pi Guy says, "Don't go to bed with an itchy butt unless you want to wake up with stinky fingers!"

It's good advice.

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Hey where do we send all those bags of coal, I mean presents for you for Christmas?

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Nah. They can freeze in the dark. But JT can't burn corn, can he?

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Well, he could but with The Supply Chain issues no one from Iowa or Nebraska will cut across Illinois any more so, no.

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"That’s because all those ex-Twitter employees weren’t there to run the site. They were there to run the users."

They're all Slime. https://youtu.be/nRnNDkHb0MU


I'm the tool of the government

And industry too

For I am destined to rule

And regulate you

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Let's be real here, Gertrude's Iguana was sorta being a bitch. Speaking of being a bitch, "Sam" Brinton probably wouldn'a pass a security clearance because the administration didn'a do one. That would be "on brand" for this administration, as the kids say.

We went from "Twitter is not Shadowbanning anyone! There would never be a shadow ban based on ideology! To say so is a conspiracy theory!" to "OF COURSE you evil/racist/sexist/bigoted/transphobic conservatives are being shadowbanned! The F**K did you pieces of shit expect? Your speech is violence and WILL lead to violence. So shut up and take it."

The funniest part, in my opinion, is that "journalists" act like people have no ability to research what they said a few months ago. Also, just love how these Corporate Lefty Journalists are all "Twitter is private company! They can do what they want!"

Oh, sweet merciful baby Jeebus, please take the wheel while I try to regain my sanity!

The sheer hubris of the Ruling Class will be their downfall. Sheer. F**king. Hubris.

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"Your speech is violence and WILL lead to violence."

Well, urban businesses weren't plywooding up their shop windows right before the election because they thought _Trump_ voters would riot if they lost. Just sayin'.

"That would be "on brand" for this administration, as the kids say."

Yeah. The kids. They say that. *wink*

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"Speaking of being a bitch, "Sam" Brinton probably wouldn'a pass a security clearance because the administration didn'a do one."

This has had me wondering a lot. I worked in the Defense Industry for a spell and held a Secret Clearance for a while. Then a new project was in the pipeline and they needed some scientists with little more clearance. My hat was thrown into the ring. Turns out I wasn't completely forthcoming on my first investigation, this time they done dug in a little deeper, cast their net a little wider. Soon after that, I didn't have a clearance at all.

- I lied about being present at the arrest of a friend who got pinched holding the joint we were cyphering in the Merriweather Parking Lot before a Santana concert. I'd acknowledged having been a smoker but, well, they really wanted to know if they could trust me.

My point is, homosexuality used to be a disqualifier, not because it was gross and Leviticus specifically cites it as Being Really Super Sinful, but because you had to Hide It to Participate in Polite Society. "You give us those documents or we'll tell your mother you're a homo." (They used to talk like that, back in the day.)

It wasn't so much That Unsavory Stuff you did that was cause for concern. It was what you might be willing to sacrifice to keep That Unsavory Stuff a secret. THAT is what would've DQed Brinton - back in the day.

But today, being weird or non-binary or posting videos of you getting off on whipping half-naked men with dog masks doesn't actually make you "marginalized" anymore. ** YOU DON'T HAVE TO KEEP IT A SECRET so - get this - it's not considered indicative of any sort of mental illness.

BONUS: Check Box. Maybe more than one, depending upon how you count 'em.

Security Clearance Dude: *rubber stamp*

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But I’d course cake bakers must bake a cake for anyone who asks. Seems legit

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As seen behind bar at every Watering Hole and Fine Libations Establishment at which I've ever Watered and/or Libated:

"We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone."

Game. Set. Match.

I've got news for you: This isn't Burger King and you don't get it your way.If your argument is that no Moocher should be denied their demand that they be served even against the Producer, then I'd say let's let the Market figure it out.

For example, if you have you have a policy against serving Asian Tranny Midgets and advertise it in your window and online, then I think almost every self-respecting Potential Customer would refuse to patronize, despite none of us know any of the 17 ATNs around the world. It's just a matter of principle. There would be no need for BigGov to butt their BigNose in at all.


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"You wouldn’t know it to look at him, but it turns out Sam Brinton might have some mental health issues"

*blink ... blink*

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I think that the Bidet Administration thought the Brittany Griner "trade" would be the shiny object needed to distract a compliant public long enough to get past the Twitter Drop, to get to the point where they could just use the "old news, nothing to see here" excuse that KJP trotted out a few days ago.

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Dec 9, 2022
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Terrific pick-up! So, the Biden Admin was lying to us again!

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Well yeah…their lips were moving so…yeah

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"I think that the Bidet Administration thought the Brittany Griner "trade" would be the shiny object needed to distract a compliant public"

They do indeed think this is shiny. Van Jones said of Griner as she was being led in cuffs on CNN that "...these are decade-defining images. I guarantee you there will be young people 10, 20, 30 years from now who will remember this moment because she is an icon."

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TGIF indeed. Yesterday's Strib ran a Washington Post column calling the Twitter Files (Taibbi) a "dud". It's why everyone needs to read alternative sources of news. The local papers rely on the NYT and WaPo wire services, and the bias of those two goes to every reader whose paper uses them. They may have a harder time with the explicit showing of lying about shadowbanning. Thanks Treach, for stringing the examples together.

Brinton represents so much of what is wrong with the Administration and, frankly, the Democrat Party's addiction to diversity including perversity. If someone's into kink, bondage, puppy-training fetishes, maybe they don't need to work in a high-level position in the US Government? Do you really keep him on with pay?

A big shout-out to Ms. Gajewski, "Lil," for the link to Jordan Schachtel's Dossier: The Biden Admin lied, again, as they could have brought the vet home. Instead we get lesser Bergdahl. And the big takeaway is NBC covered up its own scoop. Yeah, I may need the weekend to recover.

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"A big shout-out to Ms. Gajewski"

*waves* Hi, Lil!

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I don't participate on the Twitterverse and frankly wouldn't give two $#!t$ about it but so many people seems to live their lives there and are incapable of making a decision unless they have read the opinions of whoever they are "following". Or perhaps rely on it for alternative info because the so called MSM has become nothing more than a parrot of the delusional utopians that now are in office pretending to govern.

So now I'm forced to care because there are people with REAL knowledge about public health and socio-economic issues whose opinions differ from current policy who. apparently were prevented from saying, Hey not so fast, there is a better way. And THAT my friends was the real steal, not some cockamamie voter fraud, the machines were rigged theory.

Hats off to the South African for caring enough about this country to spend his billions to expose the truth (even though we all knew what was happening - he bought the dirt and is showing it) when others went all out to bury it. That f'g @Jack scurried away like a rat on a sinking ship.

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“There to run the users” - perfect observation and oh so true.

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So, I was cleaning out some open tabs with articles I've been meaning to read for ... longer than I'm willing to admit. One from The Tablet, titled "How the Media Trains Journalists to Lie," made an interesting argument:

Advertising revenue for media, especially newspapers, has tanked.

They now rely on subscribers for more and more of their income.

Subscribers want news that conforms to their worldview.

Reporters, sharing that worldview, are only too happy to provide.

If somebody upsets The Narrative by accidentally telling the truth, this upsets subscribers. This is a direct threat to the paper's bottom line, and the reporter's livelihood.

Thus, the reporters and subscribers gang up on the transgressor, to beat them back into line.

Their chosen tool for doing this: Twitter.

This may explain part of the liberal media freak-out over changes wrought by Musk. He may make it harder to launch a Twitter storm. Certainly it should become easier for others to come to the victim's defense. The appearance of universal condemnation would be gone, and with it, some of its effectiveness.

They may not articulate it in quite that way, but I suspect that is weighing heavily on some people's minds.

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Dec 9, 2022
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Interesting that this keeps coming up.

In fact, a couple of open tabs are about Media-subscriptions-ads...

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"So, I was cleaning out some open tabs with articles I've been meaning to read for ... longer than I'm willing to admit."

So it's not just me. Huh.

"<everything else you said>"

Your logic is unimpeachable. They're trying to _not articulate_ it too clearly but, yeah man, this is pretty much the Money Shot: "If somebody upsets The Narrative by accidentally telling the truth, this upsets subscribers. This is a direct threat to the paper's bottom line, and the reporter's livelihood."


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Twitter is quite amusing now, progressives who actually have to defend their ideas outside an echo chamber are recoiling in horror. Wokery is a hothouse flower that can only survive inside the confines of censorship and repression. As soon as you start logically examining their premises and conclusions (“speech is violence!”), it falls apart like a house of cards.

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It seems pretty certain that Sam Brinton has a pathological need for attention. He got a burst of it when he was appointed, then faded from view. Now he's back in the limelight as a serial thief. I think he believes that any publicity is good publicity, in the sense that it makes him seem less insignificant (if more pitiable).

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Twitter with a Texas twang - sounds purty.

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