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Removed (Banned)Dec 2, 2022
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Removed (Banned)Dec 2, 2022
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Is it over when the fat lady sings?

I just can't get over the guy's hair. Maximum bowl cut!

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Wow! I laughed so hard at the protesters being carried out I nearly lost my coffee! Just. Perfect.

And I had not seen Joe Biden calling France "Frank". BTW, as happy as I am with the CNN firings, we need more, like Lemon, gone.

I'm glad you were onto Kanye so far back. His bipolarity is riding him. Even Elon had to ban him again.

Indiana Jones will truly suck. The Left has killed Star Wars, Marvel and Disney. They killed the James Bond franchise. I'm surprised they haven't both race- and gender-swapped Indy. Will they have him toss his whip away like Luke Skywalker does his light saber? Dial M for Metamucil is hilarious. A takeoff on Dial M for Murder or Dial H for Hero?

I have to hit the tip jar for this column.

Merry Christmas.

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1) Wouldn't it be easier to just *jerk* their glued hands loose? Something's going to give there!

2) I hate FJB with the heat of a thousand suns, but I couldn't hear "Frank" in there.

3) It's Christmas. All tips given should be bigger, especially Jim's!

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This review of the new Indy movie is NSFW. Vulgar and hilarious: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8395JgNJ0sg

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I will say this about Kanye: musically, he is a genius. And, like many a genius, he is completely off his rails.

About the "environmental" "protest" - I really didn't see Harry Potter being a chubby chaser. Huh. Who knew?

I will also say this about these low-energy protestors who glue themselves to something to get my attention; why, why, WHY dear sweet merciful jeebus am I no where near when this is going down?

About the Indian Jones trailer: from what I heard out there, they're gonna ret-con the entire Indy history so that Fleabag *is* Indy.

This is my source - https://youtu.be/am2UYowqhu8

Sure, he's a robot who wants to take over earth, but he's an honest robot who wants to take over earth.

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As far as "grab-bag" days go, today is some of the grab-baggiest. That's a great thing!

Kanye: said some things some conservatives liked, everything else was bad. Just because a broken clock is right twice a day doesn't mean it's a good clock. Shame on the people who thought Ye was a great endorsement of Trump or something.

Mike Myers: ...yeah, lol

Climate Protesters: The saddest thing about a lot of these people is that their passion does seem genuine. If we didn't live in post-modern times that passion would have been channeled into doing some actual good, like volunteering at a homeless shelter, joining the Peace Corps, or hell if they want to "do something for the environment" there are tons of recycling centers/trash-ridden highways/trees that need planting types of opportunities. These people have been lied to about the "good" they are doing. Add nothing to the world and want to be applauded for it.

Chris Cizzila/Indy: These things seem like they were relevant to the culture some time ago, but not in the present.

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I first became aware of Kanye West when that video of him making an ass of himself at an awards show made the rounds. At that time I couldn't really tell if he was actually crazy/mentally disturbed, or a master showman seriously pushing the boundaries, but I knew I would never be a fan. It was the same for me as with Andy Kaufman. Just because some real geniuses have been a bit crazy doesn't mean every crazy person is a genius.

And I get really tired of having the mentally unbalanced/challenged shoved into my face as if they speak with the voice of God.

Although, come to think of it, that has a long history of cultures that crazy people have been "touched by god" so we should pay attention to them. That's the origin of the Greek word "charisma" and one reason the Oracle at Delphi got paid attention to.

The more things change the more they remain the same, I guess. (I can't remember the Frank phrase for that.)

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Cillizza is right up there with Ian Milhiser and Jim Acosta for the "Weird and Wrong Journalist" list.

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Re. Biden and the Franks.

I assume Biden is old enough to remember the Franks. And assumed his state dinner was hosting Charlemagne.

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I will give you an extra $5 in cash on top of what I've already paid for subscription and friendship if you stop doing the TGIF thing.

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Had the same thought when I saw the photo of the protesters in the hallway.

It was almost as funny as those guys who glued their hands to a Volkswagen floor & then were mad when the lights were turned out on them & they hadn't factored in how they were going to eat & go to the bathroom.


Mental giants, all.

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How arrogantly presumptuous of Joe Biden to act like he's on a first-name basis with France.

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