Most people shrugged off covid before the vaccines. If you’re in a risk group, maybe you need it.

You gonna get on the bi-annual booster program?

Great gig for the pharma companies, eh? Brand new market, no liability, forced sales, subsidized heavily. Heck, they don’t even have to do their own marketing. And now infinite demand.

I’ve been saying, “dude, wtf” a lot lately.

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No, I don't believe COVID-19 is a conspiracy by Big Pharma, or that most people shrugged it off.

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It doesn't have to be conspiracy. This is what I call a target rich environment. Goose.

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I appreciate the response. It’s not a conspiracy theory to simply list the facts of the arrangement currently in place for the vax producers.

But, you got me- I do believe there is an agenda behind our covid response.

I used to laugh in derision at the nutty conspiracy theorists talking about globalists and depopulation plots. Maybe the last year and a half cracked me up and the world is totally sane, no nefarious agendas in motion.

But then I look at every western nation besides Sweden abandoning long established epidemiological practices and adopting useless or destructive ones prompted by the CCP. Every single intervention has only made covid worse and harmed people. Lockdowns, masks, social distancing, not treating patients until they can’t breathe, ventilators set too high or used too early, high cycle threshold PCR test protocols, toxic and unproven drugs like Remdesavir, suppressing(or banning)any therapeutic medication, threatening doctors with their licenses if they treat a patient, incentivizing hospitals to code every death as covid, pushing a brand new technology-based vaccine on the entire world without proper safety testing. Not performing autopsies on deaths temporally related to vaccination. Fear, lies and more fear. New research on the virus completely ignored by officials, like aerosol transmission, no surface spread, spike protein cytotoxicity. I’ll spare you from going on and on any further.

Now perhaps this was just a series of errors by bumbling bureaucrats. When the media always makes mistakes that go in one direction, helping their preferred party and harming the opposition don’t you wonder if they have an agenda? We know they do.

I’m not saying I know who is behind this or why they are doing it. Nor do I think everyone is in on it. I’m just saying there have been far too many coincidences to chalk this whole thing up to honest mistakes.

The breaking point for me was when they started pushing the vaccines on children, who, regardless of what you may believe, DO simply shrug covid off. That’s pure evil.

When I was in my 20’s, due to high triglycerides, a doctor wanted to put me on statins. I changed my diet, instead, and have had enviable cholesterol levels ever since. Thus began my healthy skepticism of the pharma industry. The opioid crisis cemented it further.

I really enjoy your writing and I wish you only the best. I really hope you don’t take any more of these shots that turn your body into a spike protein factory. Wait for maybe Novavax or look into the therapy protocols that have been developed.

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Hey I’ll take the three letter “huh” over the two letter “oh” any day. Have a good one.

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You're welcome.

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This just in from the UN Security Council: the US Ambassador delivers a strongly worded statement to the Taliban.


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Funny: our "Taliban" came into the halls of power, took selfies, and left.

The actual Taliban came into the halls of power, took selfies, and settled in to govern in place of the previous Administration.

One was a protest. The other was an insurrection,

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Acrobatic robots that jump around like Spider-Man.

“Gee, Rick, I dunno if this is a good idea!”

“Yeah, d-don’t [BELCHES, COCKS PLASMA GUN] don’t worry about it, Morty…”

To steal a coined phrase: *Skynet smiles*

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