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Jul 25, 2022
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Could I have said it better myself? Check below to see!

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Jul 25, 2022
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After Ghosbusters - The Women Folk and Captain Marvel I keep asking: "Is there an audience clambering for this?"

It feels like the answer is NO getting NOer all the time.

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Well, Happy Monday Garfield!

I'm past the point of trusting almost all the "mainstream" press. The guy says he "has" cancer, "from" the oil refineries, and the press turns around and lies to your face. The Kat Timpf click was worth it.

And "Yaaaaas green!" made me laugh. I gotta get "Saul" so I can go back and read your critiques.

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"Yaaaaaas green" 🤣

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Rob Liefeld.

This dude did a commercial for Levi's with Spike Lee when he was in High School. This was the 90's when commercials, Levi's and Spike Lee were all cool. Yes, they were all cool back then...


My wife went to HS with this dude. Apparently, he was pretty damn full himself in HS. I mean, more than the usual dude in HS is. I think we all thought our farts smelled like elderberry wine when we were in HS, but apparently he was really unbearable. I don't know, this is all second hand info. However, I do trust my source, as I've taken with her company for going on 26 years now.

Now, if you don't mind me I'm gonna take advantage of this hot weather and ride the damn bike. I actually like riding in hot weather. You ride in 100 plus heat for an hour plus, day after day, I can guarantee you two things: one of the worst tans you will ever see, and you will get crazy fit.

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"one of the worst tans..."

Nothing like like tanned, muscular legs and then AOC Boyfriend Pale Man Feet.

Please... no sandals.

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My wife says I look like I was dipped in paint ... solid, fish-belly white feet and about six inches above the ankle. Then tan, tan, tan till mid thigh. Talking deep tan, George Hamilton level. Mid thigh, it goes to white rice on wonder bread.

Similar story with my arms. Tan till about three inches above the elbow, then freakishly white.

It is hideous... but at the same time, it's proof I've been getting the miles in. I wear my tan with pride.

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Some guy named Achilles had all his parts covered but one.

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Maybe it's the Monday talking, but that was laugh-out-loud funny. "BREAKING NEWS: It's July." I'm going to steal that.

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Seasons - how do they freaking work?!

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Jul 25, 2022
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"Honestly, if it wasn't for the absence of a state income tax..."

That's a good reason. Money talks.

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The Biden stuff is especially ridiculous because the public, by and large, understands that when Biden says stuff like this his goals are completely transparent and obnoxious. He wants us to hate fossil fuels, fossil fuels gave him cancer and will give you cancer, ergo YOU should hate fossil fuels. It could be anything he doesn't like - I'll wait for the the day he says Republicans give people cancer too, it wouldn't be a stretch from Mitt Romney re-instituting slavery or banning all contraceptives. He just says nonsense for shock value because his base demands it. The public didn't like that MO when Trump did it, they like it even less now. November can't come soon enough.

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David Warner, dead? The man who played (and nailed) the roles of Bob Cratchit and Jack the Ripper?

The guy who played Lysander (Midsummer Night's Dream) and Chancellor Gorkon (several Star Trek productions)?

The Guy's IMDB page is yards long. He seemed to be working constantly since 1963. He leaves behind a body of work that will take me years to enjoy. R,I,P.

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Kat Timpf is hilarious.

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"You don’t know your bread roll until you’ve smoked like a baby"

I ... I have no freaking idea what this means.

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Doesn't matter. If a 4-year-old said it to a large family dinner everyone would laugh their butts off, and the story would bind family members for years. I love it.

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I thought I was the only one. Glad you came clean so I can too.

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I grew up in a town that was surrounded by oil refineries. We NEVER had oil residue on windshields. So he's lying about that...pure bullshit.

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JT: I really enjoyed the panel from John Byrne's She Hulk run (big fan of all things Byrne), but the panel has She Hulk yelling at Byrne, not the reader, poking at him for his much-maligned Alpha Flight issue #6 where Snowbird gets into a fight in a snowstorm, so that six pages of the comic book were whited out. It's Byrne's clever way of mocking himself. I hope that was worth the read! Great column, as usual...

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