* Use the time machine to go back and swap Baby Hitler with Baby Trump (perhaps that's already been done? Check with Pelosi

* Speaking of vampires, ask Pelosi to borrow more of her blood for the transfusion

* Use deepfake technology to clone Joe's voice, hire those Milli Vanilli guys to train Joe on how to do the lip-synch thing for speeches, debates, etc.

* Go find that Benedict Cumberbund guy who played Gandalf in those superhero films and borrow his time-stone to see how many of the millions of futures would have Joe become victorious. Then see if Robert Downey Junior would be willing to sacrifice himself to guarantee that future.

* Speaking of RDJ, see if Joe can borrow his Iron Man suit and then have Joe live inside that for the rest of the campaign (again, voice can be faked - see if Darth Vader guy is available)

* Trick the Trade Federation into starting a war by invading Naboo; create a clone army to oppose them, sow seeds of discontent within the Jedi Order; take over the Republic Senate and declare yourself emperor. It worked for that Palpatine guy. Find black cloak for Joe and see if he can do the blue lightning thing shooting from his hands.

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I said early on the Biden Crime Family can't afford to let him quit and the Dems can't afford to let him run. It's going to be messy, and I'm going to love that part.

And it wouldn't surprise me if they were considering all of Treacher's possibilities. Especially the last couple.

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Always a good thought experiment to get into the other sides shoes for a bit... they're pretty boned aren't they?

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Come on, man, they just need to turn off the mind control energy directed weapons they used in the Debate! That's all. Let's not over think this!

(That was really offered as a excuse)

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Also the lighting and the audio were tampered with. BlueAnon is not coping well.

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Let's see, they been going with Weekend at Bernie's, and it's not working anymore. Maybe it's time to try Face/Off.

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The Time Machine option is out - 1970s Joe Biden would start bragging about how George Wallace named him one of America's most promising young politicians, and then would refuse to believe that Kamala Harris, Karine Jean-Pierre and Lloyd Austin work for him.

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Pretty sure he's already unaware. At last check, and quite a few before, he thinks he works for The Cackler.

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The floating brain in a jar has two huge drawbacks: it won't make Joe's brain any younger, and it's likely his brain is already so mushy that it won't hold together when it's placed in a jar of liquid.

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No worries; replace with plastic demo model and whoever is running things now can carry on! Might be the best idea, except the pesky tech bros would want to ask questions, figure out how it works, etc. We _could_ just put their brains in jars, too... getting a bit complicated but might get us through early November. And that's as far ahead as any Democrat can think!

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Good point. It could be ANYBODY's brain in the jar - just add a few stickers to make it look moth-eaten and no one will know it's not Joe's.

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How your brain works is kinda scaring me :o!

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