Removed (Banned)Apr 19, 2022·edited Apr 19, 2022
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Apr 19, 2022·edited Apr 19, 2022

Well, Jim - if that is your real name - it is NOT okay if you don't care whether or not people wear masks. Why do you hate the <insert Hardest Hit here>?

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It just occurred to me that the FBI Boyz could blend in better wearing bunny outfits than suits (or shorts and Dockers).

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Considering the only real consequence of your self-doxxing is that I occasionally show up in your comments to remind you that you're my hero for being on SGC2C, I think you made the right choice.

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I was captured by the character of Saul Goodman before we ever saw him in "Breaking Bad." It was when Jesse said that Walter didn't need a criminal defense lawyer, he needed a CRIMINAL defense lawyer.

I deserve representation!

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Wait. Your name isn't really "Jim" nor "Treacher?"

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I get angry just remembering the glee with which modern day journos seem to display when doxxing anonymous writers like the Slate Star Codex or just "people on the net" like Neontaster. These are not "newsworthy" people, and Taylor Lorenz knows it. These are people that notice the ridiculous nature of the left and want to punish them for noticing. If there were any justice in the world, LibsofTikTok will pull a Sandman and find a way to sue these people.

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Thank you for enduring Twitter so I don’t have to.

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I can’t even. I am literally shaking. After all that Taylor Lorenz has done for the cause of promoting Taylor Lorenz, for this Libs of TikTok "woman" to object to TL destroying her life is the height of selfishness.

(I’ll bet this TikTok woman isn’t even a real Internet Influencer. As Tay-Tay knows, a real influencer is a 16-year-old girl who throws rad birthday parties, not some boring adult with a professional job and a house and a family and other trappings of the PATRIARCHY!)

This cannot stand. As it is our duty to make the world and the Internet a better, safer place for Taylor Lorenz, we must all put in our nose rings, dye our hair purple, and record videos telling the world just how despicable this TikTok woman is for forcing T-Lo to dox her. Death threats and incoherent invective are recommended, but if you can’t manage that, uncontrollable sobbing works just as well.

It can also bolster your credibility if you cite the following statistics:

• 72%

• 9 out of 10

• Dozens of leading experts

• My six-year-old niece

And if some h8ter tries to argue that the last one isn’t really a “statistic,” just use your most arrogant, condescending voice to tell them that a) no, actually "six" *is* a number, and b) math is racist.

If we flood this woman’s in-box with our Truth, surely she will slink away in shame, and will never accurately quote us again. Do it for the children! Do it for the Internet! Do it for Taylor!

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