There’s an anonymous Twitter account called Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) that’s devoted to, well, the libs of Tik Tok. The account reposts internet videos by crazy liberals, such as schoolteachers who are obsessed with telling children about sex:

Would you want this person teaching your children?
None of the crap she’s saying is true, which is the point of collecting videos of these people saying these things. Libs of Tik Tok is exposing the insane lies of people with an outsized influence on their community. These lunatics choose to put their gibberish on the internet. If they don’t want people seeing it, they should stop publishing it.
Libs of Tik Tok isn’t doxing anybody. Nobody’s privacy is being violated. The ongoing mental decline of the left, in their own public words, is being catalogued.
That’s why the left is now fighting back against an anonymous internet user who keeps presenting evidence they’d rather we didn’t see.
Just a couple of weeks ago, this was WaPo’s Taylor Lorenz:

“I’ve had to remove every single social tie. I have severe PTSD from this. I contemplated suicide. It got really bad. You feel like any little piece of information that gets out on you will be used by the worst people on the internet to destroy your life. And it’s so isolating... It’s horrifying... It’s overwhelming. It’s really hard.”
If you believe what Lorenz said then, I challenge you to square it with what she’s doing now:

“Exposing the woman.” Interesting choice of words.
But wait, there’s more:

Remember what Lorenz said just three weeks ago? “You feel like any little piece of information that gets out on you will be used by the worst people on the internet to destroy your life.” Well, there you go. One of the worst people on the internet is trying to destroy someone’s life.
So here’s what will happen now: People will criticize Taylor Lorenz for behaving exactly like the bullies she claims are tormenting her. Lorenz will once again declare herself a victim for receiving exactly the reaction she believes other online predators should receive. And her fellow journos will circle the wagons around her, proving they’re all exactly who and what we think they are: Hypocrites.
In the meantime:
Classic crybullying. Claiming victimhood while abusing others.
This feels personal to me. I started using my dumb pseudonym 20 years ago, and I only revealed my real name when I started making a living with my fake one. The name on my driver’s license was bound to come out sooner or later, so I just got it over with. I didn’t want some asshole journalist bothering me or my family.
But I made that decision. It was my choice.
I don’t care who Libs of Tik Tok is. If he or she doesn’t want me to know, I respect that. Because I’m not some journo who only wants to suppress any threat to the left’s political and cultural power.
Oh, Joe Biden is doing just fine. Why do you ask?

Uh-oh, the president of the United States almost said something newsworthy about his Afghanistan debacle. Better send in the “White House Director of Message Planning” in an Easter Bunny costume to drag him away. Message planned!
This entire administration is devoted to preventing Joe Biden from embarrassing himself any further. They’re like Visiting Angels, except we’re the ones paying for it.
Apparently I’m supposed to worry about people choosing not to wear masks. Is it okay if I don’t care?
The first image of the final season of Better Call Saul is a signature of the Breaking Bad universe: You’re not really sure what you’re looking at, but it’s beautiful and weird and you want to know what the hell is going on.
No spoilers, but this final season of BCS is switching up the formula a bit. Instead of what we were expecting in the opening scene, we get a glimpse of what happened to Jimmy McGill between the end of Breaking Bad and becoming “Gene” the Omaha Cinnabon manager. We learn something we may have suspected about the guy and his life, but that we’ve never actually seen until now.
The first two episodes reminded me why I’ve missed this show. We see just how ruthless and arrogant Kim Wexler can be, and we witness the first time Jimmy uses his “Saul Goodman” identity to deflect criticism.
Plus, Nacho Varga is a badass and Mike Ehrmantraut is even badassier.
If you’ve watched Breaking Bad but you’ve avoided this show for whatever reason, you’re missing out. I think Jimmy/Saul is an even more interesting character than Walter White. I hate Jimmy and I want him to prevail. It’s the weirdest, funniest, saddest crime show I’ve ever seen.
Finally saw The Batman. Didn’t really like it. It’s a handful of interesting ideas that don’t really work together, all jumbled up.
There are a few good performances, most notably Paul Dano as the gimp from Pulp Fiction I mean the Riddler. And one or two of the action sequences are pretty good, when the screen isn’t so dark that you can’t even tell what’s happening.
I give the filmmakers credit for trying a different way to tell the story of a man who dresses up like a bat to avenge the murder of his parents. The results just left me cold.
And there’s absolutely no reason it needed to be three hours long. Holy interminability, Batman! Glad I waited to see it until I had a pause button.
Thank you for subscribing. You’re a good person for paying me to write. I’m not saying the freeloaders who can’t read this are bad people, but I’m also not not saying that.
I can’t even. I am literally shaking. After all that Taylor Lorenz has done for the cause of promoting Taylor Lorenz, for this Libs of TikTok "woman" to object to TL destroying her life is the height of selfishness.
(I’ll bet this TikTok woman isn’t even a real Internet Influencer. As Tay-Tay knows, a real influencer is a 16-year-old girl who throws rad birthday parties, not some boring adult with a professional job and a house and a family and other trappings of the PATRIARCHY!)
This cannot stand. As it is our duty to make the world and the Internet a better, safer place for Taylor Lorenz, we must all put in our nose rings, dye our hair purple, and record videos telling the world just how despicable this TikTok woman is for forcing T-Lo to dox her. Death threats and incoherent invective are recommended, but if you can’t manage that, uncontrollable sobbing works just as well.
It can also bolster your credibility if you cite the following statistics:
• 72%
• 9 out of 10
• Dozens of leading experts
• My six-year-old niece
And if some h8ter tries to argue that the last one isn’t really a “statistic,” just use your most arrogant, condescending voice to tell them that a) no, actually "six" *is* a number, and b) math is racist.
If we flood this woman’s in-box with our Truth, surely she will slink away in shame, and will never accurately quote us again. Do it for the children! Do it for the Internet! Do it for Taylor!
I get angry just remembering the glee with which modern day journos seem to display when doxxing anonymous writers like the Slate Star Codex or just "people on the net" like Neontaster. These are not "newsworthy" people, and Taylor Lorenz knows it. These are people that notice the ridiculous nature of the left and want to punish them for noticing. If there were any justice in the world, LibsofTikTok will pull a Sandman and find a way to sue these people.