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Jul 18, 2022
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Red Flag Laws are one foot in the Minority Report grave. Or something.

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Jul 18, 2022
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"Gov. Abbot is doing Biden a favor by bussing them into DC to make it more efficient to distribute them throughout the Acela Corridor."

They don't have cars so they send them where all the good Government Transportation is. Brilliant!

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"Speaking of black movies"

I think Undercover Brother is an overlooked piece of comedic genius. "The conspiracies we've believed for all these years are true? The NBA really did institute the three point shot to give white boys a chance?”

Wait - you're not talking about that kind of black movie, are you?

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Jul 18, 2022
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I might have to check that movie out. Reviews say it's like Spinal Tap for Hip Hop.

*tries to think of rap analogy for "It's one louder - isn't it?"*

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Jul 18, 2022
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There seems to be a lot of concurrence on the "they're not the Good Guys" statement. It really is that dumb.

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I can't think of two people more different than you and Mishka The Bear (an Instagram person who is relentlessly cheerful and encouraging) but you both cheer me up. I'm definitely getting my money's worth out of this subscription!

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We need to call out @shannonrwatts. She stated that the good guy was illegally carrying a gun.

But, from the AP: “A 22-year-old from nearby Bartholomew County who was legally carrying a firearm at the mall shot and killed the gunman, Ison said at a news conference.”

Once again the media lies to fit their agenda.

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Shannon Watts sounds familiar.. I think she's the Queen Mother of The "Moms Who Hate Neck-bearded White Supremacists with Bang Sticks" Club. (read: Major League Grifter)

"I don’t know who needs to hear this but [...] is not a ringing endorsement of our implementation of the Second Amendment."

Um, no, actually it's like forty-three bells a-ringing endorsement of the second amendment. *scratches melon*

"Nearly 400 “good guys” responded to the Uvalde shooting... They couldn’t stop one bad guy. "

So you're saying the 400 "good guys" weren't actually, as you say, "Good Guys." *Inigo Montoya voice* "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

"But when someone stops a murderer before he can kill again, here’s the proper response: Thank you."


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The 400 "good guys" were all parts of a government bureaucracy and have to follow thousands of rules. You expect them to do that in a hurry? The non-government employee good guy with a gun really only has to follow a single rule: kill the bad guy(s).

BTW, the Indianapolis mall good guy shooter evidently disregarded the mall's no guns allowed rule. (So did the bad guy.) When asked if he carried concealed in gun free zones, my retired (very good guy) cop brother said, "Sure I do. That's where you're most likely to need them."

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When you try to reason with a leftist, you can't expect to turn their logical arguments against them. The problem is teen pregnancy and unwanted babies? Teach the kids total abstinence before marriage, no exceptions.

"Aw," They moan, "That's unreasonable! Kids will always find a way to engage in the old slap-and-tickle. Let's teach them how to have sexual relations 'safely.'

The problem is gun violence? Why not teach kids that guns aren't the answer to their existential crisis of the day? No, we need total gun abstinence. Ban all private gun ownership everywhere, for everyone, no exceptions.

I guess that's gonna be almost as popular as sexual abstinence among single people. And about as effective.

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Someone I respect once said "you can not reason with someone who came to their decision by way of emotionalism."

I believe that sums up the modern liberal/leftist/statist movement of today.

That and "agree with us. Or else."

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"you can not reason with someone who came to their decision by way of emotionalism."

Not by means of reason but it's harder than that.

For some people - I think especially for a specific portion of our current 19-45 year olds (white, suburban, middle class) for whom it's so ingrained to worry and care and be an activist - holding a position like "The World will achieve Heat Death in 12 years if we don't <insert Authoritarian Power Grab here>" is so central their world-view and self-worth that having to acknowledge that they might've been wrong in that position all along could wreck them.

It often ends up doing exactly that. And there's collateral damage of all sorts when it happens.

-- edited for spelling error

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And I would add to this that it is religious in nature, being a member of The Church of The Woke.

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It has distinctly religious qualities indeed.

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Now go and emit no more.

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Those two tweets from Shannon Watts are, quite literally, "damned if you do" and "damned if you don't"

And I don't know who needs to hear this, but if 400 "first responders" show up at a school in an active shooter situation and children are being killed and all that Good Guy does is sit on his ass and hit the hand sanitizer ... well, those are *not* Good Guys with a gun. I've been saying that since Day One, that the reason we honor first responders and why many of us "Back the Blue" is precisely because you are expected to take a bullet, not the child. And if you need instruction on that matter, and you wait for an hour while someone runs it up the chain of command ... then you are not a good guy, you're a piece of shit.

But what do I know? I'm a duck who rode my Rodeo-Labs TrailDonkey over 40 miles on washboard gravel this past weekend so I could stare at a waterfall for five minutes. Totally worth it, tho.

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"well, those are *not* Good Guys"


"But what do I know? I'm a duck who rode my Rodeo-Labs TrailDonkey over 40 miles on washboard gravel this past weekend so I could stare at a waterfall for five minutes. Totally worth it, tho."

Time well wasted. L'Chayim!

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"Democrats in DC are now telling undocumented immigrants: “Of course we want you here. We just don’t want you here." "

Could that be because, if current voter trends are any indication, she doesn't expect this next wave starving people fleeing a semi-socialist country-in-tatters are actually going to end up voting "D" as has always been assumed?

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I, too, am watching Black Bird. For real thought it was Tom Holland staring in it till about 20 minutes in.

I actually listened to a rant from Bill Burr about this case from a few years ago. Classic Bill Burr.


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Your "Monday words of encouragement" just got me through this miserable one... Garfield was right, but did we listen? Oh the hubris.... ;_;

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"Suicide is not a remedy."- James Garfield, 20th US Prez

Someone else found a remedy. Too soon?!

Now that I think about it, you probably meant El Lasagna Gato.

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"Suicide is not a remedy."- James Garfield, 20th US Prez

Someone else found a remedy. Too soon?!

Now that I think about it, you probably meant El Lasagna Gato.

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"If 400 trained police officers weren’t prepared to engage, what’s the argument for arming kindergarten teachers?"

Because the teachers are already in the classroom and they now know they can't wait for trained police officers to come to their rescue. Maybe that?

The logic of the gun abolition movement reminds me of the three shipwreck survivors - a physicist, an engineer, and a mathematician - who wash up on a desert island with several cases of canned beans and nothing else.

"Does anyone have a can opener?" asks the Engineer.

"Don't need one," says the Physicist. "I can start a fire of palm leaves with my glasses and when we heat up the cans, they'll burst."

The Engineer says, "Yeah, but they might just splatter all over. I can build a chimney from some rocks and when the can bursts, the beans will fly out and we can figure out where to put palm leaves to catch them."

The Mathematician interrupts. "Look, half the beans will burn before the can bursts, and they might fly out the bottom of the can instead of the top. Plus, we'll waste a lot of beans on the trial runs."

The Engineer and Physicist turn to the Mathematician and ask, "So, what's your bright idea?"

The Mathematician says, "Easy - just assume a can opener."

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"The Mathematician says, "Easy - just assume a can opener."


"I want you to imagine," said Zaphod to the group of white robots who swung round to stare at him at that point, "that I have an extremely powerful Kill-O-Zap blaster pistol in my hand."


"You do have a Kill-O-Zap blaster pistol in your hand."

-Zaphod Beeblebrox, Sorta Good Guy with a Gun

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Well, you covered a lot of ground today!

Trump was right; when he was asked about "gun-free zones," he referred to them as shooting galleries.

Bowser's hypocrisy is just...stunning. "Of course we want you here, we just don't want you HERE." Let's dump them on Portland, Maine. Oh, that's right, we did.




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“They’re finally telling the truth about this administration, not because it’s the right thing to do, but because it’s the safe thing to do.”

You just summed up in a sentence exactly why people have no faith in the media anymore.

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As for armed teachers, I grew up with teachers who grew up and matured in very rural areas. Tough as inner city nuns, some of them, and I'd trust a lot of them with a gun. That said, I've been thinking about what an "armed teachers" policy would look like. I've probably overlooked something, but ere goes.

1. Volunteers only. No one should ever be forced to be armed.

2. First they have to pass some pretty rigorous safety training, training with their firearm of choice, and a lot of time at the range.

3. Once 1 & 2 are completed, when they come to school they must arm themselves by putting the firearm on their person as soon as possible before getting to school, and always before entering the school.

4. Once at school, THEY MUST BE ARMED AT ALL TIMES. They may not put their firearm in a drawer or even a safe. It must be on their person until they leave the premises for the day. That includes breaks, prep time, lunch, activity work -- AT ALL TIMES.

5. They are not restricted to a single firearm or caliber.

6. Pistols only, unfortunately.

7. They may carry concealed or open in any kind of holster that suits them.

8. They must fire at least 50 rounds (paid for by the school) per week with any firearm they intend to carry in that year.

9. Should they have reasonable cause to actually use the firearm, they cannot be sued for any reason, although they may be required to go to a hearing (held in less than 60 days) for a jury of 12 people to decide by at least 75% if they had reasonable cause.

Perhaps more to come some day.

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I kind of wonder what will happen to 'journalists' when the split finally comes and the Left has little to no reason to continue with them. The wall? Abject poverty? Slave labor of the physical type? Gulag? I mean, how many positions will there be for their 'talents'? A few, but as many as now?

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