Libs Seethe After Good Guy with Gun Stops Bad Guy with Gun
It never happens, and also it's bad that it happened
Some distressing news from my hometown this morning:

Of course, before the bodies were even cold, the libs leapt into action:

Oh, okay. Nobody should have a gun because a civilian wasn’t able to stop a shooter before he killed anybody. The Pre-Crime Division from Minority Report doesn’t exist yet.
But the same gun-grabber also just said this:

“Why couldn’t 400 armed men stop a bad guy? Also, why did one armed man stop a bad guy?” This ghoul condemns them both, because she’s getting paid to do so.
Murder is wrong. That’s why it’s been illegal since the dawn of civilization. Killing someone who has just committed murder, and is about to do it again, is not wrong. Self-defense is not murder. You’d think the libs would’ve learned that lesson after Kyle Rittenhouse, but if anything, they’ve only gotten dumber.
It would be better if nobody committed murder at all, of course. But when someone stops a murderer before he can kill again, here’s the proper response: Thank you.
They really don’t understand how self-defeating their message is: “America is a shooting gallery. Nowhere is safe. You could be murdered at any moment… Now quick, give us your guns!”
To the libs, the solution is gun-free zones. Yeah, those are the safest places on earth. You don’t need to worry about anybody shooting back at you when you go there to kill a bunch of people.

Answer: Greenwood Park Mall.
Look, libs, if you want to confiscate every privately owned firearm in the United States, good luck with that. In the meantime, just keep tweeting stupid, futile nonsense. It’s what you’re good at.
MSNBC’s Katy Tur once said this:
“Like firefighters who run into a fire, journalists run towards a story.”
That’s an inspiring quote… if you’re a journo. To normal people, it just sounds arrogant and self-aggrandizing. Most journos aren’t risking their lives. They’re not selfless or brave. Most journos just present the version of the truth they think will be best for their own careers. If it happens to be factually accurate as well, that’s incidental. Most news stories are more “story” than “news.”
It’s been five years since Ms. Tur said that, and now she’s having second thoughts:

“There was just a Gallup poll out today that shows that the trust in media, newspapers and television, is hitting an all-time low. People don’t trust us, they don’t believe us, and it makes me wonder if this job, as I’m currently doing it, is effective. Uh, but if it’s doing more harm than good. I don’t have a good answer for that.”
But it’s not stopping her from promoting her useless book, is it?
For most journos, the answer to this problem is to lie more often and more loudly. When you point out their many errors of fact and logic, they just blame you for noticing. But maybe Ms. Tur is capable of learning. She’s still young. Relatively.
Well, well, well, look who’s coming out against immigration:

Democrats in DC are now telling undocumented immigrants: “Of course we want you here. We just don’t want you here.”
Human beings aren’t illegal, Mayor Bowser. Do better.
I don’t really have an opinion on Joe Biden fist-bumping Mohammed bin Salman, after vowing to make Saudi Arabia a “pariah.” Biden has always been a shameless liar, so I’m not shocked that he lied so shamelessly.
And I’m not going to give the journos any credit for attacking Biden over this. They’re finally telling the truth about this administration, not because it’s the right thing to do, but because it’s the safe thing to do. Biden is already in trouble, so they won’t be punished for going after him. They smell blood, and they’re going along with the pack.
The bad news is that Kamala is even goofier and more incompetent than Joe is. Good luck with that whole scenario.
Streaming pick: Black Bird on Apple TV+.
Taron Egerton is miscast, and I’m pretty sure he got super-jacked for this role because he thought Black Bird was a Marvel superhero. But the rest of the cast is excellent, Paul Walter Hauser in particular. It’s Ray Liotta’s last role, and he’s riveting. Hell, even Greg Kinnear is good. Well worth watching.
How’s your Monday going?
Oh. Really? Damn, that’s... I’m sorry to hear that. Hang in there, bud. Things will get better. I’m rooting for you.
I can't think of two people more different than you and Mishka The Bear (an Instagram person who is relentlessly cheerful and encouraging) but you both cheer me up. I'm definitely getting my money's worth out of this subscription!
Those two tweets from Shannon Watts are, quite literally, "damned if you do" and "damned if you don't"
And I don't know who needs to hear this, but if 400 "first responders" show up at a school in an active shooter situation and children are being killed and all that Good Guy does is sit on his ass and hit the hand sanitizer ... well, those are *not* Good Guys with a gun. I've been saying that since Day One, that the reason we honor first responders and why many of us "Back the Blue" is precisely because you are expected to take a bullet, not the child. And if you need instruction on that matter, and you wait for an hour while someone runs it up the chain of command ... then you are not a good guy, you're a piece of shit.
But what do I know? I'm a duck who rode my Rodeo-Labs TrailDonkey over 40 miles on washboard gravel this past weekend so I could stare at a waterfall for five minutes. Totally worth it, tho.