Latest Media Lie: Border Patrol Agents "Charged at" Those Poor Illegal Aliens
Whipping up outrage
It seems like a bad idea for the president of the United States, in the middle of an unprecedented crisis at our southern border, to alienate the very men and women on the front lines of that crisis. That’s because Joe Biden is an endless font of bad ideas. The worse the idea, the greater his investment. So when it was time for ol’ Joe to badmouth his own people to save his ass, he really went for it.

That’s what you get for doing your job in Biden’s America.
And he’s getting plenty of help from our moral, ethical, and intellectual betters in the media. First they spread the lie, which Biden repeated, that Border Patrol agents were whipping Haitian migrants. Here’s what actually happened:

That’s it. That’s what all the fuss is about. There was no whipping. Nobody got whipped.
But everybody has already decided those agents did something wrong, up to and including the president and vice president of the United States. They can’t all just get un-outraged about it. And they certainly can’t admit they were wrong.
So now we see this sort of framing from the press:

“Charged at”? No, that’s not what happened either.
This false claim is supposed to be an improvement on Axios’ original false claim:

Nobody saw whipping occur because whipping did not occur. It did not happen.
It’s one thing when the media misses a key detail, or mishears a quote, or otherwise craps the bed. That’s just reporters screwing up. But this whole “whipping” thing is a deliberate lie. And now that the lie has been exposed, the media is workshopping alternate lies to replace it. It’s all garbage. Those Border Patrol agents did nothing wrong.
If you tell the truth about Hunter Biden’s laptop, you get banned by Silicon Valley. If you lie about the Border Patrol, you get quoted by the president.
If politicians and “journalists” will lie about what you’ve seen with your own eyes, what else will they lie about? An entire generation has been taught there’s no such thing as objective reality, and this is what happens when they enter the workforce.
But don’t worry, everything’s fine over there. America’s new pals the Taliban are taking care of everything.
The Taliban hanged a dead body from a crane parked in a city square in Afghanistan on Saturday in a gruesome display that signaled the hard-line movement’s return to some of its brutal tactics of the past.
The past 20 years didn’t need to be a complete waste, but that’s what Joe Biden wants. Everything that’s happening right now is because of Biden.
And the Emmy for Outstanding Comedy Series goes to…

What a relief! And here I thought government spending was out of control.
Sometimes a story comes along that just… I dunno…

I don’t know if this woman is innocent or guilty, but I do know one thing: that’s a very accommodating bear.
“Hey Boo-Boo, buddy, let’s go get us some pick-a-nick baskets!”
“Just a second, Yogi, this nice lady needs me to pee in a cup…”
The Democrats have never met a problem they couldn’t rename.
Whew! You wouldn’t want to offend somebody who’s living in this country illegally.
Scientists are saying a solar superstorm could knock out the internet for several months, so you might want to stock up on memes and hot takes now. Always keep a stockpile of hashtags and viral videos on hand in case of emergencies.
I went grocery shopping yesterday, here in the great Midwest, and maybe one in 10 people were masked. I’m vaccinated, so I don’t care either way. It wasn’t crowded, and everybody minded their own business, and it was just a typical Sunday.
Meanwhile, Down Under:

The final season of the lunatic lawyer show Goliath1 is really hitting home with me, because Billy Bob Thornton is taking on pharmaceutical companies that manufacture opioids. After my accident a while back, I was in constant, excruciating pain for almost two years. If it hadn’t been for the painkillers I was prescribed, I don’t know how I would’ve survived it. As I healed up and regained some mobility, my doctor weaned me off that stuff gradually over a period of months. Now I just treat the lingering pain with topical analgesics and constant simmering anger. But a lot of people get hooked on those pills, and I can understand why. Painkillers are a godsend to people in chronic pain, and they also can be nightmarishly addictive.
I don’t expect David E. Kelley to come up with a solution to the opioid epidemic on a streaming TV show, but he’s pitting Billy Bob against J. K. Simmons and it’s really something to see. To give you an idea of this show’s nuance and subtlety, Simmons actually does a five-minute Broadway-style musical number where his character justifies manufacturing dope, and he’s a pretty decent singer.2 Is there nothing J. K. Simmons can’t do?
Also, Bruce Dern plays a crazy old man. I think every character he’s played for the last 20 years has just been called Crazy Old Man.
What a nutty show. I’m gonna miss it.
Thanks for reading. The other day I got a complaint that I’m writing too much, which really bummed me out. This is from someone who just unsubscribed:
I will, I guess. But damn, that’s dispiriting. I’ve been working really hard on this newsletter for months. Does anybody else want me to write less? Because I can do that. My daily noon deadline is self-imposed, and I’ve been maintaining this schedule because I don’t want subscribers to feel ripped off. But if you guys just can’t keep up with me…
I mean that in both senses: It’s a show about a lawyer who is a lunatic, and it’s also a show made by lunatics.
I hope you keep writing daily. It's a highlight of my morning.
Well, since I paid, the free ice cream is no longer free--I paid for it. So write, write, write away!