I think you are wrong. Trump, indeed lost. So did Tilden in 1876 and Nixon in 1960. That does not mean that there was a free and fair election. Widespread fraud in all three affected the outcome. Deal with it. I think your dislike for Trump the man interferes with your perspective on Trump the President. I did not much care for the New York Yankee either. But he was a damned good President, and he got a raw deal in the election. And the so-called insurrection in the Capital was a hell of a lot more peaceful than Portland, and no one is being excoriated for that.

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Trump lost. That is why Slow Joe is sitting in the White House while his hordes descend like ravening beasts on the American republic. But I would like to know a bit more about what happened in November 2020, something that no news organization, left, right or center, has seen fit to investigate. All we have had is a gloating article about how Big Tech and various nuisance foundations took over the American election system.

Personally, I cannot forgive Trump for failing to have his own vote harvesting operation. He saw what happened in 2018. He should have been prepared in 2020.

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