Imagine for a moment that a young man wearing a MAGA hat walked into the campaign headquarters of a mayoral candidate in an American city, pulled out a gun, and started shooting. Imagine that he came so close to assassinating the candidate that a bullet grazed the man’s sweater. And now imagine that the shooter’s bail was set at only $100,000, and a group of white supremacists raised his bail and put him back on the street within a couple of days.
Would that be national news? Would you be able to turn on CNN or MSNBC at any hour of the day without hearing about it? Would it be presented as further evidence of what’s really wrong with America?
Well, forget all that, because when this exact scenario played out in Louisville, KY this week, the shooter was fighting for a cause that’s favored by our moral, ethical, and intellectual betters in the press.
On Monday, a young man named Quintez Brown tried to murder Craig Greenberg, who’s running for mayor of Louisville. Yet Brown is already out on bail, which was raised by… Black Lives Matter.

As you can imagine, Greenberg isn’t happy about it:
No offense to someone who was nearly assassinated, but the gun wasn’t acting on its own. There are a lot of guns in Louisville, and none of them jumped up and took shots at Greenberg of their own volition. Quintez Brown did that.
And what was Brown’s motive? We may never know:

Shrug emoji!
This story is already being swept under the rug, just like the story of anti-Semitic BLM supporter Darrell Brooks plowing his SUV into a Christmas parade in Waukesha, WI and killing six people, including an 8-year-old boy.
After all, journos wouldn’t want their friends thinking they’re racists, would they? Assassinating politicians is bad, but it’s hardly worth getting yelled at on Twitter.
Oh, Joe Biden is doing just fine. Why do you ask?
You can always tell when Joe’s ancient hard drive is rebooting, because he says that magic word: “Look.”
And then:
Looks like Joe watched the Super Bowl!
I never thought there would be a worse president in my lifetime than Obama, but the babbling old moron he rescued from obscurity really gave him a run for his money.
And now Biden is even worse.
Matt Labash remembers P. J. O’Rourke.
Now let’s look at the grim, harrowing nightmare unfolding in Canada:
A siege, huh? Sounds scary! Let’s take a closer look:
You still don’t think they’re Nazis? Their siege against poor lil’ Justin is so brutal that they need a nice schvitz after.
Just look at these terrifying thugs:

Witness the face of evil:
Great PR, Justin!
This aggression will not stand, man. Arrest them all, freeze their bank accounts, cancel their Tim Hortons rewards cards, whatever you need to do, Mr. Prime Minister.
It’s a good thing Facebook changed their name. Most people will just skim over headlines like this:

The season one finale of Peacemaker was a lot of fun, but of course James Gunn had to throw in some liberal BS to remind the left that he’s one of them so he doesn’t get cancelled again. I won’t spoil it, but check out the footnote at the end of this sentence if you want to know what bugged me about it.1 No pun intended.
The first trailer for Baz Lurhmann’s Elvis movie just dropped, and it looks enticing:
TGIF, and thanks for reading! If you’re already paying for a subscription, you can stop here because I’m going to grovel to the freeloaders again.
Hello, free subscriber. It’s me, the guy writing this for you. I appreciate you being here, and I don’t want to make you feel too unwelcome. But I really need your help. I require money to live, and right now this newsletter is my sole source of income. I don’t need a lot of dough, but I do need some. You know how it is, we’re all in the same boat.
So I’m genuinely asking you, one human being to another, to click this button and subscribe to this newsletter. It’s only $5/month or $50/year. For the price of a latte, you get a whole month of this goodness. What a bargain!
If appealing to your humanity doesn’t sway you, how about pure logic? Think about it: Funding my work on Substack means you get to read me without any annoying ads, or without worrying about me selling your personal information to any shady characters. It’s for your own benefit, really.
Plus, by keeping me independent, you’re owning the libs. Don’t you just hate cancel culture? Well, they can’t get me fired from this stupid blog for saying things that hurt their feelings, because there’s nobody for them to complain to:
“Let me speak to your boss!”
“You’re speaking to my boss right now, and he’s telling you to make like a Chicken McNugget and bounce.”
Sure, I would kill for the free publicity Joe Rogan is getting right now. But who needs the headaches? Anyway, click the thing, ga’head.
Okay, now click these buttons. You like it when I tell you what to do? You like that? Well, click ‘em anyway.
So the “butterflies” came to Earth because their planet died of global warming. Their plan was to take over our world and stop us from doing the same thing. They were saving us from ourselves. Because #science! But then Peacemaker killed all but one of them anyway, because he’s a violent psychopath, and also because he finally made some friends and he didn’t want them to die.
It was pretty funny that Gunn orchestrated a big build-up, making the aliens more sympathetic and giving them a Hollywood-approved motive, and then he wiped them out anyway. Swerve!
But the underlying assumption is just garbage. In one of the last scenes, a battered and exhausted Peacemaker mutters: “Did I just kill the world?” No, you big idiot, you didn’t! The science isn’t settled, because that’t not how science works.
Anyway, the show was mostly free of annoying liberal politics, which just made that last episode stand out all the more. But I’m glad Christopher Smith is still a gun-toting lunatic, and I can’t wait for season two. God bless America! 🇺🇸🥲
In general, I am with you on Biden's cognitive decline. It is genuinely terrifying. But I do not see this as an example. He was mouthing the usual platitudes, and simply decided to cut to the chase. There was no stumbling, no rambling, no incoherence.
Politicians live by speaking, constantly, in public. They occasionally trip up. Minor mistakes are no big deal. (I lived through 8 years of "Bushism of the Day." This doesn't even rise to the level of Bidenism of the Day.) Presenting something innocuous as this as evidence that Joe's Going Senile, simply waters down the real evidence, which is copious.
Keep up the good work.
I would play that Mojo Nixon song when my kids were little. When he was about 12, my youngest son told me he had thought "Elvis" was God's name!