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Oct 26, 2022
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You hit the nail on the proverbial head (I'm sure that phrase is offensive to someone, probably the anti-hammer coalition). Kudos on the word "circulatoryist" - no need for hyphens, we now live in a nation of being able to make up words on the spot. It's very chaglarian of you. I mean, we already are just a few heartbeats away from having a "Weekend at Bernie's" situation. Would it be that surprising to see them trot out a non-living Biden and pipe in sound from speakers while someone else moves his mouth for him?

If Fetterman wins this, the Dems have a re-election strategy for 2024 (other than Lillia's pulmonary-challenged strategy). You're basically an ableist (and ageist) if you vote against Biden. How dare you try and think that someone with dementia is unable to serve the public! With the "ableist" term, they now have a stock answer for attacking opponents for whatever identity issue they choose. Don't like Hillary? You're a misogynist. Don't like Stacey Abrams? You're a racist. Don't like Pete Buttigieg? Homophobe. Kamala Harris? You're a cackleist (or Jokerist). Double and triple that if your candidate identifies with several groups at the same time.

And to think I remember when Democrats openly mocked the intelligence of Republicans without consequence (Reagan in his later years; Quayle, George W. Bush, even Bad Orange Mean Tweet Man). I kind of wish we had thought of the ableist term to go after them back then, but that would just be stupid. Oh, I'm sorry, it would be intelligence challenged.

For some of the other items in today's column, just more examples of the Schroedinger's Cat Universe(TM) that we now live in, where COVID is not a pandemic but it is a global health emergency; and where Hillary isn't president but yet she is. Whatever world we live in, I want to be in the one where Stevie Wonder wins the NASCAR championship. You show those rednecks who's boss, Stevie!

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Oct 26, 2022
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So you're saying they'll let Stevie Wonder race now?

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I say we put Stevie in at Bristol on the short track; he certainly would crash into other cars as much as Rusty Wallace did back in the day...

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That stinks; I did give up watching the races about five years ago and haven't really paid that much attention to the sport. But wasn't a NASCAR crowd the group that came up with the "Let's Go Brandon" chant? (or at least it was the other chant that caused the reporter to come up with the 'let's go brandon' excuse)? That should still be worth something, I'd think :)

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Yeah, that pretty much nails it. And "nails it" is ableist because some people with disabilities can not hold a hammer. See? I don't know if someone would actually say that, but you can envision them saying something dumb like that.

I do believe if Fetterman wins, why don't you just nominate someone who is actually dead? It's abelist to "assume" someone can't do the job just because their body is room temperate, they have a greyish pallor, and they smell (you know, cuz they be dead) They ain't dead, they're in a post-alive phase that we will all be in at some time, hater, so don't judge!

Again, this sounds so stupid but you can't help but think it could actually happen. Nothing shocks me anymore.

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"why don't you just nominate someone who is actually dead?"

Makes sense since that's who's doing the voting - waka waka waka!

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Oct 26, 2022
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Service rendered

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You're more right than you know. PA is already disobeying the Supreme Court on mail-in ballots.

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OK, hear me out, because it's not really that far gone from the reality we currently live in. Somewhere in a secret underground labs, scientists are able to re-animate the dead body of former presidents, and they choose Abraham Lincoln as their first test subject. It's a success, but the process leaves Honest Abe with a lot of zombie-like tendencies, such as always wanting to eat brains instead of normal food, plus the pesky hole in the head. But that doesn't stop the Republicans, who put Zombie Lincoln on the 2028 ballot for president. Not to be beaten at the game, Democratic operatives are able to steal the re-animation formula, and they revive JFK as their 2028 candidate. At the first Zombie presidential debate, the two candidates discuss whose hole in their head makes them a better fit for the Oval Office. Too dark? Now think about this scenario when we get to 2024.

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Oct 26, 2022
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I'm a "Don't trust anyone who gives you a glass of water and tells you that it's a fine wine" kind of guy.

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I think we have the starting point for the "Duck on a Bike" for President in 2024 campaign with the slogan, "What do I know, I'm just a duck on a bike. But at least I'm not dead."

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Can we pare that slogan down? It's a little much for my bumper sticker concept.


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DOAB 2024

I'm a Duck

I Ride a Bike


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That'll fit just fine.

*stencils furiously*

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Also, any criticism can easily be blunted with "speciesist."

their rules, not mine.

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Having an excuse already built in.

You're going to be a great politician!

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I'm a fan of "pulmonarily challenged" as well.

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"Cackleist" Brilliant!

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'"Ready to be served" as (hopefully) stick a fork in this man. He's done. Of course, I could be wrong.'

" But the people who were planning to vote for him yesterday are still planning to vote for him today."

I think we're in the midst of your Grand Experiment. My buddy Bill, mentioned previously as having posed with Fetterman at a campaign even last month, will still vote for him (or already has).

"circulatory-ist" Good gravy, the list is going to be endless. "pulmonarily challenged" *snicker*

And the headline is super.

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Oct 26, 2022
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"we could just as easily give a different crazy, opportunistic, power-hungry group of people control"

It seems like they're the only kind of people we ever elect. *sigh*

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What have you got against the proposed Ministry of Truth?

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If only Miniplenty would do their job, no one would care about almost anything else.

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"Pulmonarily challenged."

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"Putting Fetterman on a debate stage is like putting Stevie Wonder in a stock car" - Best line ever.

Watching the debate, I couldn't help but think that this would be like Gabby Gifford's husband insisting that she get out on the campaign trail after being shot in the head. Fetterman is suffering a form of brain damage and it is absolutely pathetic that the PA dems would think that he is a better candidate than Conor Lamb. It's an insult to the people of PA to shove him out there as a serious candidate. Like Biden's family, Fetterman's family should be charged with abuse for using him for their own ends.

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"It's an insult to the people of PA to shove him out there as a serious candidate."

It should not have been difficult to find someone who could defeat Oz but PA Dems have hitched their star to the FetterWagon and they couldn't think of any way to gracefully bow him out.

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Oct 26, 2022
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To be fair, I did not vote in 2016 because I couldn't just pick the lesser evil (at that time, I didn't expect Trump to do the pretty good job that he ended up doing, IMO) but I think a lot of people will just vote for the Man/Woman/Other with the same colored jersey as they wear.

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It's no great surprise after they ran a geriatric dementia patient for president and won. They've loudly announced when you vote Dem, you're voting for a party and whomever is handling that candidate, not the candidate.

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Too late. Ballots are printed and already being mailed in.

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It wouldn't matter.

Like Lil said, they aren't voting for a person. They're voting for an Avatar who is, or was until recently, their hope against a Republican majority in The House. They only cared that he was their guy.

Now, I guess, she's their girl. Until the money runs out or something.

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They have never needed a graceful way to toss people overboard before. I think that they have finally been so completely capture by their woke Progressive wing that they are terrified of being canceled within their own party.

A true red wave election may turn the Dem party into a full-blown radical Leftist party (they're darned close to that now) and the result may well be a massive move towards the GOP. Of course, that assumes the GOP leadership isn't just as venal and worthless as the Dems, only thatthey may not be quite as stupid.

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Oct 26, 2022
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An unaffiliated Alan Page would've made a fine president.

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Lemme see if I got this right: Fetterman STANDING UP for an hour is proof he's a fighter and deserving of being in the senate? Is that right?

I think the affect of this "Debate" will be to assuage the undecided that sending Braindamagedman to the Senate is a bad idea. In that way it moves the needle to the least-worst candidate, Dr. Oz. It won't convince hard core D's to stop supporting him, because they support "the brand" (as the kids say these days) and they know that he's just a stand-in for his wife, who is the real candidate. What really matters to them is keeping control of the senate. Pure power politics. See, I can't do that. I can't be so machiavellian as to just "vote blue no matter how brain damaged because we know best." I can't do that. Some on the right, they do that, but so many on the left seem OK with it. But, then you wonder "how did we get Trump?" Because you voted who you were told to vote for and you didn't ask questions in the process. That's how you get Trump, or a Trumpian type.

And don't lecture me about being "Ableist," or about how I'm an ista/phobe who "isn't comfortable with the disabled." I won't cede that ground to any shrieking Hadrian. My brother-in-law is disabled, he has had mental disabilities his whole life. As a 55 year old man, he spends his whole day playing video games or watching TV. Yes, his parents didn't get him the resources he should have had, there is no denying that. Now, tho, it's too late. But I wouldn't vote for him for any thing; not for the Senate, or a county commissioner or even executive vice-assistant to the deputy dog-catcher. That has nothing to do with my "comfort" around the disabled, he just does not have the skills to match his clothes, or decide if it's too cold to wear just a t-shirt, let alone exert any level of authority on anything. Uncle Festerman is in the same category.

Why did Bidet get a booster? He just had the Rona. If I get the flu, I ain't getting a flu shot a month later. That makes shit for sense. Unless you like needles or that shot had nothing but sugar in it, I don't buy it. Also, I won't be lectured about Covid. Nope, nope, nope. Take that, and shove up yer clacker. I won't be lectured to about covid boosters any more than when it was just the flu shot. If I get it, I get it. And I won't be getting the flu shot or the boosters. My body, my choice, bitches.

KJP: "You're gonna get this shot..." Oh, is that a fact? Again, how about you don't tell me what to do and I'll just go on ignoring you and everyone else? Sound fair? I think so.

All I needed to know about Rishi Sinuk (and if I spelt that wrong, I don't give a shit) I learned from the highly underrated Russell Brand. I beg you to find his video from yesterday about this stuffed suit, potted plant of a WEF mole. It is very eye-opening. Especially his fake news story about him filling up his car and getting some soda and candy. Totally normal shit, you know. But he borrowed the car from someone, so he wouldn't be on camera filling up his Jag. That is totally not normal. Oh, and his wife/spouse/life partner has residency on some tax shelter island so they avoid paying any taxes. Must be nice.

Must. Be. Nice.

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Oct 26, 2022Edited
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I suspect we got Trump (as I suspected then) because he was the only candidate in 2016 (as well as the only one since maybe Reagan) who essentially said, "Hey! The elites hate you. I know how that feels because they've hated me for a long time, too. We don't have to put up with this. Let's punch a few of them out." And many people responded, "Oh, Hell yeah!"

He didn't create the climate of unhappiness, he moved in and used it. The rest of the GOP was relatively content (maybe not Ted Cruz, but can you imagine Marco Rubio in the Trump role?) to tell those Deplorables that they were just going to live with continuing to get crapped on.

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Oct 26, 2022
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At the time I thought he just saw a good opportunity to poke a thumb in the eye of a lot of people he didn't like. And maybe that's all it was. His politics would have passed muster in the Dem Convention of 1996 for sure.

However, he does know how to read the room. And the idiot Lefty MSM talking heads (BIRM) on TV were only too happy to pump him up to "show those stupid Deplorable bitter-clingers".

He caught a wave, and like a good surfer road it to a win. Then, Hillary . . .

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Oct 26, 2022Edited
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Ted is a strange duck. I started following his career when he was appointed Solicitor General for Texas. (I've been a academic political scientist who taught State and Local Govt for 3 decades, and Texas is fascinating and quite different from all other state govts.) He seemed an odd choice. And he was.

He is more fit, in most ways, as a Supreme Court Justice, but does appear to be reliable conservative. His (minor) upset win the the 2012 GOP primary was interesting. His career since then I take to be uneven. He obviously has a high IQ, but his political instincts and chops are pretty ordinary. He could be beaten by the "right kind" of Texas De, one more aligned the the overall Texas ethos, I think. However I also thinks the Dems are pretty unlikely to nominate someone like that, if they even have such a potential candidate.

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I don’t think people actually voted FOR trump as much as they wanted to say F U to Hillary and those obnoxious journalists telling everyone how stupid we were

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"because they support "the brand" "

The thing is, I don't even think Fetterman supports the brand. I think he's just an empty vessel that got some notoriety for being Hoodie Man Meets Fronkensteen's Monster in appearance, spouting platitudes like "let the killers out" and "heroin should be legal" and they dressed him up with all the rest of their mindless literal hopes.

He became what they wanted them to be. Much like Obama in the mid-00s and the way they're pumping up Wes Moore, Dem candidate for governor in MD.

Rambled a bit but the point was supposed to be that it seems like more Ds will evolve into the brand required to get the vote. But you can't support both sides of an issue - fracking, say - and still have a brand. Eventually you just have to get elected at any cost to your principles.

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"Rashid Sanook, Rishi Sunak, whatever."

"And now the President of the United States - Hoover Heever."

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A nit: I believe that was "Hoobert Heever."

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Might've been. I'm just glad someone knew what I was talking about. :)

Confirmed: https://youtu.be/_ce6lsy9IxY

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"Hubert Horatio Hornblower" -- Jimmuh Cahteh at the 1980 Democratic Convention

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I did not watch the Fetterman debate as I'm not a Pennsylvania voter. I assumed it would go as it appears to have gone. That being said, I agree that we need to wait and see if this moves the actual needle. After all, they don't get the nickname "yellow dog" democrat because they are discerning of who is on the ticket.

Another point, this close to Election Day it seems we are seeing a few very big blunders by the machine left. Putting Fetterman on the stage was dumb but so was pulling Hillary out of the attic so she could deny the legitimacy of a future election all while election denying is currently being used as an attack on the GOP. These type of mistakes seem to indicate disarray is building in the Dem party.

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It's all but a uniform response to have every candidate refuse to debate.

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"These type of mistakes seem to indicate disarray is building in the Dem party."

I'm not convinced Team Elephant has it even remotely all together but I think this might be true about the Dems. The Squad End of the Caucus differs from Vanilla Dem by more than just degree of intensity. They favor policies that even sane Dems are going "Wut?"

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As the wife of a recovering stroke patient, I find watching the Fetterman situation painful and shameful.

We are 12 years post stroke and are still dealing with issues - super grateful for the tremendous progress- but recovery is life long.

Fetterman is five months and his distress looks just this side of debilitating. Just because he can stay vertical for a period of time does not make him ready to face the world - quite literally.

His wife is a monster for encouraging this public display and it speaks loudly to her own evil ambitions and her manipulation of a terribly compromised human.

From what I am seeing in his interviews and what is being shown on TV, this is a fragile man. Most Doctors will tell you that it’s not the first stroke that kills you, it’s the second or third. If she keeps pushing this look for that catastrophic event sooner rather than later.

And I’ll double down on this for Dr. Jill. She should be jailed.

I stopped reading the Jack Reacher books a few years ago when i had to wait for the next one to come out because I was reading them faster than they were being written.

Also I swear, the frigging Tom Cruise movie just destroyed the image. How do you cast a pygmie when the character is described as a guy that people cross the street to avoid?

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I didn't dislike Tom Cruise. The actor on the TV series really WAS Reacher.

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I don’t remember, is the series on a streaming service? I remember seeing commercials and Jim’s ++ reviews and I wanted to check it out. As usual it fell off my radar.

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I’m going to have to ask one of the kids to hook us up with that. We are incapable of figuring out how to do anything with the TV other than turning it on and changing the channels. We come from another era.

We moved 2 years ago and had to change cable companies and had to sync the new remote with the TV. I almost had a nervous breakdown. We used two remotes for a year and a half until we needed a service call and the cable guy did it for us in 3 seconds.

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Have your kids or someone hook up a medium-range Firestick. My wife is in no way a Geek, but when we had difficulty getting cable we got the Firestick and she now has full control.

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Thanks! I googled it and it looks like something we can handle.

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"His wife is a monster for encouraging this public display and it speaks loudly to her own evil ambitions and her manipulation of a terribly compromised human."


"And I’ll double down on this for Dr. Jill. She should be jailed."

Prison's too good for her.

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I lost a dear friend of some 60 years this past year. He had a bad stroke that left him partially paralyzed but was fighting his way back from it. The just more than 6 months later he had a 2nd and 3rd stroke in quick succession and was gone. We spread his ashes in small amounts across as amny of the places he loved as we could.

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Sorry. It really sounds awful.

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Yeah. We all have to go someday. We used to talk on the phone late at night. He had lost a leg in a motorcycle accident, and when the VA cut back on his pain meds he had trouble sleeping and he knew I would be awake. Even a few weeks after his stroke he would email me and tap out his words. He was making progress, then Boom! and he was gone.

You can never have enough good friends.

He may have been, through a lot of tough times, the most genuinely happy person I've ever known. I used to tell him (an old country saying) that "You're as happy as if you had good sense" and he'd laugh and slap me on the back or arm and say, "You better believe it, Pancho."

I miss him like I would one of my brothers.

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I’m so sorry about your friend.

My husband is planting a secret garden in his favorite park so we can spread his ashes there. The kids are horrified but it’s where he has gone to walk through the trees and enjoy nature and challenge himself.

I think your friend would be pleased.

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I wish you both well on this journey and I'm sorry for any suffering on both your parts.

He's apparently clear-headed and taking control. And we can only be envious of him for having someone like you by his side.

I smile and shed a tear simultaneously.

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We spread my mother's ashes on her many flower beds. The next year morel mushrooms sprang up and they had never been seen there before. My mother was know for her ability to find them in the hills every spring.

People asked if we were going to eat them, and we said, "We have to, otherwise Mom would be angry."

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That's F-ing awesome.

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I just want to say two words. "Good night everybody!"

"The lines are canned, but he can't read the labels," is exceptional.

So is the Stevie Wonder line.

I did watch the debate online. Uncle Festerman was just dreadful, even yelling and interrupting Doc Oz's closing statement. I was impressed that he didn't put Fetterman down. I would have leveled him. I would have been wrong. We're already getting this "ableist" claptrap. This isn't a disability. He's hurt. He can't think or speak clearly. I wonder if the Dems did it on purpose. Like putting a severe stutterer in customer relations (instead of having him stack shelves). Just to tick you off.

I also watched the hatchet-faced Whitmer debate Dixon. Michigan may be a pickup.

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"I did watch the debate online."

Thanks for taking one for the team.

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I just left Michigan a few months ago. Not only could any 'reasonable' GOP beat Whitmer, but a rank outsider like Dixon could if the idiot GOP (BIRM) had funded her at all (Whitmer so far has outspent Dixon 20-1) would be coasting to a win now. Friends in MI tell me that Whitmer is doing a pretty good job of reminding people of how awful she is, so Dixon may have a shot.

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Whitmer was almost Uncle Joe's running mate but it turns out she was a little melanin-deficient for that role. I think those ties might be weighing on her now.

But she is awful all on her own.

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Oh. Would you like to give us a report?

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I started, then it went to the ether. Whitmer was and is a hatchet-face. She was caught out on claiming schools were closed for only 3 months! Dixon smacked that one over the wall. You were reminded Whitmer actually forbade people from buying garden seeds! And she jumped on the Cuomo-Murphy-Wolf train to send COVID patients into nursing homes. Dixon is no Kari Lake, but she did handle herself well.

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I live in Indiana now, and I've been enjoying Aboriginal Fourth-Wave Conquering Native American Third Season Anomaly myself. Darn near had to turn on the A/C last week.

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Oct 26, 2022
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That just cracked me up!

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What you did there was seen.

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Jim, even when you "cleaned up" his responses they were pretty bad. And what little I saw of Oz I thought showed a pretty good balance between attacking policies while leaving Fetterman alone. Hardly the whiny "How am I not winning by 50 points?" from Shrillary.

And the betting polls show a huge swing to Oz. I think that will only be partly reflected in the vote, but it will probably be enough.

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And the whole thing about Oz speaking quickly. That is incredibly frequent in debates with actual time-limited responses as candidates strive to get as much content in the time allowed as they can.

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Have you ever noticed how much young Hillary resembles Patty McCormack from "The Bad Seed"?

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