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Jun 7, 2022Edited
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Because I publish at noon every day and that was at 5:00.

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Jun 7, 2022
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Those posts were like listening to a bunch of Stepford Wives.

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Jun 8, 2022
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Every edition is a special edition. Patience, please.

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Ace and others are speculating that these lockstep tweets are meant sarcastically. WaPo HR sent out a memo mandating collegiality -- *after* they suspended Weigel over nothing, and *after* they let Sonmez stir up all this trouble and then let her off the hook. People are pissed at Sonmez, pissed at management, pissed about the whole thing. So they are tweeting out a glowing description of life at the WaPo precisely because it is so obviously false.

(Powerline is speculating that Sonmez is deliberately trying to get reprimanded, so she can sue the paper for retaliation, or something...)

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Jun 7, 2022
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"Herb Tarlek is a hard worker, a loyal husband, and an all-around fine person.”


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She's just another clown in the WaPo Clown Car Carnival as far as I can tell. I hope they keep it up. I want to see who is next. Also, they need more bicycle horns and cream pies.

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Jun 7, 2022
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Something has gone completely wrong in our society. Weigel is a weanie but this was just a dumb joke and the response seems way over the top.

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My wife is a strong, independent woman who thought that joke was "stupid, not funny" but said people should just ignore it. To be fair, she once took a grad course in "Gender and Politics" and she said it was "stupid" and her classmates (5 women) couldn't believe she had nothing bad to say about me, and that "They should all be put in the loony bin."

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Burger King Austria reminds us that being gay is all about the Buns.

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Next year, BK-AUS will have hamburgers and they will have hotdogs in them, not ground beef. "See? Because they look like DICKS!!"

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I'm not sorry, but Weigel puts out a strong pedo vibe. I half expect him to offer me some candy as he ushers me to his late model, white box van to help him find a lost puppy.

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But I can kinda see him in his "Free Candy" t-shirt.

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By the way, Weigel (who is whiter than wonder bread) went to Northwestern (the Harvard of the midwest) and Somnez (who is whiter than pure columbian nose candy) went to Harvard (the Fresno City College of the east coast)

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Jose del Real, the gay Mexican guy who took Weigel's side, is also a Harvard Man and Taylor Lorenz was a Europe Boarding School Girl.

The Victim Olympics should exclude The Privileged in the same way Lia Thomas shouldn't be allowed to swin against women: because they're NOT.

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That would make sense in sensible world, one which is a distant memory. For the Legions of the Woke, it's all about skin color and sexual orientation. Traditionally elite signifiers like going to Harvard or Swiss finishing schools, are non-factors.

We live in a world where a Harvard grad is considered a victim, but I'm privileged... and I grew up dirt-ass poor. How poor? My mom cut my hair, I wore hand-me-down clothes from older siblings, and I remember dinners of "white bread with sugar and a glass of milk." *THAT* was my level of poor. Tell me again how I'm "privileged," Taylor Lorenz.

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Hand-me-downs and home haircuts were pretty common in my middle-class neighborhood at the height of the baby boom. But you definitely have me beat on dinner: the cheapest we ever did was fried baloney.

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By High School, my mom and dad gave up on us... basically, mom only "cooked" on the weekends, and she said we needed to start learning how to make our dinner. Not that she ever taught us how. By the time I could work, I was. That was how I bought "decent" clothes that wouldn't get me picked on (Levi's, for example)

My dad literally said to me "you're on your own." I mean, I could live there rent free, but they basically gave up providing anything other than shelter. Damn good thing I didn't get sick, because I woulda been rightfully F***'d

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Frird bologna rocks!

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I was the oldest, so I got hand-me-downs from cousins. As children we wore "unisex" clothes way before it was cool. Mom usually cut our hair. Enough to keep it out of our eyes, or a buzzcut, which was called a "burrhead" where I grew up. Mom cut and sewed my shirts until I was a sophomore and I began working enough to buy some of my own stuff. Some of my old school pictures show some pretty odd shirt material. Whatever was cheap, mostly.

We farmed, so we generally had plenty of food if it was something we could grow or raise or barter. Sometimes sugar and spices and such were in short supply. We supplemented with hunting and fishing. Mom made bread. We bought flour and coffee (and I imagine other things I don't remember). Oh. Mom bought loose tea and made sun tea and "sweetea". We also bought large bags of macaroni. I never saw spaghetti until I was in HS.

Interesting memories this brings back.

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He looks like a young Ron Jeremy, the porn star.

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Great Odin, he sure does!

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I guess it's all about which buns you put your meat between... and what meat you put in your mouth.

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Jimmy Kimmel, who is very not funny, using a gay joke to demean and insult his political enemies is very "On Brand" as the kids say.

Jimmy is a hack. He got famous by hitching his wagon to better, more talented people. Kimmel is a puppet. His show is not comedy, it's propaganda wearing the skin of comedy. Watch his show, watch that clip, is anyone laughing? No. They clap, they hoot and holler. It's a rally, not a show. And he can keep doing this every night, because that's his role: he's the mouth of the state, like the Mouth of Sauron. Him, Colbert, the rest. They're propagandist.

And don't get me started on his use of Guillermo? Tell me it's not racist, by the standard of the left.

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And one of those Funnier people was Ben Stein...

Kimmel is not, nor has he ever been, Funny.

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Didn’t Jimmy Kimmel have a show famous for featuring girls on trampolines?

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Why, Yes. Yes, He Did.

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It was with Adam Carolla, who was the driving talent of the show. To this day, Adam is still more funny on his worst day than Jimmy is on his best.

Also, Jimmy did a black-face Karl Malone skit. It's my opinion the reason why he got his current gig is because they hold these obviously problematic episodes over his head, knowing they can send the full wrath of the Cancel Mob at him the moment he strays from the approved narrative.

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I have to start keeping a log book of every time "popular" voices on the left conjure Putin and Tucker, or Putin and Trump, etc. having gay sex as an insult. The sexism, racism and homophobia is always coming from the Democrats!

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"Busting him for such a minor infraction is sort of like the feds bringing down Al Capone for tax evasion." Yea, but at least it got Capone off the streets.

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Jim: can't help but notice that for the past couple of weeks most of your columns have been unlocked. Trying to build an audience, or just getting forgetful in your pain-free old age? Either way, it's driving certain critics of yours on other sites crazy, which is always amusing to watch.

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TBH, I think I would prefer two bun-bottoms on my Whopper. That makes a sandwich that is easier to eat. And 35 years ago I was night manager at a Burger King right next to a huge college campus. I ate a lot of Whoppers. They should be delicious. Every bit of food brought into my establishment was top grade. If the sandwich is bad, it's because someone screwed up cooking/making it.

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🤣🤣🤣awesome post…giggled through the whole thing. Here is to hoping most of the what’s left of us sane folks found the humor in it all. Sadly…it’s only getting crazier…really wonder if the saying it gets darker before the light is true…these twats out there make me wonder how long the dark will be

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