Removed (Banned)Jun 7, 2022·edited Jun 7, 2022
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Removed (Banned)Jun 7, 2022
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Burger King Austria reminds us that being gay is all about the Buns.

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I'm not sorry, but Weigel puts out a strong pedo vibe. I half expect him to offer me some candy as he ushers me to his late model, white box van to help him find a lost puppy.

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I guess it's all about which buns you put your meat between... and what meat you put in your mouth.

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Jimmy Kimmel, who is very not funny, using a gay joke to demean and insult his political enemies is very "On Brand" as the kids say.

Jimmy is a hack. He got famous by hitching his wagon to better, more talented people. Kimmel is a puppet. His show is not comedy, it's propaganda wearing the skin of comedy. Watch his show, watch that clip, is anyone laughing? No. They clap, they hoot and holler. It's a rally, not a show. And he can keep doing this every night, because that's his role: he's the mouth of the state, like the Mouth of Sauron. Him, Colbert, the rest. They're propagandist.

And don't get me started on his use of Guillermo? Tell me it's not racist, by the standard of the left.

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I have to start keeping a log book of every time "popular" voices on the left conjure Putin and Tucker, or Putin and Trump, etc. having gay sex as an insult. The sexism, racism and homophobia is always coming from the Democrats!

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"Busting him for such a minor infraction is sort of like the feds bringing down Al Capone for tax evasion." Yea, but at least it got Capone off the streets.

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Jim: can't help but notice that for the past couple of weeks most of your columns have been unlocked. Trying to build an audience, or just getting forgetful in your pain-free old age? Either way, it's driving certain critics of yours on other sites crazy, which is always amusing to watch.

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TBH, I think I would prefer two bun-bottoms on my Whopper. That makes a sandwich that is easier to eat. And 35 years ago I was night manager at a Burger King right next to a huge college campus. I ate a lot of Whoppers. They should be delicious. Every bit of food brought into my establishment was top grade. If the sandwich is bad, it's because someone screwed up cooking/making it.

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🤣🤣🤣awesome post…giggled through the whole thing. Here is to hoping most of the what’s left of us sane folks found the humor in it all. Sadly…it’s only getting crazier…really wonder if the saying it gets darker before the light is true…these twats out there make me wonder how long the dark will be

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