WaPo's Dave Weigel Learns How Much His Loyalty to the Democrats Is Worth
HINT: Rhymes with "nothing"
I was working at the Daily Caller in 2010 when they published the JournoList forum e-mails, which caused the Washington Post to suspend Dave Weigel for being too much of a Democratic Party hack even for them. Looking back at the stuff Weigel said in the old days, wishing death on Rush Limbaugh for opposing Obamacare and whatnot, it’s almost quaint by 2022 standards.
It took 12 years for WaPo to suspend Weigel again, and this time the attack is coming from his left:

If you haven’t seen it, here’s the evil horrible sexist joke that triggered the whole imbroglio:
That was it. That’s what the whole thing is about. Another WaPo hack named Felicia Sonmez took it personally that Weigel enjoyed this joke, and now she’s trying to destroy his career over it.
And she’s got a squad:
Apologizing to an angry mob is like cutting yourself to fend off a school of sharks.
And it gets even worse. Or, as the case may be, better:

All this because Weigel laughed at a joke about women being crazy. Sonmez sure is proving him wrong, huh?
Right now I’m ambivalent about the whole thing. Weigel’s bosses have overreacted by suspending him for retweeting a dumb joke, but he sucks at his job anyway. Back in 2010, he should’ve taken the opportunity Tucker Carlson gave him and found a career more suited to his ethical framework. Like selling used cars.1 Busting him for such a minor infraction is sort of like the feds bringing down Al Capone for tax evasion.2
Well, if Felicia Sonmez manages to do what Tucker Carlson couldn’t, my hat is off to her. This is one of those rare situations where no matter who loses, I win.
And maybe Dave Weigel has learned something about the people he’s shown so much loyalty over the years. Maybe he’s learned how quickly and easily they’ll throw a guy to an angry mob, just to save themselves.
Joe Biden wants to grab everybody’s guns. Well, not everybody’s.

Remember when the Democrats told you Hunter’s laptop was “Russian disinformation”?
Much respect to Hunter, though. It’s his God-given right to wave around a gun while smoking crack with prostitutes, all funded by shady deals trading on his family name. There’s nothing more American than crime.
Joe says his son is the smartest guy he knows. Considering the people he knows, I believe it.
June is LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ Pride Month, which means we have to put up with a bunch of brands pretending to care about their customers as human beings.
Today I learned two things: 1) There are Burger King restaurants in Austria, and 2) Their advertising is even worse than it is in America.
As they put it:
Dürfen wir vorstellen? Der Pride WHOPPER®. 🤩 Mit zwei gleichen Buns für gleiche Liebe und gleiche Rechte.
Wir setzen ein Zeichen für die Gleichberechtigung aller Identitäten und sexuellen Orientierungen. Ein kleiner Twist, der ein Lächeln ins Gesicht zaubern soll und uns erinnert, respektvoll und friedlich miteinander umzugehen. Egal wer du bist und wen du liebst. #TimeToBeProud.
I got that last part, but much like Obama, I don’t speak Austrian. Here’s what Google Translate says:
May we introduce The Pride WHOPPER®. 🤩 With two equal buns for equal love and equal rights.
We set an example for the equality of all identities and sexual orientations. A little twist meant to put a smile on our faces and remind us to treat each other with respect and peace. No matter who you are and who you love. #TimeToBeProud.
So it’s just a regular Whopper, but with two bun tops or two bun bottoms. Which is gay, because “top” and “bottom”? Okey-doke.
I just always assumed gay people eat the same food as everybody else. Now I know such an assumption is homophobic. Thank you, Pride Month!
In other Gay Pride News:

Why is Jimmy Kimmel using homosexuality as an insult? Doesn’t he know it’s Pride Month?
Alright, that’s it for me. Now get back to work so you can give me your money!
If that seems harsh, I apologize to used car salesmen.
If that seems harsh, I apologize to Mr. Capone.
Burger King Austria reminds us that being gay is all about the Buns.
I'm not sorry, but Weigel puts out a strong pedo vibe. I half expect him to offer me some candy as he ushers me to his late model, white box van to help him find a lost puppy.