RemovedDec 5, 2022·edited Dec 5, 2022
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Removed (Banned)Dec 5, 2022
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Removed (Banned)Dec 5, 2022
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We will never confuse you with AI. “The Joker and Batman are shown sitting on the couch in the Joker’s new apartment, drinking tea and talking” is funnier than anything you’ve ever written…

I kid! I kid because I love!

Actually, “Her new rules are also made up. The difference is that, unlike the people who made up the rules she hates, she is a moron” *is* funnier. I sit corrected.

Here’s the thing about “white supremacy.” Yes, whites created “the language of power” and “the language of respectability.” But we let anybody use them! Anybody, of any color, can project respectability and/or power, simply by using the tools that we provide them, for free! Whites are amazingly generous people.

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"I teach high school English..." Do you? Do, tho? You might do a lot of things, but "teaching" is not one of them.

Most of you don't know, but I work in "The Schools." I work in support, I'm not a "teacher" or an "administrator." And here is what I do know; every teacher has to be evaluated, and there are many things they are evaluated on. The Principal has to sit in, watch a class be taught. So, this "teacher" has to explain why they "teach" in a manner that, you know, isn't actually "teaching." And that Principal has to sign off on this. Then that Principal need to explain to higher executives why they let this "Teacher" get away with this shit. Then the school board, if they do their job, needs to explain to the parents why their kids talk all whack, and can't read worth a lick.

So, in my schools (I work at a number of schools and interact with a number of teachers and administrators) I never see this shit. I have no idea how these schools explain and rationalize teachers like this.

Guess what I'm trying to say is that this sort of crap is either very rare, my district is somehow immune from these sort of teachers, or those teachers who are all justice-warriory just can not wait to get it out there. I don't know. I do know that you can't ignore loser ass "teachers" like this, because as soon as you do, they're everywhere.

Eh ... what do I know. I'm a duck who rides a bike, and I'm not doing a lot of bike riding lately since it's been Cold AF, and there is a ton of snow on the ground. Been riding the trainer, which sucks. But it's better than getting fat. Because everyone loves a fat duck, especially with a nice orange sauce and a side of garlic mashed potatoes.

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Dec 5, 2022·edited Dec 5, 2022

Socialism, like many Satan inspired ideologies, has only one goal: the orderly transition of existing people into non-existence. Socialism views people not as a resource, but a drain on resources that need to be managed, reduced and ultimately destroyed. With abortion and euthanasia it's all very orderly, but with Hitler and Holocausts it gets messy - but the end is the same, remove human beings. I wonder when the robots write about Trudeau and Western Civ in general if it with think about it in the same way it described Hitler.

As for the AI chat prompts and art, we are moving into that artificial general intelligence (AGI) phase of the Anthropocene where the public at large hands the keys of creation, decision making, and other "dull mind work" over to the machines. Like in Dune, it may be several millennia before a crusade against the machines forces mankind to take back what it gave away, at the cost of much sacrifice... assuming we're all still here and we didn't program the machines to be Socialists (spoiler: we will) and they just view humanity as a vestigial left over of their own civilization to be cast out and removed.

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"so Canada offered to move her into a coffin"

*vet looking at brochure* "I don't see any Round Trip pricing on here."

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"ChatGPT can also write sonnets"

Iambic Pentameter FTW!


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"No, seriously, I’m the one who wrote the words you’re reading right now. Honest. I am a human being!"

Sure, whatever.


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"These are all made-up rules. They’re arbitrary. They were created by Westerners in power."

"Being fluent in English is racist."

"I teach high school English,..."

See, here's the thing: The only reason you expect to be seen - nay, respected you plebes!- as an ostensible "expert" in the field of English is that you went to school and studied, presumably, the rules of English.

If the rules are made up and your education and certifications are meaningless then your experience, wisdom, and advice are no more useful than those of any other Internet Rando.

Did I already mention that #ShakespeareWasWrite ?

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"I’m scared, y’all. I don’t think AI is quite there yet, but there will come a day when it can compose compelling prose better than most humans can. Then what happens to people like… well, me?"

Thomas Friedman has been spitting out columns like this for decades and he's practically on the NYT Masthead.

And he's not funny. Nor smart. Nor quite like a Real Boy, but I digress...


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My biggest pet peeve with the education systems nationwide is the neglect in teaching proper grammar, punctuation, spelling, and not correcting people when they use the wrong homonym.

I work for an extremely large privately owned conglomerate. I run the legal department. Do you want to take a stab at how many people there are in this corporate office that can write a proper business letter - or a letter of any type that would be acceptable anywhere outside the flying thumbs community? Other than me, about two, and that is pushing it. I get resumes that I know are professionally done because once I have the person on the phone and I start speaking with them, they clearly do not have the speaking skills so I KNOW that there is no way in Hell that they have the writing skills.

People are being graduated with false hope. That is the saddest part. High school - all of the public school experience - is the one and only time where you really and truly have the opportunity to level the playing field - FOR FREE. All you have to do is the work, if you have the teachers willing to do right by you. If they and their principals fail, we are doomed.

Stop lowering standards. Children will learn if if you treat them with respect knowing that they are going to learn, not thinking that that they won't. That's how we are operating in NYC now. It's all pretense and happy chat. Meanwhile less than 50% of kids are at grade level in every subject. It's a disgrace. But by all means, let's keep teachers like this boob who thinks correcting grammar and spelling is white supremacy.

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You know, as creative as ChatGPT is, your ideas were insanely clever! Batman helping the Joker move into an apartment? Einstein and Beach Babes?! "I can't even get my maid to do the windows, much less a contract killing." I laughed out loud. Then I realized how f***** up Canada is. Thank you for the picture of worst haircut of the week.

Are you SURE you're not AI? How do you know? Did the machine tell you?

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Of course you're not a robot. They don't have Furnace Funds.

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I'm, thinking that if rules of grammar and rhetoric are made-up tools of White Oppression, WHY IS SHE AN ENGLISH TEACHER? It's obvious that she receives some kind of thrill encouraging children to break rules and be "transgressive." Does she have a goal to her grooming? Is she picturing their faces as she touches herself in the lady's room? Ugh.

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"In case you’re worried, I give you the Jim Treacher Promise: I will never use AI-generated text in this newsletter without clearly labeling it as such for the purposes of demonstration and/or humor. I won’t try to pass off the work of a mindless machine as my own mindless work. "

That just what AI would want you to say.

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