Canucks Claim Killing Cripples Is Compassionate Care
(I get to say "cripple" because I am one)
Last week a disabled Canadian military veteran testified in front of the country’s Parliament, claiming that when she complained to Veterans Affairs about a delay in installing a wheelchair lift in her home, they offered to… euthanize her.
If you’re an MSNBC viewer and you don’t know what “euthanize” means: This lady was having trouble getting around the house, so Canada offered to move her into a coffin.
Wow, even Canada’s own government admits that living in the second-worst snowbound communist country on Earth is a fate worse than death.
This sort of medical advice is not only legal in Canada, it’s actually preferred under the country’s Medical Assistance In Dying law, or MAID. Hey, maybe socialized medicine is the way to go after all. I can’t even get my maid to do the windows, let alone a contract killing.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called the situation “absolutely unacceptable,” which is the sort of rhetoric he usually reserves for his haircuts.
Maybe it’s not all bad, though. Cutting down on the number of Canadians would really speed up the drive-thru line at Tim Hortons.
Hang in there, Canada! You still have something to live for, at least until they stop making new episodes of Letterkenny.
If you haven’t read “the Twitter Files” yet — the internal Twitter documents from Oct. 2020, during the company’s active suppression of a legitimate news story about Hunter Biden, which Elon Musk is now making public — you can find the whole thing here.
It’s nice to be proven right yet again. Silicon Valley censored that story because it might’ve kept a man they hated in the White House, and then they lied to us about it. Now we can see the proof for ourselves that it was no accident.
But mainly I just enjoy the wailing and gnashing of teeth among our moral, ethical, and intellectual betters in the press. They got caught with their pants down, and they ain’t happy.
Here, read this:
It is no secret that Kanye West is a controversial figure in the world of music and entertainment. In the past, he has made headlines for his outlandish statements and behavior, but his recent comments about Adolf Hitler have sparked outrage and condemnation from fans and critics alike.
In an interview with a popular radio show, Kanye West praised Hitler, calling him a “great artist” and saying that he was “not using his mind” but “heart.” He went on to say that Hitler “was the one who came up with the concept of the Holocaust, but he was a great painter.”
These comments are not only deeply offensive and hurtful, but they are also historically inaccurate. Hitler was not a great painter, nor was he a great artist of any kind. He was a monstrous dictator who committed some of the worst atrocities in human history.
Kanye West’s comments about Hitler have sparked widespread backlash, with many calling for him to apologize and educate himself about the atrocities of the Holocaust. His words are not only offensive, but they also serve to minimize the suffering of millions of people during the Holocaust.
It is important for public figures like Kanye West to be careful with their words and to consider the impact they may have on their audience. Praising a genocidal dictator like Adolf Hitler is never acceptable, and Kanye West should be held accountable for his words.
I didn’t write that. In fact, nobody did.
It came from something called ChatGPT, a new app from a company called OpenAI. All I did was create a free account and type in a brief prompt — “Write a blog post about Kanye West praising Hitler” — and ChatGPT cranked out a few hundred words in the time it took you to finish this sentence. Those aren’t real quotes, but they do sound like the sort of stuff Kanye is saying these days.
ChatGPT can also write sonnets:
The machine spit that out in about 10 seconds, and it’s better than anything I could come up with in an hour.
Or how about a surprisingly funny comic book script featuring the same characters?
Again, the machine produced all that text in a matter of seconds. The bit where the Joker struggles with the heavy box and Batman picks it up easily is actually pretty good! And it came up with the stuff about the Joker trying to go straight, which makes sense considering the context. Why else would Batman help him?
And how about this:
ChatGPT even came up with the name of the beer. And the slogan. Holy crap!
Then I used DALL·E, also from OpenAI, to create a mock-up beer label for “Einstein’s Beach Brew”:
Boom. The machines created a beer brand and its attendant ad campaign in less than 2 minutes.
I’m scared, y’all. I don’t think AI is quite there yet, but there will come a day when it can compose compelling prose better than most humans can. Then what happens to people like… well, me?
It was funny when the journos got fired, because they’re a bunch of lying hacks. But replacing honest, hardworking bloggers with these soulless machines? It’s just plain wrong. We can’t let Skynet happen for real!
In case you’re worried, I give you the Jim Treacher Promise: I will never use AI-generated text in this newsletter without clearly labeling it as such for the purposes of demonstration and/or humor. I won’t try to pass off the work of a mindless machine as my own mindless work.
No, seriously, I’m the one who wrote the words you’re reading right now. Honest. I am a human being!
…Which is exactly what an AI would be programmed to say, isn’t it? Dammit.
And speaking of English majors who ain’t got a brain in they damn head:

As an educator, I’m constantly worried if I am part of the problem.
What do I mean by that? Well, public education is an institution that upholds lots of [CHUCKLES] problematic systems in our society, like white supremacy and misogyny and colonization, etc. In my role as an educator, I try to undermine that B.S. in my classroom as much as I possibly can.
I teach high school English, and whoo! The white supremacy runs deep. What do I mean by that? Well, let’s look at how we write essays:
“Start with an introduction that includes a thesis.”
“Always cite your sources.”
“Use transition words, like ‘however’ and ‘therefore.’”These are all made-up rules. They’re arbitrary. They were created by Westerners in power.
In Linguistic Justice, April Baker-Bell calls this the language of respectability, or the language of power. Which got me thinking: What if I started my school year with a unit honoring how we talk, rather than teaching students how to write properly?
Being fluent in English is racist.
That’s from a TikTok account called @shafferlovestoread. It would also be nice if Shaffer loved to think about what she reads, but I guess this is a start.
For someone who loves to read so much, she obviously doesn’t realize that the phrase “made-up rules” is redundant. All rules are made up. Her new rules are also made up. The difference is that, unlike the people who made up the rules she hates, she is a moron.
Learning to express yourself intelligibly isn’t “white,” for God’s sake. What sort of racist thinks black people shouldn’t be taught how to read and write? Who does this woman think she is, a plantation owner?
It reminds me of a great sketch from comedian Ryan Long:
Conservatives aren’t the ones rolling back decades of civil rights victories. Libs are doing that. And they’re very impatient.
Hope your Monday is going well, and thank you for reading my humble newsletter. I swear I haven’t been replaced by a robot.
"I teach high school English..." Do you? Do, tho? You might do a lot of things, but "teaching" is not one of them.
Most of you don't know, but I work in "The Schools." I work in support, I'm not a "teacher" or an "administrator." And here is what I do know; every teacher has to be evaluated, and there are many things they are evaluated on. The Principal has to sit in, watch a class be taught. So, this "teacher" has to explain why they "teach" in a manner that, you know, isn't actually "teaching." And that Principal has to sign off on this. Then that Principal need to explain to higher executives why they let this "Teacher" get away with this shit. Then the school board, if they do their job, needs to explain to the parents why their kids talk all whack, and can't read worth a lick.
So, in my schools (I work at a number of schools and interact with a number of teachers and administrators) I never see this shit. I have no idea how these schools explain and rationalize teachers like this.
Guess what I'm trying to say is that this sort of crap is either very rare, my district is somehow immune from these sort of teachers, or those teachers who are all justice-warriory just can not wait to get it out there. I don't know. I do know that you can't ignore loser ass "teachers" like this, because as soon as you do, they're everywhere.
Eh ... what do I know. I'm a duck who rides a bike, and I'm not doing a lot of bike riding lately since it's been Cold AF, and there is a ton of snow on the ground. Been riding the trainer, which sucks. But it's better than getting fat. Because everyone loves a fat duck, especially with a nice orange sauce and a side of garlic mashed potatoes.
We will never confuse you with AI. “The Joker and Batman are shown sitting on the couch in the Joker’s new apartment, drinking tea and talking” is funnier than anything you’ve ever written…
I kid! I kid because I love!
Actually, “Her new rules are also made up. The difference is that, unlike the people who made up the rules she hates, she is a moron” *is* funnier. I sit corrected.
Here’s the thing about “white supremacy.” Yes, whites created “the language of power” and “the language of respectability.” But we let anybody use them! Anybody, of any color, can project respectability and/or power, simply by using the tools that we provide them, for free! Whites are amazingly generous people.