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Sep 2, 2022
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I wonder how many people have actually watched "Triumph of the Will"? Remarkable as propaganda.

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Sep 2, 2022
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"though feel free to continue opining on TV shows and movies so I can pretend some knowledge of current entertainment"

Same. And me and Senora Pi still have to watch all of Breaking Bad just to be able to watch Better Call Saul at this point! But at least I can hang at cocktail parties - ammirite?

I still miss Minesweeper...

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Sep 2, 2022
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"No, you vacuous pinhead, that nation was already built, and in existence for 200+ years before you and the turd in the punch bowl began to systematically dismantle it by setting race relations back nearly 80 years."

^THIS. Like, 2.718 GigaThis-es.

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"Why is this Alzheimer’s patient yelling? It’s like America is a lawn and he wants you off it." - chef's kiss

This should be the GOP's presidential campaign slogan in 2024, provided, of course, they run a candidate who's been eligible to join the AARP for less than 15 years. I have my doubts that will happen.

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Pi Guy 2024: I probably won't make $#!+ any worse!

Caveat: Eligible for AARP but do not identify as one who is eligible for AARP

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Sep 2, 2022
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So you're saying I can count on your vote?

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I've been getting mailings for AARP for a few years now (they start pestering you at age 50), but their marketing messages still say "old people". They want to give me a free "tote bag" in order to join their group. No thanks. Call me back when you can offer me a PS5 or other retro-1980s video game system.

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Feels like AARP + PS5 should never be in the same sentence.

By which I mean, "Stop pestering me!"

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I believe they accept members from 50 and up now.

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Look, man - I already knew it was 50 and was totally content to live with Lillian's 55.

You're killing me, Smalls!

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Alas, impeachment is reserved for high crimes and misdemeanors. Being an incompetent, incoherent demagogue doesn't count. Colluding with private industry to violate civil rights might, *if* we can find Joe's fingerprints on it.

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Yeah, instead of impeachment you would have to start 25th amendment discussions, but only if the republicans take over Congress; there's no way Pelosi's crime family is going to do it, considering her age and sanity are just about the same as Brandon's. But careful what you wish for, if Joe goes we get President Cackling Joker.

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I still think that we'll know when they're about 25th The Big Guy because they'll have to pull a Spiro on Kama la la la and install The New and Improved Gerald Ford.

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That's a really interesting take – instead of having Kamala take over, they produce some kind of scandal or other method to get her to resign from office, then basically they install someone new and then go for Joe with the 25th. Never thought about that, but that might make more sense.

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I think everyone in Congress has a scandal somewhere behind them.

Like in the movie "The Firm." They've got whatever they want. They're just waiting to drop it.

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Love the reference. There are Many Wilford Brimleys on both sides of the political spectrum just waiting to pounce. Speaking of WB, I was today years old when I found out that he was only 49 when he was in the movie Cocoon. I'm past that age and thankfully I don't look like they did in the 1980s...

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That bar has been lowered considerably in recent years...

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I want so badly to say "So what?!" but I do feel like we either have to stop doing it when it's wrong - OR go freaking Scorched Earth on everyone and no one lasts a week in Big Fed Gov without dealing with an Hoover-style investigation on the side. Total. Gridlock.

Because, as always, a Do-Nothing Congress is like a Do-Nothing Rapist.

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Sep 2, 2022
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"...or we'll be going through presidents faster than we go through underwear."

Yeah. I mean, a new president every Saturday isn't very appealing.

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When Bill Clinton was acquitted, my first thought was, Gerald Ford was right. This gives you some idea of how old I am.

Upon assuming office, one of Ford's first acts was to give Nixon a general, blanket pardon for any acts committed while in office. Immediately the cry went up: the fix is in! Nixon's hand-picked successor let him go scot-free! But Ford's reasoning was: Watergate had put the country through the wringer; Nixon was out of office; prosecution wouldn't accomplish anything except divide the country further; and anyway, prosecuting deposed leaders is real banana-republic stuff that we don't do here.

The Clinton impeachment accomplished nothing, except to divide the country further. Half the voters learned that Republicans are prudes who will criminalize personal sexual behavior; the other half learned that the Democrats have a two-tiered justice system and will never convict one of their own.

The first Trump impeachment accomplished nothing, except to divide the country further. Half the voters learned that the Democrats were so out of control they would criminalize routine executive activity; the other half learned that the Republicans have a two-tiered justice system and will never convict one of their own.

The second Trump impeachment accomplished nothing. Everyone learned that impeachment is just political theater, sound and fury, etc.

Mister, we could use a man like Gerald Ford again.

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"Mister, we could use a man like Gerald Ford again."


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If his cabinet wants an excuse to 25th Amendment him, what more do they need?

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And give up that sweet sinecure?

Pffftt... Dr. "Edith" Jill laughs in your general direction.

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They've had good cause to 25 him practically since Inauguration Day. They haven't yet, and I don't see this pushing them over the line.

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I wish you weren't right but I think you might be. They really want Joe to be their guy for some reason or another.

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Lack of viable alternatives.

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Harsh ... but true.

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Treach, how did your newsletter wind up in my spam email?!

"Unity now means its opposite." How true.

You should not have used CNN's "pinkening" of the Blood Red Backdrop. Someone put up a great pic with Biden and the Dracula logo. Also, Two Minutes of Hate and check out the video embedded:


You're dead right on the school closings. Millions of kids' learning has been affected. The CDC FOLLOWED the Teachers' Union recommendations. If you care about your kids, you can't forgive and vote Dem.

Monthly "Disinfo" meetings? With government agents and agencies?! And now Google, YouTube, Twitter and FB are doing it again?! https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/technology/google-youtube-election-misinformation-2022-midterms This will indeed be an uphill battle.

Have a great weekend.

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This post led me to become a paid subscriber - :)

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*whispers* Pssssst...

Meet me behind the Drive-Thru at the MdD's on the Hill in Shrewsbury at 3am tomorrow. That's Saturday on your phone.

I'll have your ID Badge and show you the Secret Handshake. You still need to get 2/3 majority vote but I've got Tex and Lillia and BikeDuck and that guy from MN in the bag so you'll be fine. *nods vigorously*

So, like, welcome aboard!

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I got up this morning, and I knew Jim would mail out a banger. Not disappointed at all.

I don't know who said it first, but whoever said "democrats will always do what they accuse republicans of doing." That is how I knew that "speech" from Biden was going to declare war on half of America. When he started calling MAGA "semi-fascist" you knew the full fascist was gonna be on full display, and that's what we got.

I don't know if I have the words to say what others have said better than me. The speech and it's optics were off the charts gross, and it was without a doubt the most obscene display in modern American history. I'm glad I had better things to do than watch Biden take a hot, steamy dump on America.

That dude really, truly, wants civil war 2.0. He sees half of America has a profoundly different outlook on life and his answer is to damn us to hell? I mean, that's what I took from him. Like you, I didn't vote for Trump, but if you want me to vote for Trump, this is the sort of shit you will do, D-Party. So, keep it up...

Did you see that Jonah Goldberg gave the speech his blessings... in the way that soft, pale-ass NeverTumpers can be counted on. Did you know he wrote a book called "Liberal Fascism?" It's true! I looked it up!

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"Did you see that Jonah Goldberg gave the speech his blessings..."

Sweet Baby Thor - what happened to you, man?!

The big concern about the "most obscene display in modern American history" is that, while I'm sure there's plenty of merely moderately irrational Dems who know it's a little bit over the top, far too many are really believe it.

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Thinking about this a bit more...

The saying, "Never attribute to malice that which can be attributed to ignorance." might be at play here.

When your so certain of your ideology that you can't imagine that someone might simply be unable to appreciate the genius and inevitable implementation of your preferred policy, when "they" can't be convince by "reason," they're left with no other option other than to assume that you're just evil.

So, in order to keep their entire world-view from collapsing, they MUST assume non-adherents are really really bad people who need to be punished.

This might be true of some on both sides but it sure seems like many more on the left are comfortable with forcing compliance.

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At this point, and over the next 2 months, the point is not to unify America, but rather to rally your base to get out and vote for your guy... It's not about villifying the right (although that's always bonus points in their book), but rather to get all of those on the ultra left to try and stop the waves as they come crashing on the beach. The problem with this strategy is often that it could backfire and you get more people on the right and middle to wake up and say, "yeah, that's wrong, I better vote this time around". In 2016 it was comments that Hillary Clinton made about how the GOP was full of "deplorables" that rallied a lot of us to swallow the Trump pill and vote for him (I felt much better voting for him in 2020 than in 2016, but it doesn't really matter in Blueville, Northeast where I'm from). It's all a game of numbers at this point.

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Damn, I never thought I'd long for the days when being called "deplorable" was the worst thing going on. Yet, here we are.

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The Bloody Nine!!

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"Deny science all you want, but you will not force me to comply."

I am frankly surprised at the relative lack of backlash against all this. The pressure still tends toward comply at this point.

But maybe it's like Sanctuary Cities: you probably don't realize how absolutely weird and uncomfortable it is to be around someone like this until there's a busload of them in the crowd with you. They're completely broken and their opinions of pretty much everything should be skeptically regarded.

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As they say, I am sure the speech sounded better in the original German.

Since you liked Abercrombie I recommend Miles Cameron's the Red Knight (and four sequels) and John Gwynne's the Shadow of the Gods (one sequel thus far).

There is only one Bloody Nine but these guys come close.

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I've read the First Law trilogy and the Age of Madness trilogy. What are the other three books that comprise the nine you've read by Abercrombie. I'd love to see those books made into a mini-series!

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Best served cold, heroes, and red country

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"It’s time to start seriously talking about impeachment."

Bite your tongue. The last thing we want to do is relieve the donkeys of this idiot. He was the dumbest guy in Washington before he was senile. He's hanging around their necks and that's where we want him.

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"Bite your tongue. The last thing we want to do is relieve the donkeys of this idiot."

Interesting take. I like it.

I am intrigued by your ideas and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

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"Democrats never admit they were wrong. They just deny they ever said it. Hell, they’ll even claim they argued your position and you argued theirs. They’re just evil. There’s simply no other word for it."

Proof that Biden/Dems are the new Amber Heard.

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Sounds like a great campaign slogan: "Be more like Johnny Depp!"

I can get behind this.

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Absolutely right about Joe Abercrombie. Just finishing up his most recent book Wisdom of Crowds. Loved them all. Made the mistake of waiting a year to read this one. I couldn’t remember who was who.

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