Alec Baldwin still hasn’t given his cellphone to the New Mexico police investigating the death of Halyna Hutchins, the woman Baldwin shot last October on the set of the never-to-be-completed film Rust. And you’ll never guess who the real victim is…
The best way, the only way we can honor the death of Halyna Hutchins is to find out the truth. That’s what I’m working toward, insisting on, demanding, that the organizations involved in this investigation do everything in their power, everything in their power to find out what really happened. That’s all that matters. The best way to honor the death of Halyna Hutchins is to find out the truth.
And any suggestion that we’re not complying, myself and any lawyers I’m working with or what have you, is a lie. That’s a lie. We’re gonna, as soon as we go through this process, then by all means we will comply. But I have no worries about that. I have no worries about that. That’s all going to work itself out. Regardless of what they say in these right-wing rag sheets and people who are all about hate.
But setting aside all the hate, setting aside all the January 6th of it all, there it is.
Anybody who thinks Alec Baldwin could be doing more to help the investigation is just a right-wing hater, just like the 1/6 rioters. Or something.
And then Baldwin held up a Splenda packet. Here’s his explanation for the Splenda packet:

Okay, so this guy has lost his mind. Somehow I don’t think a Splenda endorsement deal is in his future.
If I were Alec Baldwin’s legal counsel, I’d make him give up all his electronic devices, not just the one the cops want. Legally speaking, he needs to stop posting this stuff for his own good. He looks and sounds completely insane, and the more he tries to convince us he had nothing to do with that woman’s death, the less we believe him. From a legal standpoint, he should just STFU.
But I’m not his lawyer, and he seems like a really bad person, so I hope he keeps babbling like a loon. It’s all evidence, and he’s providing it of his own volition.
Yeah, Joe Biden is doing fine. Why do you ask?

That’s exactly what you want to hear when your whole neighborhood just burned down: windmills! You’re gettin’ windmills! Yay!!
Notice how libs aren’t attacking her for running around Miami without a mask. Notice how her enablers in the media aren’t acting like getting sick is some sort of moral failing. Notice how none of them are screaming that she’s killing Grandma.
That’s because she’s 1) a fellow Democrat, and 2) a healthy, vaccinated young woman who will be mildly sick for a few days. Then she’ll be fine. It’s not a big deal. She’s gonna be okay, and so are you. Calm down.1
Here’s wishing AOC a speedy recovery, so she can blame Ron DeSantis and make Republicans want to elect him president in 2024.

That’s not what he asked, of course. It’s been 22 months, and they can’t tell us how many Americans have died as a direct result of COVID-19. Isn’t that kind of important? Shouldn’t they have an answer by now?
Only if they’re concerned about public health. But they’re not. They’re propagandists, nothing more. The messaging is only changing because the political goals are changing. I don’t trust them, and if you do, you’re a rube.
Update: See?

Bob Saget, R.I.P. I never watched any of his shows, but his reputation preceded him. It was wild when I found out years ago that America’s Blandest Dad was also the dirtiest comedian ever. He died on the road during a stand-up tour, so at least he went out doing what he loved:

If you know anything about Bob Saget, you know he’d be making jokes about his own death if he weren’t, y’know, dead. “I went from Full House to a full casket,” something like that. “Stay tuned for my new show, America’s Funniest Funeral Mishaps.” But I won’t do that, out of respect.
The Golden Globes were last night. If you didn’t notice, neither did anybody else. It was a private ceremony, it wasn’t televised anywhere, and I cared about as much as I did when they threw a huge glitzy party.
Apparently the lower profile has less to do with COVID protocols than with the lack of “diversity” and “representation” in the awards. So they just cancelled the whole thing. But cancel culture doesn’t exist, right?
Maybe Hollywood should just stop giving itself so many awards. But hey, congratulations to whoever won, I guess?
The Righteous Gemstones is back on HBO, after a hiatus of over two years. (Thanks a lot, Chinese Communist Party!) I haven’t had a chance to watch it yet, because I’m hard at work preparing this newsletter for your ass, but the first season was absolutely hilarious and I’m looking forward to more.
I don’t know how Danny McBride does it. He always plays the same character, just in different professions, yet he’s always funny. It’s fun to laugh at an arrogant guy who only makes things worse for himself. All his problems are self-created, yet he blames everybody else. Someday he really needs to play the president of the United States.
And if you think this show is a ridiculous caricature, just ask Joel Osteen why a plumber found $600,000 hidden in the walls of his church. That sounds like something right out of the Gemstones.
Happy Monday, and thanks for reading. Please subscribe so I can keep doing this. I’m 100% independent, I’m not selling ads or your personal information, which means nobody’s paying me except the good people who read me.
Maybe you’re just not a good person? That could why you’re too cheap to shell out $5/month or $50/year to read me every single day. I shouldn’t take it personally, right? You’re this way with everybody, is that it? I don’t want to believe it, but I guess it’s true. Sad.
Now watch me get flagged for “COVID misinformation.” People have been banned from every Internet platform you can name for saying the same stuff the CDC is finally getting around to admitting. I’m really tired of these lying hypocrites.
Brandon is such a genius that we can’t see that he may be on to something here! If we had giant windmills everywhere, they would be taking the energy out of hurricanes and tornados to generate power for everybody. Win win!
BTW I heard somewhere that Alec Baldwin has enlisted OJ Simpson to help find the real killer.