I'm just stunned by the idea that no one in America's gigantic intelligence and defense communities had a dissenting opinion that things would NOT be fine and the Afghan leadership and army AREN'T strong, contrary to what Biden told us this summer, and that it wouldn't be what actually happen.

I mean, they had worked in this country for 20 years. That's a whole career for some of them.

They knew the character of the leaders and soldiers they trained, their martial abilities, their culture, their religion. You telling me nobody stood up and said, "Uh, their conscripts are unmotivated and high on hash all the time, their officers are cowards who will make a deal rather than fight, and their leaders sleazy kleptocrats with helicopters to elsewhere gassed up and ready to go. They're going to fold faster that Superman on laundry day?"

Nobody? Not a single analyst or general? No officer or NCO who worked with their military? Everybody at the White House who in their hearts knew that Biden was going to straight up lie to the world? Incredible.

Instead, we got sunshine piped up our skirts for months and now Biden is angry we didn't appreciate that.

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Makes you wonder how well are these people informed about other, even more serious threats, like Chinese expansion, North Korean and Iranian nuclear programs, Russia, etc. What's the point of having the most powerful military in the world, if it's completely blinded by its bureaucracy and unwillingness to see the truth.

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In their defense, the intelligence services have had a lot on their plate these last few years, what with concocting multiple schemes against Trump. They’re just distracted.

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^ This

The number of plots The Alphabets have foiled in the last few years that turn out to be a handful of white guys who like fishing and maybe don't read so swell who just happen to have met a couple or three FBI agents at The Watering Hole is too many.

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Exactly. Why didn’t they know, after 20 years there? Astounding incompetence by our military/intelligence establishment. Or did they know and kept it going to keep the money trough going for defense contractors?

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I mean those trillions we spent on Afghanistan went somewhere! Somebody got that money.

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I was 12 or 13 when KISS first hit it big. Even at that age I knew they were pathetic try-hards.

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Me, too. A kid on the bus once tried to convince me that the album cover for "Destroyer" was named the best album cover of all time.

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First album I ever bought: Kiss - Love Gun. I was 12, I think, so c.1977.

I loved it but Van Halen was lots better.

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Point of information: Beau Biden died of cancer. His death, while a tragedy for the Biden family, has nothing to do with military service or sacrifice.

Hunter served in the military, too. How come his Dad doesn't bring him up as a shining example of his family's commitment to service?

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*cough cough* failed pee test *cough*

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