I have a sub to Apple TV, and I think they crank out some good stuff. Some of my favorite series are on ATV. I think Slow Horses is one the best TV shows I've ever seen. I put it right up there with Breaking Bad in terms of greatness. My favorite drama on ATV is Pachinko. I'm watching it for the second time, and it's brilliant. The actress Kim Min-Ha is outstanding, and is able to show more depth and drama in the nod of her head than the entire Rings of Power cast does in two season. For real, I'm not using hyperbole. The scene where her character agrees to marry the preacher? She hardly says a word, and I've cried each time I've seen it. Just so much emotion. The last time I cried that hard, I crashed on my gravel bike, snapping my collarbone.

Severance is fantastic, so is Black Bird. I mean, Disney+ would drop kick a toddler to have even one of those shows. I haven't seen a bad show on Apple TV. Not saying they don't have bad shows, but I just haven't seen it. Netflix is all about volume; cranking out show over show, seeing what sticks. ATV has more quality. Again, just the opinion of a stupid bike riding duck.

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Slow Horses is the funniest show on TV. River Cartwright, man...

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Isn't the idea/inside joke behind Wolfs that Harvey Keitel's Mr. Wolf from Pulp Fiction is now an eponymous noun for that kind of fixer?

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Ferdinand was my father's middle name. Never knew why. It may have been an old "family name" that his parents wanted to keep alive. But he hated it, and it died with him.

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I don't watch TV (not a snob, as such, I just quit finding most show interesting -- old age maybe), and the '80s were a weird 'lost decade' for me, so I probably won't see any of these, although Wolfs sounds interesting.

The Hair Bands (although I was aware of some '80s bands and enjoyed several) always seemed to me to be heralding the end of rock'n'roll as I knew it. Happend to most of us I suppose. But the whole "you gotta have a gimmick" to get noticed for even very good music always seemed to me to be a weird trade-off. Maybe I'm just too cynical.

However, I do appreciate that people can find music and TV shows and books that they enjoy. It gives me some hope.

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