RemovedAug 12, 2022·edited Aug 12, 2022
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I gotta admit when, at the end of "Mystery Men," she smiles, my cold, robot heart melted.

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“There’s no reason you have to pay $4 or $5 for gasoline when you can have an all electric vehicle.”

"There's no reason you have to pay $65,000 for an electric car when you can have an all gas-powered vehicle."

See? It sounds just as dumb that way, too.

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I can has an all electric vehicle? Great! Send it to my house, Senator!

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*takes EV out of petty cash, prepares for shipping*

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They must know our current grids can’t support that many EV’s, right? This is hollow pandering, they can’t be this stupid.

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Please. Don't say "they can’t be this stupid". They may take it as a challenge.

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"And Gene won’t wake up in bed next to his real wife, Janeane Garofalo"

I don't know how old you have to be to remember, the last episode Newhart with him waking up with Suzanne Pleshette beside him, "I just had this crazy dream..."

That was ingenious.

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Best series ending EVER. MASH's was a mess. Newhart went out with the funniest episode of the whole series.

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By the time MASH ended, Alan Alda had way too much control. I'm pretty sure he wasn't that good a writer or director.

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And the easiest paycheck & ovation Suzanne Pleshette every got.

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(Yeah, I included that clip)

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Yes, sorry. I watched it.

I was just trying to express something like, "I was there, man."

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It was damn near perfect.

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Any excuse to see (or hear) Suzanne Pleshette.

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"twitter will take action against misleading claims"... uh-huh, sure they will. We all know what's going on here. Just some good old fashioned "fortifying" of the election.

But, that's the thing about censorship in the modern era. Back in the day, if you wanted to censor someone, it took a lot of effort that had to be done out in the open, with the entire world staring at you with their googly eyes. Now? You just do a couple of keystrokes, and it's gone. No one even knows it happens.

What I found interesting in one of the old KJP tweets was that Gov Kemp said he didn't know that asymptomatic people could pass the virus. Guess what? They can't. That whole lie, that idea they could, was one of the main lies pushed on us to have mass lockdowns. It was misleading, it was "misinformation." But it was the good sort of misinformation, the type that Corporate State needed in order to get shit done.

I could go on and on about the futility of "electric cars." They ain't gonna happen, they never will. It's a lie, a mirage of a lie. What we should be working on is making ALL cars and trucks as fuel efficient and net-zero emission as possible. That's something we can do, is feasible, and won't cripple the current economy in the process. But crippling the economy is the goal, it's what they want to "transition" to, a return to feudalism. And Markey is an idiot. An absolute moron. Almost as dumb as my senator, Merkley of OR. He couldn't find his ass with both hands if it had a bell on it.

The more I see of Fauci, the more I am absolutely convinced that he loves the smell of his own farts.

Try as I might, I am trying to avoid BCS till I get a chance to see the whole last season.

What I am trying to do is ride the bike as much as possible as I can while summer is still nigh.

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"The more I see of Fauci, the more I am absolutely convinced that he loves the smell of his own


"Trust me... I ... I don't get excited about it."

The dude's office is filled with pictures and even a Dr. Fauci "Action" Figure. He's definitely excited about it (if, in fact, it's actually a thing).

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Fall is nigh. Summer is here, but ending.

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Electric cars may happen. If they do, they will be luxurious, and available only to the top 2% or so, the true elite. The next 6-8% or so "candidate pool" for joining the 2% (like children of the current 2%, particularly ept climbers, the cream of the actual "doing stuff" who understand the system, etc.) will get small EVs that they can't control.

The "toiling masses" (to the extent the 2% *need* toiling masses) will live (and possibly work) in big buildings, in very tiny dwelling space, walk to work if necessary, or ride Japanese sardine-can-style "mass transit". Those jobs necessary to be performed in the boonies may be allowed old, diesel or gasoline powered vehicles when needed, and not for personal reasons.

All of this will "allow the Earth to heal." And provide a nice life for a few, until the system breaks down totally.

Fauci undoubtedly sniffs his armpits when he's alone in his office.

Enjoy the rest of your summer, Duck.

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"Fauci undoubtedly sniffs his armpits when he's alone in his office."


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“It's called ‘the Fauci effect’…people go to medical school and go into science…because I symbolize, integrity, and truth"

This is infuriating. After Lysenko, no "scientist" has done more to distort the meaning of science while completely ignoring its findings nor demonstrate the destructive effect of prior expectations, projection, graft, the DC Happy Hour Crowd on the objective pursuit of knowledge.

PS: Doctors aren't scientists. They're more like engineers, applying the findings of science.

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There's a reason doctors trained in the British style only take 4 years of undergrad to be a general practitioner MD. It's like plumbing, only with humans.

Most "doctors" don't understand stats or scientific research any better than the average citizen, and we know how bad that is.

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How long do we keep score? I grew up hearing about how the Rosenbergs were innocent and as soon as the Right People were in control of the FBI, files would be released, and we'd see them for the martyrs they were. And now Orange Man is on level with these leftist saints?

The DOJ, CIA, NSC et. al. ate the seed corn of their credibility long ago. For the National Itelligence apparatus to clutch their pearls over a president being in possession of classified documents is beyond ironic.

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Auggh! You nearly caught me with one more BCS reference! I managed to skip over it, but I'm on the verge of giving in and watching the series--I mean literally, with Season 1.

The "FAUCI EFFECT"???!!! Are you kidding me? As Deb Birx showed in her own words, there was nothing about either of them that showed integrity or truth. Classic on your part: It's "when you're too short to reach a doorknob and lie about everything".

As for Trump, I have many friends who are still dyed-in-the-wool Democrats. One approved the raid because, "You have to bully a bully". Truly, that was the argument. These people were unconcerned about the FBI allowing Hillary to skate, even to the point of letting her and her aides smash their cellphones with hammers! Your readers should look up the AMERI-SHRED AMS-750 HD Shredder. That's what Lois Lerner used for her hard drive. This raid is appalling. The fact that the FBI is lying again (Biden, indeed, no one in the WH knew? What're they trying to sell here?), by finally trotting out Garland himself to say he indeed did approve the raid after sending out "disinformation" that it was a "US Attorney in Florida" that did, appears to bother no one on the Left.

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Better Call Saul is the pinnacle of great series writing. Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould should be worshiped by other writers—and wouldn't it be luverly if other writers learned from them? Can't wait to see how they stick the landing on this one.

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The characters drive the plot. I believe the writers when they say they don't plan very far in advance.

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That method doesn't seem to work for George RR Martin. Just saying.

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Well, the show isn't his fault. Just the books.

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I quit reading after the 4th I think, when it became obvious to me that he hated his readers and had no idea how to wrap it all up. And I read all of Philip Jose Farmer's "To Your Scattered Bodies Go" and essentially admired him for his all-time outstanding Deus Ex Machina. After that, no more extended series for me.

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Article of note: I Spent $15 in DALL-E Credits Creating the AI Image, and Here's What I Learned:


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You may be a RINO cuck turncoat who probably wanted Hillary to win, but you're *our* RINO cuck turncoat who probably wanted Hillary to win, and we love you for it. Have a great weekend!

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So say we all.

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The Hulk Chef looks like Sylvester Stallone.

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The whole raid thing, excuse me, search thing, is a joke. I mean really, what would the man have that is worth diddly now? They really think he wrote down…1. Get a crowd, 2. Stoke the fears, 3. Start an insurrection???? Really..are these people that dumb??? Wait..I scratch that question. Yes, they are. Have you seen the last 18 months…geeez

Thank you jim for keeping us laughing in this time.

They just better pray that man never sees office again …whew…the bitterness of karma…in one sign of the pen, brought to life all the fears of those who feared the government already and starting to convince some others

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If anywhere on Earth should be a safe haven for free speech and protection against Fatwa, it should be the US. Hearing that Rushdie was attacked not in India, or France, or London, but here in the USA is disheartening. America has a lot of problems and faults, but standing up to tyranny used to be our defining feature. Standing up for the little guy and beating down the bullies. Refusing to give into terrorism, and tyranny is terrorism. I’ve never been more worried for my country. We can clean up the corrupt government, how do you begin to change a culture that allows anti-Americanism to thrive? It seems daunting, but it must be done.

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I hadn't thought about that, about the depth of letdown this is for Rushdie, especially, but what it might mean for everyone.

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