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Nov 4, 2022
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Okay, I'm celebrating a LITTLE...

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Nov 4, 2022Edited
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I think twitter's robocensors are still suspending accounts for nebulous crap, alas.

But it was interesting to watch this week, that so many users freaked out at the *prospect* of being on a site that wasn't biased in their favor. Like, welcome to how the rest of us have felt for about a decade!!

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Musk has said that they haven't changed much right now. Whatever is coming we'll have to wait and see.

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"That time was before I joined Twitter."

"You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy."

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"Talking Geraniums Invade Fresno". Good. Let the geraniums invade Fresno. Ever been to Fresneck? The place, literally, smells like shit. I was there for a week because of my job, and that was my first thought getting off the plane? "what the hell is this smell? Did the plane taxi thru shit or what?" Nope, that was Fresno. I get out of my car in Portland, I smell pachouli, moss and weed. Oh, and hobo stank. That's Portland. At least in Portland it rains a lot.

Look, if you vote for Fetterman you're voting for his wife. Admit it. The plan was, is, continues to be for him to be replaced by his wife by the governor... if the governor is a D. I heard that race is close as well. But what if the R guy beats the D guy for Gov, then what? Chaos, and I am all for chaos and shenanigans out in the open. Bring it on.

(I don't know the names of the candidates in PA for Gov., and I don't care enough to look it up, because I don't live there and one thing is absolutely true about ducks: we are hella lazy.)

In these dying days before the election, this is all I can say about Biden: anyone who will lie to you this brazenly, and expect you to nod along like everything is OK, that person has zero respect for you. Also, I absolutely expect violence on next Wednesday morning. I expect it, and a part of me welcomes it. I want my opponents to show their genuine selfs to the world, in all their ugliness. I don't wish for anyone to get hurt, and that is where I hedge. I do not want violence, at all, I want peace. But I know this about Libs/Lefties/Corporate D's: they are the worst of sore losers. Like south american soccer fans. But worse.

Dear Twitter Employee who is now looking for work: Good. Did you really think that you could show off all the finery of working for The Bird, what with fine dining, massages, bands playing, and all that, then expect to still have a job? I don't know who made that post to TikTok, it might not have been you. But that sent the message that you are arrogant and elitist and arrogantly elitist. Everyone is enjoying this moment of schadenfreude.

That's all I got.

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"I get out of my car in Portland, I smell pachouli, moss and weed."

Just like my Sears Mexican Poncho. Schaweeeet!

"The plan was, is, continues to be for him to be replaced by his wife by the governor... if the governor is a D."

The PA Repub Gov candidate, Doug Mastriano, has been tied to Trump so that weighs against him in parts of PA. But, as James Carville once said of Pennsyltucky, "You've got Philadelphia and Pittsburgh on the edges and Alabama up the middle. (That's not verbatim. Don't quote me on that.)

And I was just in southern PA on Wed night (New Freedom is in the southern Alabam portion of the state) and there were mostly Republicans signs everywhere. Anecdotal but Repubs tend to vote in person on voting day so things could slip.

I still feel like the best outcome in this race would be for all the voters to just select "None of the above" and that seat has to remain open until 2028.

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Yes, republicans tend to vote in person. Question I have is this: will it be outside the margin of fraud? I truly believe, in a fair election where everything is on the up and up, R's win. But, as we all know, we have to account for fraud.

And if that makes me an "election denier" than I guess I am...

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I think all the Democracy Dies stuff is an attempt to justify stretching that margin.

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Yes my friend that brands you as an election denier. Also a fascist, racist, likely white supremacist, misogynist, homophobe, and that you hate democracy. I probably left some stuff out.

Welcome to the club.

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Nov 4, 2022
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Kinda does…gets confusing at times trying to keeping up with what a bad person I am

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I hear The Duck doesn't like puppies, too.

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I’m afraid it’s probably the re-education camp for him…

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I don't think he can be remediated.

Which works fine for me. Free Range Duck is the best kind!

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Here's a long thread on why Dems are in serious trouble in PA. Is it accurate? I don't know. It is at least plausible. But if he's right it's going to be a wild, miserable Tuesday night for Dems. And it clearly indicates why the PA SoS illegally sent out mail-in ballots.


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"a wild, miserable Tuesday night for Dems."

Easy, my friend, I can only get so aroused...

But, for real, I want to see the Dems crushed because they are awful, not because I love me the Corporatist wing of the Republican Party, but because they are the party of The Media, The Elite, and of course The Very Online. I hate both parties, to be real, and despise the whole two party system we have. But if you are gonna make me pick between damned if I do and damned if I don't, I will fight the party that is trying to trans kids every single time.

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There's a reason I always told my students that I am a philosophical Anarchist. You can't trust anyone who holds a government positioned, elected, appointed, hired, paid, or unpaid. Humans are not trustworthy when it comes to having any power over others.

So when they asked what I would do about that, I'd answer "keep government as small as possible, not allow it to do anything that could be done by voluntary associations of individuals, not let anyone be paid for a government position or for a business getting paid by the government for more than 10 years in a lifetime, and so on." When challenged about things like policing, firefighting, civil damages by persons or corporations, I would point out alternatives that would work, perhaps at a greater cost (probably not, given government built-in inefficiency) and the greater liberty/opportunity for individuals. I doubt I gained any adherents, but many of them told me it made them think about what government should do.

The GOP only wants to screw us at a somewhat slower pace.

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Only thing I would add is; "keep government as small AND LOCAL as possible"

I am firmly of the belief that we need a national divorce. Sure, call it a "civil war" if you want, but there is no reason to think a civil war has to be nasty, bloody and awful. We could be like Czechoslovakia, and break up peaceably .. or we could be Yugoslavia and do a nasty civil war. And it really depends on those in charge being willing to let people do that.

I think a lot of people in politics, they are really into bossing around others, especially the ones they don't like. Don't think that's true? Take a look at the Pandemic, and tell me I'm wrong that people don't get their cocks hard at the thought of telling people what to do.

This nation is too big, period. We would be better off if we had five or six different nations. That is honestly the most sensible route from here on out.

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I agree. The pandemic gave them their most cherished opportunity. Now I hope it gives them their greatest defeat.

I'm on the fence about a national divorce. If you do it by state boundaries I don't think that works well. If you do it by county boundaries perhaps it would work better.

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"keep government as small AND LOCAL as possible"

Minarchy FTW!

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"I think a lot of people in politics, they are really into bossing around others"

Just think about your typical HOA President and imagine them in City Hall.

You think they have issues with you painting your shed Saffron Sunset Maize, wait til they think you're sending your recycling in the trash to the landfill.

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"You can't trust anyone who holds a government positioned, elected, appointed, hired, paid, or unpaid."

So, basically, anyone who wants to run should be automatically disqualified. *makes 'hmmm' sound with thoughtful look on face*

I could totally get behind this.

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Draft the best person you can find, pay them the national median salary, let them out when they have completed the assigned task, or after 4 years, and never draft them again. All draftee govt jobs. Fire the incompetent, lazy, or whatever and tattoo "Loser" on their foreheads. If you can't serve the people, you don't belong in business, either.

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"I absolutely expect violence on next Wednesday morning."

I wish I didn't but I feel the same way. I think all these Save Democracy Hail Maries (Marys?) are IPB for what looks to be a catastrophic election outcome for the Ds and to justify the inevitable unrest.

I think the signs and pallets of bricks are already staged. Just add a few Soyjaks and you've got yourself a riot.

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I live in a pretty calm neighborhood. But I am totally "locked and loaded" just in case.

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Same. And same.

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"Miss Argentina 2020 Mariana Varela and Miss Puerto Rico 2020 Fabiola Valentin said they got married last month."

This has OnlyFans written all over it.

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Allow me to edit your second sentence: "As a friend explained, this has OnlyFans written all over it."

Just trying to help on the home front.

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Advice received!

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That made me laugh out loud. Good catch!

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"John Fetterman can’t hold a spoken conversation"

I was watching the World Series last night and there was a Fetterman commercial on where he sounded pretty together. If you don't know about the Oz Debate, you might be wondering why everyone said he's struggling. My gut says it was either well edited or recorded under super controlled, scripted conditions.

I'm in MD so thought maybe it was regional but a commenter on another forum said he saw it and he's in CA. So it went national. The Dems are pulling out all the stops to keep the Senate.

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I don't care about the pageant ladies. Love knows no bounds? Is this 1994? Puh-lease, Troy McClure had a quote about that.

Twitter lay offs. Did the twitters forget the dot com bubble bursting? There's big money to be made in advertising, and the heart of the internet is just another sales mechanism, but anyone who has ever ridden out a corporate take over knows that the new bosses cut costs and only retain productive people. Good gravy, the smart money was on looking for work back when Musk began his buy out bid, sitting tight until you had to make a decision, and working hard to be valuable in the meantime.

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I work in tech and was laid off a few years ago along with about 10% of my coworkers at the time.

My "notice" was a getting a meeting scheduled at 4pm for 7am the next morning. I don't recall anyone writing articles about the injustice of it.

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The Husband once walked into an all hands meeting where they were told everyone was let go because the bank was locking the door and paying out their last paycheck as they went. The former CEO fled the country. That was...not a great weekend.

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"Good gravy, the smart money was on looking for work back when Musk began his buy out bid, sitting tight until you had to make a decision, and working hard to be valuable in the meantime."

This assumes facts not in evidence - that they were valuable and hard working in the first place. They might not be qualified to do anything else.


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Nov 4, 2022
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If they could code they probably wouldn't be amongst the Left Behind.

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Yeah, well, first they'd have to know the differences between the two ends on a shovel. And I doubt they're qualified to dig ditches.

(Totally as an aside, 50 or so years ago, before trenching machines were readily available, I knew a guy who "laid drainage tile" by hand. That is, he dug the trenches by hand, laid the clay tile in them, and got the "drop" so they would flow properly by eye. On a farm that good drainage is extremely important.

He had a HS education, a great work ethic, and was "the man" when you needed tiling done. He built a very nice three bedroom home for his stay-at-home wife and put three very nice daughters through college. He proved his value over and over and over.)

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A high school education used to mean something.

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It did, indeed. My paternal grandfather dropped out at age 9 to go work with an older brother as fishermen on the Ohio River. My paternal grandmother dropped out after 4th grade and went to work in a riverside factory that made mother-of-pearl buttons out of river mussel shells.

I'm not sure about my maternal grandparents, but I know neither made it to 8th grade. All my grandparents were pretty intelligent, but relatively uneducated even for their day (1890-1900s).

In the 1950s we still had about half the students dropping out at age 16.

But the HS school education my mother and father got in the 1940s was better than what students get today.

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Nov 4, 2022
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Songs like that make me remember that James Taylor probably has no real idea about labor employment. Pretty much like Michael Moore and his very short time (1-3 days?) on the GM production line. "Millwork" was how people got to not starve compared to the centuries that came before. Starvation tends to kill you quicker than hard work.

And we may see the knock-on effects of lack of nutrition this winter as Bidenonomics really starts to bite. "Heat or eat". Pick one.

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My paternal grandfather dropped out at 12 to sweep floors at the Continental Can Company in Baltimore. Worked his way up, with a couple of years as a radio gunner on a B-17 in WW2, to floor manager and probably some other titles til he got The Gild Watch.

I don't think _rich_ is the right word but I know my dad's family had the first TV and in the neighborhood and a nice car in the early 50s.

If was good enough to be a solid middle class. .

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"This assumes facts not in evidence - that they were valuable and hard working in the first place. They might not be qualified to do anything else."

Maybe it's my Gen X showing, but I have got to believe that some of them knew deep down in their soul they were not essential to the runnings of the twitters. Woulda, shoulda, coulda but high tech lay offs like this happen and even essential people are fired, then employers go "oh maybe we needed Guy A to do his job" and hire for it. They had lots of warnings and writings on the wall so I can't feel too bad about the firing.

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Many years ago I had a job as a sales manager (I hated being a sales manager and 'watching' my sales people blow sales I could have made easily. So I avoided that job as much as possible.)

Anyway, one time I just had to fire a guy. He was terrible, and no amount of teaching or help was working. So I called him in and told him that he just wasn't even close to getting his job done. He broke into tears. Then he said, "Oh, thank you. I have been miserable and knew I was failing, but I just couldn't quit." I have to admit I was pretty stunned. I figured he was hanging to get the pitiful check base draw with few commissions.

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Not only do Leftists totally misunderstand "Capitalism" Macro), they don't understand business (micro) at all. As near as I can tell, they view the business they work for as a Magic Money Machine that just churns out money to them no matter what they do. I rather expect the coming couple of years to be damned hard on all the entitled snowflake "workers" out there. Too bad it has to be hard on the rest of us as well.

(Plenty of talk online about Hollywood undergoing a change of heart about being Woke this morning, too.)

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Fetterman: My Google Pixel phone can translate Japanese to English in real time, so no idea why Shotgun Frankenstein needs a human to do that job.

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"Shotgun Frankenstein"

I almost hope he wins just so I can use this for the next six years.

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Can't take credit for that brilliance --- thank @redsteeze on Twitter.

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Nice. Steven Miller - Not the Trump Guy.

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Google Translate won't provide Fetterman with the answers to give to the questions. A human "transcriptionist" just might.

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Dan Bongino on his show the other day broke down who was getting fired and basically it's going to be the SJW blue-haired censors and not really any of the coders who take the censor's desires and change the code to make it happen. So, basically all the doers are staying and the rent-seekers are going to take a hike.

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I would love to see how many of the fired have written even a single line of code in the past year.

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Can't say I feel too sorry for the Twitter employees who lost their jobs.

Did you see that TikTok video of the person's first days there? Looked like she was walking into a country club!

When do you think the real work got done?

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Nov 4, 2022
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True dat!

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I don't think they did any of the real work. And I don't think they understand how that video was perceived by We the Little People.

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Oh, you are so right! I'm sure she was just reveling in her cushy job.

A word of advice to the youngsters out there: Pride goeth before a fall.

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Has anyone - let alone any actual journalist - verified that the person typing out questions to Fetterman isn't also typing out the ANSWERS for him to give?

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Sounds like a two-person job, yeah?

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Well, it would be, if the "transcriptionist" actually had to type the question - but if one assumes that Fetterman is being fed answers, why waste time feeding him the question? Just go straight to typing the answer!

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"I say it here, and it comes out there."


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