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Jan 6, 2023
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Jan 6, 2023
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I loved Tucker's line the other night: "What you just saw as Dan Crenshaw spoke…is the snarling face of the donor class…The deep loathing of disobedient voters."

Spot. On.

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"They're theocratic assholes and very much deserve every bit of ridicule that comes their way."

This cannot be emphasized enough.


So, like, a Peon Person. It works. Or is that a verb and a preposition portmanteau-ed? *ponders*

"there is no one more bigoted against black people than a black Democrat against a black non-Democrat, especially a female black Democrat against a male black non-Democrat."

As a general rule, the most outwardly racist people I've ever known are people of color trending female.

"a group of idiots tried to take over government with water bottles"

The most heavily armed people in the most heavily country showed up for an insurrection, exercising their right to Concealed Carry Aquafina.

"*this close* ... to the nearest Cheesecake Factory"

I dig your style, Lillia G.

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This is not incompatible with fascism.

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Jan 7, 2023
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Jan 7, 2023
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Jan 7, 2023
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Still sore? Okay.

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Jan 6, 2023Edited
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It is my assertion that the biggest problem with this nation is a Journalism Class that has fealty not to the truth or objectivity, but rather THE NARRATIVE.

YES, they are propagandists. If the USA had a decent journalism class, I actually think that most of the problems we have today would have been resolved. For real. For example, if we had "journalists" we would have stories of how Nancy Pelosi profited off of her insider knowledge, to the tune of $200M. But instead, we get stories about her favorite ice creams! Fun!

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"Free speech over tyranny, every time." F'in' A, JT.

*fist bump*

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The docudrama, I Tonya, with Margot Robbie was worth the watch. It is actually pretty sympathetic to Tonya while illustrating the terrible people and choices surrounding her. I have always had a somewhat soft spot for her. I also grew up poor and skated in the mall rink where she practiced in the same-ish time frame. I was cheering for her at that Olympics, because as rough as she was, she was an amazing athlete, and sports should always be about ability rather than buying your way in.

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America loves an underdog story and Harding could've fit that bill easily. She was a great skater and her team got caught up in the hype instead of just letting her do her thing on the ice.

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"It's not like people are sitting around a table somewhere in Central America saying 'I got a great idea. Let's sell everything we have. Let's give it to a Coyote or smuggler. They'll take us on a harrowing journey. Then we're gonna illegally cross the border."

Actually, I think that's exactly how it goes. Native Salvadoran Mrs. Pi says her parents talked about it pretty much every day at the dinner table until, when she was 14, her mother left and came to the US - yes, illegally* but quickly found a sponsor; they're all citizens now - and set things up just like that.

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(That's why I translated those exact words into Spanish)

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*Meant to add: As I might have mentioned, I tend toward libertarianism and have some loose standards when it comes to immigration policy.

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+1 on Justin Hawkins Rides Again. Great channel.

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Heh: "Can you imagine if the first black speaker of the House was a Republican? The Dems would defecate rectangular units of building material."

I know you meant bricks. But I'm hoping for the far more difficult to pass cinder blocks.

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Also hoping for cinder blocks.

The first 20-something Republicans in Congress were black. These morons can't help demonstrating how often they know absolutely nothing.

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"You should never pass up an opportunity to defy fascists"

*printing up the t-shirts as we speak*

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Odd how similar some of the most disgusting people are. Cori Bush and Joy Reid, for example. And isn't Reid's "college education" in film studies or something equally squishy? Her knowledge of basic politics, etc seems as close to zero as it can possibly get. Indeed, given how wrong she is about so many things, perhaps her knowledge is measured in negative numbers.

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Jan 6, 2023Edited
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"And isn't Reid's "college education" in film studies or something equally squishy?"

Yes, but it's a Hah-vahd degree. Ivy League. Genuflect when you say her name.

She speaks well. She seems smart. But she's a shameless, self-promoting racist who couldn't get a job sorting Gene Siskel's movie reviews if she wasn't a black woman.

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I love that Charlie Hedbo is just going straight at the Ayatollah.

Ironic in more than one way ascribing the property of Having Cojones to the French.

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"Rock isn’t dead. Yet!"

"Rock is dead! Long live Paper and Scissors!"

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"And if you want to toss a few bucks into the tip jar as well, I won’t be mad at ya." Is that right? I bet if I tossed in five pounds of pennies, you'd be a little irked.

And, yes, I have a bag of pennies. Weighs five pounds. Why? Why would I, a bike riding duck, do that? Lemme answer in the only way I really know how to answer:


"Don't ask questions you don't want the answers to."

OK, here is all I got to say about the border crisis as I, a duck who rides a bike, sees it:

We have a series of failed states from Mexico on down. If these states were even marginally successful, we wouldn't have a "border crisis" at all. But therein lies the problem. How do you "fix" Mexico? It's troubles start with shitty geography (I mean, for real. Look into it. In ways that the USA were blessed geographically, Mexico was absolutely screwed. Other than oil in the gulf...) then add the legacy of being prison-raped by Spain from day one, mix in corruption and lawlessness, then a heaping dose of narco-trafficing. What a mess. Is the only "fix" an invasion, and making it the 51st state? I have no idea because, remember, I am just a duck, and all I can do to any level of proficiency is ride a damn bike.

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"Don't ask questions you don't want the answers to."

*worries that penny collection is being mis-utilized*

"If these states were even marginally successful, we wouldn't have a "border crisis" at all."

*jumps to feet; enthusiastic Opera Applause*

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Justin Hawkins is the type of artist/musician that I wished all artist/musicians were. Maybe it's the Brit in him, but he's a lovely man with amazing hair. Thanks for the recommendation, I have never heart of The Darkness, and now I want to learn more.

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Bricks. I’d love to see bricks

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Je suis encore Charlie!

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