Jim, remember back in the '70s, when ice-age crazies convinced NASA to develop a concept/plan to put a giant mirror in space to reflect the sunlight on to Earth's poles, to melt the ice and keep us all from freezing to death? Good times... Good times...

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I think it was Greg Gutfeld who pointed out that the Left always lives in the future. There is no 'day of reckoning' whereby they're right and we're all destroyed OR that 'the future' never comes so how can we say WE'RE right. It's Schrödinger's Cat in sunglasses & a winter coat.

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The same modelers said Covid would kill 2 million Americans by the end of summer 2020.

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There must be a lot of adrenal fatigue going around, I feel the same way. May be another epidemic coming.

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idk, I think it's a good sign that people are realizing that most of the crises peddled by the mass media are pure BS.

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I was an academic in the early 90s who did enough complex modeling to recognize phony hockey stick right away. Anyone, and I mean anyone, who used factor analysis in a time series knew right away what actually "caused" that particular chart. One of the variables was made dominant in the series.

But the rewards of pushing Global Warming was made evident by the rise in status, reputation, jobs, and probably wealth of Michael Mann, who constructed (in the worst sense of the word) the hockey stick made it inevitable that others would hop on the gravy train.

And Mann to this day refuses to release his data. In fact, he lost a lawsuit in Canada, where the legal rules are different, rather than disgorge the data.

You don't need a giant conspiracy when so many people can see the individual rewards for doing everything possible to jump on the gravy train.

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News flash! It’s hot in summer and cold in winter!

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Aw, that's just the cave man's version. 😉

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You forgot to add that we have to be happy about all this! It's the re-education camp for you. 'Misanthropes' is the best & ultimate label applied to these ppl. They don't like ANYTHING. --- On another note, when I read your line - "People think we’re so great, with our smartphones and automobiles and indoor plumbing,..." I immediately thought of George Costanza complaining about... something where he added to HIS list of woes, "... and those rock stars with their complicated shoes." I STILL don't know what that means but I think it's hilarious.

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