Afghanistan started falling to pieces the minute Joe Biden abandoned it, with thousands of Americans suddenly trapped behind enemy lines because of his incompetence. The U.S. southern border is exploding. Prices are going up everywhere you look, and there’s another coronavirus scare every time you turn around. The people who expect you to trust them keep letting you down and then lying about it.
Meanwhile, our elites dance:
And feast:

Isn’t that lovely? The only people wearing masks at Nancy Pelosi’s soiree are the servants. Masks are just another class signifier now.
I’m glad the rich and powerful are still having a good time. As for the rest of you scum, go cower in your miserable shacks and await permission to forage for sustenance. And cover your faces, you worthless serfs! You are free to do what you’re told.
Biden’s brain is deteriorating by the day. He sometimes manages to complete a sentence when somebody writes it down and puts it on a teleprompter, but when he’s left to his own devices:
Are we still pretending there’s nothing wrong with him? Are the Democrats really determined to lower the bar this far for the next Republican in the Oval Office?
Biden’s self-inflicted Afghanistan disaster proceeds apace. We’ve actually got more troops there now than we did before he “withdrew.” He’s the guy who always promises to pull out.
And the lies continue:

“Continuing our close coordination”? Biden was dodging Boris Johnson’s calls all last week.
And then there’s this little two-step they keep doing:
“We had no way of knowing this would happen in Afghanistan!”
“There was no other possible outcome in Afghanistan!”
Pick one.
Now we’re supposed to be impressed that Biden has managed to get some Americans out of the dangerous place where he abandoned them, which is only a dangerous place by his decree. The White House is actually bragging about it.
There’s only one sum total of rescued Americans in Afghanistan I care about: ALL. Until they’re all out of there, quit bragging about it like you’ve done something. They shouldn’t be trapped there in the first place.
And remember #MeToo? Remember when Democrats pretended to care about women? What a pleasant fiction that was.

Is Biden’s staff just pranking him at this point?

On one hand, Biden is clearly too old and confused to be president. On the other hand, this is the team’s backup QB:

Well, at least she’s a woman. That’s what you wanted, right? A woman in the White House? Be careful what you wish for.
I hope no reporters on Kamala’s trip to Saigon ask her about… Saigon.
Trump-lovers don’t like me because I criticize him when he’s wrong, and Trump-haters don’t like me because I don’t criticize him when he’s not wrong. Well, today it’s your turn to yell at me, Trump-haters. I may be a cuck RINO traitor who probably wanted Hillary to win, but I can admit when #BadOrangeMan gets something right:
Perhaps not the most graceful expression of the idea, but it’s a straightforward assessment of the clear and obvious facts. Whenever the wokesters get their hooks into something, whether it’s politics, movies, music, literature, or whatever else, it’s quickly transformed into used food.
During the same rally — and why he’s holding rallies, I don’t pretend to know — Trump said he was vaccinated and encouraged the crowd to get vaccinated. It went over like a lead balloon, but at least he tried. So that’s two things he was right about in one night.
And no, sorry, admitting when he’s right about something does not mean I’m on the Trump Train. If this is him launching a 2024 campaign, count me out. I know you don’t want to hear that, but you’ll just have to deal with it.
For one thing, he’ll be 78 years old on January 20, 2025, and we’re already seeing what happens when you put a man that age in the Oval Office:
For another thing: No means no. I’ll keep saying it until you stop asking.
Andrew Cuomo is alleged to be leaving office tonight at midnight, and I’ll believe it when I see it. In the meantime, he’s moved out of the governor’s mansion. And because he’s the asshole we’ve been telling the libs he is for the last year and a half, he abandoned his dog, Captain. What kind of human being does that?
Captain is now the only member of the Cuomo family I don’t hate.
Jesse Jackson has been hospitalized with COVID-19. I sincerely hope he recovers, and I hope all the people who high-five each other whenever a Republican gets sick will take a moment to think about why they’re so quiet now.
I haven’t been paying much attention to Australia since the best TV show in the world ended its run. But what the hell is going on down there?

And in New South Wales, a town council is shooting dogs in animal shelters because of COVID-19 concerns. They’re not worried about the dogs spreading it. They’re worried about people spreading it to each other when they come to pick up the dogs. So the town is killing the damn dogs! This is in an area where there aren’t even any cases of the virus. It’s just hysteria.
“We know better than you, and to oppose us is not only unethical but insane.” [SHOOTS DOG SO NOBODY RESCUES IT]
Ten years ago today, an earthquake hit DC. I remember it well because I was still trapped there, working at the Daily Caller from “home” because I wasn’t yet fully mobile after the State Department crippled me 18 months before. My whole apartment started shaking and I thought the building was about to collapse. It was like I couldn’t even get a moment’s rest without the earth itself betraying me. Curse the day I moved to that godforsaken hellhole. I’m glad to be out of there.
The trailer for the next Spider-Man movie just leaked like a malfunctioning web-shooter. Sony is trying to stop the leak, but that’s not how the internet works. You’d have an easier time playing patty-cake with Doc Ock.
In other movie news, Sean Penn doesn’t want unvaccinated people to go to theaters to see his films. Is that really something he needs to worry about? Most Americans have been staying away from his movies for decades now. It’s not like we needed yet another excuse, vaccinated or not.
Gene Simmons and David Lee Roth are feuding, and if it escalates into all-out war, I’m on Team Dave. Pretty much everything Van Halen did between “Runnin’ with the Devil” and “Hot for Teacher” was great, and that last album Dave did with Eddie was surprisingly good. A Different Kind of Truth came and went without much fanfare in 2012, but I really liked it. The two best frenemies were decades older, and weirder, but somehow they managed to put their blood feud aside and create some great songs. “Honeybabysweetiedoll” and “Outta Space” don’t sound like anything those two guys ever would’ve created separately.
Whereas this is the only KISS song I’ve ever wanted to listen to more than once:
Then they took off the makeup and it just wasn’t the same ever again, even when they put it back on.
When I first saw that video, I looked like that kid. Now I look more like his dad. But that song actually isn’t as dated as this awful cover version from a decade later:
Ugh. Anyway, DLR rules and Gene Simmons drools. Eddie joining KISS would’ve been the best thing that ever happened to that band, and I’m glad he didn’t.
Simmons is 71 and Roth is 66. Some enterprising movie producer should take advantage of this feud and hire those two to star in a remake of The Sunshine Boys. Or, since nobody even remembers that movie anymore, Grumpy Old Men. Do a direct-to-video soft reboot, with two elderly rockers who can’t stand each other but are stuck with each other. I don’t know why they’d be stuck with each other. Do I have to think of everything?
Paul Stanley is a class act, by the way:

See? It doesn’t cost you anything to be nice. Rock and roll can be nice!
And on that note: Don Everly, R.I.P.
Thanks for reading. What is this, a Monday? Every day is like Monday.
Sorry today’s newsletter is a bit brief and even more scatterbrained than usual, but I’m feeling a little under the weather. Nothing COVID-related, I don’t think. Just a scratchy throat, coughing, and general malaise. No fever or anything. Just need a bit of rest and I’ll be as good as gold. Or at least bronze. Hey, it was good enough for Megan Rapinoe.
Please subscribe. Right now I need the money for throat lozenges.
And then there is "Whenever the wokesters get their hooks into something, whether it’s politics, movies, music, literature, or whatever else, it’s quickly transformed into used food." Indeed.
"As for the rest of you scum, go cower in your miserable shacks and await permission to forage for sustenance. And cover your faces, you worthless serfs! You are free to do what you’re told." Love it.