Personally, I hope his death was painful as possible, but other than that I care nothing about him at all.

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Morally equivocate all you want, but MAGA hasn't slashed anybody open.

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I wish I had appreciated Norm Macdonald a lot more when he was still with us.

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Somewhere Barry Scheck and Peter Neufeld should be hanging their heads in shame for their part in that terrible farce of a trial.

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Apr 13·edited Apr 13

The best thing to come out of the 'OJ is dead' news is that it introduced me to Norm. Wasn't at all familiar of him before (granted, I'm Finnish so haven't had any exposure to SNL etc.), but then OJ kicked the bucket and my twitter feed became full of the Weekend Update clips. And that turned into me spending whole of yesterday almost going through Norm's stuff on YouTube. Fucking hilarious and a master at his craft, such as shame he was taken from this world way too soon and not least, before Orenthal.

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The best thing about that murdering freak's death is that it has (apparently) introduced millions of new people to Norm's hilarious and relentless savaging of that disgusting episode in US culture, justice, "infotainment", race-baiting and kowtowing, and the overall insane & vicious obsession of leftists (and yes some others) with their goal of destroying all things with any shred of decency or goodness or civilization. For once, thank God for the interwebs. Norm was highlighted in notes on The Free Press and Outkick, picked up by lots and lots and lots of other sites (no, I don't know who started it, just glad to see it catch on).

The clip from Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee was classic Norm. For any who missed the 11:30 compilation, find it here on YT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SSVIg4Noqc (not sure if links work in comments but we'll see!). For newbies, when he says "The audience is torn" i.e. conflicted about a great but terrible joke, that was literally his goal with every joke. If you want more, you want to watch his clips from Conan. One of a kind, God rest his soul.

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