Ah, hello. I didn’t see you there. Welcome back. How was your Christmas? Well, I’m sorry to hear that. How about your New Year’s Eve? Oh, dear. That’s… wow. Oof. And I thought I’d heard ‘em all!
Well, it’s a different calendar year now. We’ve left 2022 behind, and I say good riddance. It’s not as if the world magically changes when the year does,1 but hey, we’re still here. Let’s get on with it, shall we?
When a 90-year-old man says there are too many people on the planet, you’re allowed to ask why he’s still sticking around.
This is a lie, of course. It was a lie when Paul Ehrlich started spewing his apocalyptic crap all the way back in 1968, and it’s a lie now.
I’d ask why CBS News is still giving this crank a platform after he’s been wrong about literally everything for over half a century. I’d wonder why sonorous dimwit Scott Pelley is still spreading Ehrlich’s nonsense. But it’s not as if the field of journalism is capable of disappointing me anymore.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s okay to hate humanity. Some of my best friends are misanthropists. But creeps like Ehrlich try to cloak their malevolence in altruism, and it’s just phony. The climate cultists don’t care about mankind. They see us as vermin and want us out of the way so they can bring about a utopia they can rule. They’re fascists.
Ehrlich’s doomsaying has inspired a whole generation of idiots, but there might be some good news on that front. You know the morons who keep blocking traffic and throwing soup on paintings to save the planet? They claim they’re giving it a rest:
As we ring in the new year, we make a controversial resolution to temporarily shift away from public disruption as a primary tactic. We recognise and celebrate the power of disruption to raise the alarm and believe that constantly evolving tactics is a necessary approach. What’s needed now most is to disrupt the abuse of power and imbalance, to bring about a transition to a fair society that works together to end the fossil fuel era.
In other words, their insane antics have backfired and everybody hates them now. So they’ve decided to stop being destructive lunatics until the bad publicity goes away.
Now we’ll get a brief reprieve until they figure out some other self-defeating way to make nuisances of themselves. Maybe they’ll do us all a favor and google Marshall Applewhite.
Did you hear about the Trump voter who attacked three NYPD officers with a machete on New Year’s Eve? No, you didn’t, because that’s not the identity of the culprit:
Trevor Bickford remains in custody and under police guard at Bellevue Hospital, where he is being treated for a gunshot wound to the shoulder sustained during the attack, sources said.
The three officers – injured at one of New York’s most high-profile events just a day after their department had warned of an “ISIS-Aligned” video calling for “Lone Offender Attacks” – have all been treated and released, according to the New York Police Department.
It was Islamic terrorism, and the NYPD was expecting it. So this story will get a few headlines and then fade away because it’s not useful to Democrats.
Speaking of Islamic terrorism, it’s been three years since Qassem Soleimani was turned into spaghetti by a Hellfire R9X missile.
And it’s been slightly less than three years since the libs realized Bad Orange Man hadn’t started World War III after all. Nope, just another dead terrorist. Buh-bye. #RIPBozo
I’ve heard of a Hail Mary play, but this might be the first Self-Identify As Mary play:
May God have mercy on his soul.
Scott McLaughlin got the death penalty for stalking, raping, and murdering his girlfriend in 2003. He didn’t “transition” and change his name to Amber until he was on death row. So I feel no great need to respect his preferred pronouns. If he doesn’t want to die like a man, that’s his business. Leave me out of it.
Okay, so I’m getting off to a slow start in 2023. Ain’t we all? Just give me 40 or 50 weeks and I’ll be right as rain.
Looks like I lost some followers last month, too. If you’ve been getting this newsletter for free, please buy a subscription today so I can keep doing this. I gotta pay bills too, dear reader! 👇
Although every year, there’s a voice in the back of my head that says this year is a fresh start. A chance to put away the mistakes of the past and try again. Wouldn’t that be nice?
Extinction Rebellion should throw soup on Paul Ehrlich. Win-win.
I'm actually shocked Dr. Ehrlich is still drawing breath in 2022. Huh. Who knew?
I've said it so many times, but it needs to be said again because no one is listening to a damn bike riding duck; There is no "Climate Crisis." There is, however, a political crisis masquerading as a climate crisis. Yes, the earth is warming up. But that will happen when you realize that we are still coming out of the most recent ice age. That Ice Age ended about 7-10,000 years ago. You know, when the pyramids were being built. In a geological span of 4.5B years (the age of the earth) 10,000 years is literally a rounding error. I did the math, the time since the last Ice Age is .000000022 of the life of our planet. See? A rounding error at best.
If you were to shrink the entire lifespan of the earth down to a single calendar year, the "climate crisis" is basically a warmer than expected evening on December 31st.