Jim - have you seen "The Magician", the 2005 film that "Mr. In-between" is a sequel/followup/extension of I guess? Curious about making an investment in that to help with my Mr. In-Between withdrawals.

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I believe he said he’s had COVID. And if the Israeli studies are accurate, his resistance to infection is now 27 TIMES that of a vaccinated individual who has not contracted the disease. Plus, there’s the incomplete studies of the effects of the vaccine on those who have recovered from the infection. So…all this has demonstrated is that our society can no longer engage in a rational discussion about the decision to be jabbed. I’m vaccinated (I’m 67, so it seems prudent, and contracted Influenza B in my mid-30s that took me off flying status for almost 3 months) but the neo-fascist posturing of our “betters” makes me less receptive to their diktats.

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"Dr. Fauci, you were in charge of America's response to the AIDS epidemic. Half a million Americans died."

"If you put me in charge of the COVID-19 pandemic, I can do better."

Yep. 700,000 dead is objectively more than 500,000, so he certainly bettered his old record.

Wait - isn't that how we're keeping score of what's better?

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I had never seen the Norm Macdonald clip. It was hilarious. Thanks for posting it.

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Personal choice hasn't prevailed re vaccines in my lifetime (which is really long). Couldn't go to public school without proof of a long list of vaccinations. Couldn't travel or work abroad without getting whatever shots the other countries required. You didn't HAVE to get the shots--you could home-school, you could give up traveling outside the US. Nothing happening now is new, so I don't know why people are shocked.

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You seem to getting linked to daily by Instapundit. I hope it helps with subscriptions.

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