Oh, Joe Biden is doing just fine. Why do you ask?

“I’m, uh… scratchin’ my chin! Yeah, that’s it.”
This is fine. There’s nothing to worry about. It’s just the most powerful man in the free world, who doesn’t know where he is or who he is or what’s happening from one moment to the next. Yeah, okay, so he can’t even dress himself anymore. What’s the problem?
I don’t really have an opinion on the feds raiding Mar-a-Lago, or executing a search warrant, or however you want to characterize it. I feel neither outrage nor delight. Lock him up, reelect him, whatever. Just don’t complain when the Republicans get back in power and start using the FBI to go after their political opponents. The precedent has been set. So be it.
Speaking of Republicans, this cracks me up:
Those poor journos: “Get back here, you evil Republicans, and finish your struggle session!”
I missed this nugget of wonderfulness the other day:

Imagine a Republican saying something this stupid and racist while standing on foreign soil. It would be headline news for a week. Every late-night “comedy” show would be centered around it. Brian Stelter’s head would explode off his neck like an unpunctured potato in a microwave.
But when Pelosi says it? Crickets.
Today’s DALL·E Robot Art
What I typed in: “Van Halen action figure”
What DALL·E spit out:
Yeah, kinda? Better than I could’ve done, that’s for sure.
Better Call Saul Spoiler Stuff (Just One More Week, Hang In There)
This whole time, we’ve all been asking the wrong question about Kim Wexler. It’s not: “What happens to Kim?” It’s: “What happens because of Kim?”
It makes sense that Kim would turn down her share of the Sandpiper Crossing settlement when she divorced Jimmy. Getting that money was ostensibly the reason for their insane scheme to make Howard Hamlin look like a helpless cocaine addict, but then that lie became the cover story for his murder. It was blood money, so she let Jimmy take it all.
Then she moved to Florida and built the most boring life possible. She found a boyfriend who’s nice but not too bright. No chance of him cooking up any insanely complicated schemes with her. No chance of ruining anybody else’s life.
She has a new job that doesn’t really challenge her, and new friends that don’t either. She goes to work, talks about nothing important with the girls at lunch, comes home, and maybe has some perfunctory sex with her lovable lunkhead. (“Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep!! Yep.”) Then she sends him home and brushes her teeth and goes to sleep. It’s as far from her old life as she can get, and that’s how she wants it.
Even that hair.
Then she gets a call from Jimmy out of the blue, and she tells him to turn himself in, and everything she did in Albuquerque comes right back up again. She can’t live with it anymore.
So she flies back there and admits it all to the ABQ DA. She puts everything she and Jimmy did in writing. She comes clean to Howard’s widow. Kim could go to jail, and she’s okay with that. She knows she deserves it. Unlike Jimmy, she hasn’t buried her conscience in layer after layer of comforting lies.
Then she has a very public breakdown, and Rhea Seehorn clinches her Emmy.
Meanwhile, in Omaha, Gene’s new pal Marion is smarter than he thought. She already started to suspect something wasn’t right about him, and then he let slip that he’s intimately familiar with the different bail laws in Nebraska and New Mexico.
So she used her new laptop to Ask Jeeves about con men in Albuquerque, and this was the first thing that popped up:
Not so funny now, is it?
That was one of the webisodes they made for Breaking Bad, and I’m not sure if it’s ever appeared on either show before. But now that crappy old commercial is coming back to haunt Jimmy/Saul/Gene. Now the clever old lady he conned has discovered who and what he is, and he’s royally screwed.
And rightly so. Jimmy McGill is the bad guy. He drove his own brother to suicide, and then he just shut down his grief and guilt. He may not have ruined Howard’s life, but he sure ruined Howard’s memory. He retreated into “Saul Goodman” to avoid the pain of Kim leaving him. And when that persona blew up in his face, he ran away and made up a new lie to live with.
Kim and Jimmy are not getting back together. They’re not riding off into the sunset.1 She’s probably going to jail, willingly, and he deserves to. For all his talk about justice, that’s exactly what he’s been dodging all these years. The con man has been conning himself. Next week, we’ll find out how that works out for him.
The moral of the story: Don’t mess with Carol freakin’ Burnett!
Oh yeah, and Jesse Pinkman showed up again. I thought the scene worked. Just because it’s fan service — “OMG, what if Kim met Jesse?!?” — doesn’t mean it can’t be good. We finally got the handoff between the two series that we’ve been waiting seven years to see, and it was executed beautifully.
The writers have hinted that Jesse might not be out of the woods yet, even after the events of El Camino. We’ll know in one week. Alaska might not be far away enough…
Have a great Tuesday. Come back and see me tomorrow.
But then, every single prediction I’ve made about this show has been wrong…
Regarding the abuse of law and order: Just ready for that pendulum to swing the other way... any day now, I'm sure.
Anyone who thinks that any justice will be done to any Democrats as a result of what is going on with Trump, don't count on it. Nothing will ever happen to Hunter Biden, the Big Guy, or any of them. If you want justice on this side of the hereafter, you will be sorely disappointed.
Did Nancy Pelosi really say that. Amazing. And she is running our country. God help us.