As I revealed over a decade ago, “Jim Treacher” isn’t my real name. This is just a message-board pseudonym that got way out of hand, and now I guess I’m stuck with it. My government name is Robert Sean Medlock, but my parents have always called me Sean. I don’t know why they didn’t just name me Sean Robert Medlock, but I was in no position to argue my case at the time because I couldn’t talk yet.
So now, every time I need to fill out paperwork somewhere, I have to explain that I go by my middle name. Doctors, dentists, car repairs, insurance, what have you. The routine is kind of annoying, but at this point I’m used to it.
I’m not deceiving anybody by using my middle name. It’s just my name, man. Lots of people go by their middle name.
In other news: This week Nikki Haley announced she’s running for president. I don’t know if she has a shot, but the libs sure seem to think so. They’re already attacking her for… going by her middle name.
Check out this idiot:

She didn’t. Her birth name was Nimarata Nikki Randhawa. Not “Nimrata,” as it’s commonly misspelled by supposedly sophisticated libs:

My goodness. Guess it runs in the family, huh?
The Randhawa family referred to their daughter as Nikki, which is Punjabi for “little one.” And she changed her last name to Haley when she married a man named Michael Haley.
Y’know, like Hillary Rodham did when she married Bill Clinton.
Here’s another dummy, who of course works for CNN:

Yeah. Wait. What?
And look what happened when this ditz got called out by noted raconteur and mayonnaise expert Damin Toell:

Hey, Indians can be mean girls too. That’s why we have Mindy Kaling.
I’m not sure about Nikki Haley’s odds in 2024, but she’s definitely triggering all the right people. Libs love any excuse to be racist, sexist, and all the other bad stuff they attribute to their political enemies.
Yesterday, stupid Don Lemon said Haley is past her prime because she’s 51.
Joe Biden is 80. Eight. Zero. Which definitely isn’t younger than 51.
Lemon himself is 56. But then, he’s never been very good at math. Or anything else. And to be fair — 🎶To be fair!🎶 — he really doesn’t have much use for women of any age.
Everybody from both sides of the aisle yelled at that lamebrain, so he issued this non-apology:

No apology to Nikki Haley, though, because that would mean conceding a point to a Republican.
Lemon wasn’t on the air today, apparently. I wonder if the ratings went up?
The White House doctor just revealed what we already knew: Joe Biden is “healthy” and “vigorous.”
Check out some of Joe’s trademark vim and vigor:

Can you feel the energy? Just bursting with health, that guy. Vibrant.
Joe’s rivals smell blood in the water. Mayor Pete wants to be President Pete, and he really doesn’t have time for your silly little train derailments:

Only 1,000? Doesn’t seem like a lot. Why, that’s barely three per day! It’s so good to have this red diaper baby running things.
This is not the sort of thing a normal person says. Imagine if a Republican dismissed George Floyd’s death because people die every day.
But then, Buttigieg is an affable sociopath. His focus-grouped blandness might fool enough voters to put him in the White House, but he doesn’t fool me.
Speaking of sociopaths who don’t understand human emotions well enough to convincingly fake them:

If Gisele Fetterman wanted privacy, she wouldn’t have pushed her husband to run for the U.S. Senate when he was obviously unhealthy. She wouldn’t have called for “consequences” when Dasha Burns reported the truth about John’s mental incapacity. He couldn’t hold a conversation with Burns, and she didn’t pretend he could. Then all the libs blamed Burns, including her own colleagues. If Gisele had her way, Burns would’ve been fired for telling the truth.
Gisele wanted this life, and privacy isn’t part of it. She was willing to lie her way into this mess. Now she gets to deal with the consequences of her actions.
Anybody who pointed out that Fetterman was clearly unfit for office was shouted down, by the same people who are now lauding his bravery in seeking help. He might not have needed the help if he’d told the truth and focused on his recovery last year, instead of giving the Dems another seat in the Senate. They don’t give a damn about his health. If they did, they would’ve convinced him to stay home and recover from his stroke.
We were right, and all they did was lie about it. Now they’re patting themselves on the back for admitting the lie, while blaming the people who told the truth. I don’t trust any politician, but Democrats are outright evil.
Remember when Joe Rogan said not everybody needed the COVID-19 vaccine, and the libs lost their goddamn minds?
Yeah, never mind:

Weird, huh?
Streaming pick: Big Star: Nothing Can Hurt Me on Prime Video.
I didn’t learn about Big Star until the 1992 rerelease of Third/Sister Lovers, the band’s final album. (Arguably an Alex Chilton solo album.) Rolling Stone gave it a rave review, back when Rolling Stone was worth reading, so I checked it out. I was blown away, and I immediately went out and bought everything I could find from the band and any of its members. This was back in the early ‘90s, when there was barely any internet and music came on something called “physical media.” Google it.
Big Star’s story has always fascinated me, because they were a world-class band with a bunch of songs that should’ve been massive radio hits, but they never made it. Critics loved them, but everything seemed to go wrong for them. The record label collapsed and left their albums sitting in warehouses. There was infighting in the band, with the sorts of drug and alcohol problems you’d expect. They were out of step with the fads of the time. The cards just never fell their way.
But the band has been far more influential than their minuscule record sales would suggest. I forget who said that Big Star only sold 1,000 records in the ‘70s, but every single fan started a band.
If you’ve never heard Big Star before and have no idea what any of this is about, I’d suggest starting with #1 Record. It was never a #1 record anywhere in the word, but then, Big Star never became big stars. It was like they were daring the world to prove them wrong.
Even if you’ve never heard of them, you’ve heard one of their songs if you’ve ever watched That ‘70s Show:
“Children by the millions sing for Alex Chilton when he comes ‘round.” I wish that Replacements lyric had come true.
Thanks for reading. If you liked it, please subscribe. This newsletter is my only source of income right now.
Big 🌠!!! you’ve compelled me to fork over cash for your column.
Guys, I'm not sure if you know this or not ... but, I'm not really a "duck." Although, if the image of a "duck" banging away on his keyboard gives you a sensible chuckle, by all means carry on with this comfortable delusion.
I really wish the Corporate Stenographers on the cable "news" outlets would just come on out and say it; "we totally hate republicans and it's fair game to be racist/sexist/bigoted toward them because we hate 'em, we really do." I guess that's asking too much, huh? Keep up the effortless veneer of "oBjEcTiViTiY!" you dipshits. I bet you still wonder why no one takes you seriously.
Now they tell us that "natural immunity" is as protective as the vax. OF COURSE, any moron with a passing knowledge of respiratory viruses knew this (for example, I'm a plain, taciturn duck and even I knew this) but, we just had to tell comfortable lies so Moderna and Pfizer (and those in government) could have a massive money-grab.
Look, I'll never forgive anyone who locked us down. I've said before how my son was in the ICU at the start of this shit storm, and I couldn't visit him during his moment of greatest need. I'll never forgive and I'll never forget.