Isn't Asha the big-brained genius that put "whyte womyn" on blast for using profile headshots in their Twitter profile pic, the same exact way that she has hers?

John Fetterman just needs to resign already so that the Democrat governor can install Gisele as the Senator... that was the plan all along, why drag this farce out any longer?

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"why drag this farce out any longer?"

They need a little more time to pull off the old switcheroo, also they need to erect a bit more plausible deniability... I give it two weeks, tops.

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Why not Wolf instead of Gisele? What's she stand for?

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What does she stand for? Nothing, and that's the point. She'll do as she's told, nothing more and nothing less. She's another cog in the Corporate State; dutiful, a reliable vote, and she checks off many of the all-important spots on the Diversity Bingo Card. Lurch Fetterman could only check of "mentally addled" and "white/cis/male" ... which is, to be real, free space.

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Those of us who identify by our middle names are a marginalized people deserving of a high position on the Intersectionality Scorecard. Give us lots of money, you onomastic bigots!

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Funny, I don't recall Mr. Lemon making a comment about Hillary Clinton, Liz Warren or Kamala Harris being past their primes when they announced their runs for President.

Oddly enough, when I Duck Duck Goed "when is a woman in her prime" 9 of the top 10 hits were about Don Lemon claiming it was 20s, 30s, and maybe 40s so it turns out he was right after all. The odd woman out was a hit on Goodreads for a book "A woman in her prime" about a woman undergoing the rite of passage from adolescence to adulthood which also kind of supports Mr Lemon. Kind of neat how the internet answer just changes to match the current rage.

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That's because Lemon made no sexist comment about them.

Leftists use their loudly proclaimed anti-sexism/racism to be sexists and racists as much as they want.

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Guys, I'm not sure if you know this or not ... but, I'm not really a "duck." Although, if the image of a "duck" banging away on his keyboard gives you a sensible chuckle, by all means carry on with this comfortable delusion.

I really wish the Corporate Stenographers on the cable "news" outlets would just come on out and say it; "we totally hate republicans and it's fair game to be racist/sexist/bigoted toward them because we hate 'em, we really do." I guess that's asking too much, huh? Keep up the effortless veneer of "oBjEcTiViTiY!" you dipshits. I bet you still wonder why no one takes you seriously.

Now they tell us that "natural immunity" is as protective as the vax. OF COURSE, any moron with a passing knowledge of respiratory viruses knew this (for example, I'm a plain, taciturn duck and even I knew this) but, we just had to tell comfortable lies so Moderna and Pfizer (and those in government) could have a massive money-grab.

Look, I'll never forgive anyone who locked us down. I've said before how my son was in the ICU at the start of this shit storm, and I couldn't visit him during his moment of greatest need. I'll never forgive and I'll never forget.

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I'm so disappointed. Sort of like when I learned the book "Ducks, and How to Make Them Pay" wasn't about extorting ducks.

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I laughed way more than I am prepared to admit...

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No doubt, Stephen Grover Cleveland, Thomas Woodrow Wilson, and John Calvin Coolidge would be appalled by a candidate using her middle name in campaigning for office. So, too, would the Artists Formerly Known as Hiram Ulysses Grant and David Dwight Eisenhower. Who on earth knows what Leslie Lynch King, Jr. and William Jefferson Blythe III would think. Don't even think of asking Jeremiah Jones Colbath.

-- Bob Graboyes (graboyes.substack.com)

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Woodrow Wilson was the worst president in American History. I will fight anyone who disagrees with my obviously correct position.

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Worst President SO FAR

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Point well taken. :) The expression "turtles all the way down" comes to mind.

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I mean, Biden’s got another two years. Give him a chance.

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Wonderfully done!

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I meant to say it here: Wonderfully done! I'm saving this list.

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Delighted! If you like that, consider subscribing to my Substack, where I specialize in dredging up oddball facts. :)

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I don't watch CNN anymore and haven't for years. The only time I've seen Don Lemon is in clips on other shows and he comes off an an imperious a$$hole.

I wonder what his heroes Oprah and Michelle Obama think of him now knowing that they are well past their expiration dates?

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He has whatever people who are dumber than people who have Dunning-Kruger Syndrome have. Or maybe worse than that.

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Re: Mary Trump: I thought minorities *couldn't* be racist? I'm confused.

Re: Haley identifying as white on her voter registration: at one point, "Caucasian" included South Asians. That whole Indo-European Language thing.

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I wasn't sympathetic to Nikki, but your piece made me so. Going after her for her name? Really? So the white guy is authentically Indian? As for Warren, Nikki really is of Indian descent; Warren is still a fraud--who's disgorged none of her ill-gotten gains. The Dems are truly the party of racism. In this case, Asians are "white-adjacent" don't you know.

Don Lemon--sexual assaulter, light in the loafers--should be gone. Women in their "prime," eh? Poor Licht has a LOT of deadwood to sweep out...

I read that Fetterman may have damaged himself permanently by not taking rest when he should have. He was sacrificed. "Speaking of sociopaths," indeed. But hey! The Party is what counts, no matter what it stands for, right?

Now that I said that, it does feel like Lent is Coming.

I'll check out Big Star. Have a great weekend.

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I refer you to the following prescient comment from October 17:

= = =

Imaginary timeline:

January 3, 2023: John Fetterman sworn in to US Senate.

January 17, 2023: Josh Shapiro sworn in as Pennsylvania governor.

January 18, 2023: John Fetterman declared unable to serve, removed from office.

January 19, 2023: Shapiro names Giselle Fetterman to serve out term.

January 20, 2023: Giselle Fetterman separates from John Fetterman, like a lunar module dropping a spent booster rocket.

April 14, 2024: Conservative news outlet uncovers scandal involving Josh Shapiro and Giselle Baretto. FBI declares it "Saudi misinformation" (because they are our chief enemies by that point); mainstream media ignores. Treacher rails against it like a man shouting into a drainpipe.

= = =

Looks like I was only off by a month or so...

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Big 🌠!!! you’ve compelled me to fork over cash for your column.

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I've always been fascinated by Big Star because I was in tune with that era and that genre and Big Star was just not on my radar at all. The Plimsolls, the Replacements I knew but not Big Star. I guess that's on me but I don't see how. Guess the answer's probably in the documentary.

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They put out three albums in the early ‘70s, but I didn’t hear about them until 20 years later. The label was collapsing and they never got any radio airplay.

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Same. And I knew who Alex Chilton was but I never knew what happened to him after The Box Tops.

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Christ, Mary Trump makes the Donald seem to be the model of decorum.

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She an AAWFL (Absolutely Affluent White Female Liberal)

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Giselle Fetterman would appreciate your respecting her privacy as she carries out her plan to be appointed to her late husband's Senate seat.

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Maybe she can get some tips on privacy from the Prince and Princess of Southern California.

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Don Lemon is taking a break in Miami Beach at the moment. I wonder if he has noticed that 56-year-olds with a mild case of Dad bod aren't considered in their prime in the nightclubs there.

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I am Stuart Alan Creque and at one point I worked for Alan Stuart Boren. Only he went by his middle name. Hilarity ensued.

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Maybe using your middle name is related to your ethnic background a little. I'm from kind of a hillbilly background. A lot of us are named after favored older relatives and then called by out middle names. I was named after my father and his favorite uncle (both named James). I was called from birth by my middle name except for my time in the military where I just had to accept being called by my first name.

One of my brothers and most of my male cousins were similarly ca;;ed by their middle names with first names of older relatives. Not so much for the females. They were frequently named after relatives, but call by a diminutive of that name.

Don Lemon could take a pill that doubled his IQ and still not hit room temp. Just saying.

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