Libs Blame Ukraine on... Ron DeSantis?!?
Note: The governor of Florida is not responsible for U.S. foreign policy
The new talking point has gone out: Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is all the fault of Ron DeSantis.
This is a weird thing for libs to complain about, because then they turn right around and scold us for criticizing Biden. After four long years of staunch #Resistance, now they tell us dissent is treason. If DeSantis had said anything about Ukraine, these same people wouldn’t like that either. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.
“Why doesn’t DeSantis care about our allies?” I dunno. Why doesn’t Biden? Isn’t that his job?
Did Ron DeSantis make Joe Biden say this?
Did Ron DeSantis make Joe Biden do this?
Biden would be utterly humiliated right now if he had any idea what’s going on.
The governor of Florida is not responsible for U.S. foreign policy. The president of the United States is. But he’s currently a Democrat, so the Democrat press must protect him by attacking his opponents, no matter what they say or don’t say.
If you want my statement on the Russian invasion of Ukraine so you can complain about it, here goes:
F🟩ck Putin, f🟩ck Russia, and f🟩ck anybody who has anything nice to say about them. Nuke Moscow till it’s a big goddamn pile of glowing borscht. Make Chernobyl look like a night light. Let’s see how the Bolshoi fares when all the dancers are mutants with five legs.
There’s my statement, hacks. Have fun.
As for the lamebrain who rescued Joe Biden from obscurity back when he was in his late 60s, it looks like King Barry has changed his mind about Putin:
Yesterday I was depressed about this crap, and today I’m pissed off. If there’s a Hell, I hope Vladimir Putin roasts in it and soon.
In closing, here’s a Russki getting owned. Good. Make ‘em pay for this unprovoked invasion.
What this guy said:
And now, the latest excuse for libs to call you a racist:
Well, she’s black. And a woman. You’d better not ask any questions beyond that, if you know what’s good for you.
I’m a Wordle addict, and you can count me among the grouches who think the game has been ruined since the New York Times started publishing it. First they started banning words, like “slave.” You literally can’t type in the word “slave” because slavery is bad. If Wordle allowed the word “slave,” it might mean the return of slavery?
Then it got even worse: Yesterday’s word was “bloke.” That’s right: “bloke.” A chiefly British word for “man” or “fellow.”
I’m sorry, is New York located in England now? Is it just plain York? Are we a British colony again? Excuse me, but I’m an AMERICAN and we fought a WAR so I don’t have to know what a bunch of LIMEYS call each other.
“Bloke.” Cram it up your arse, you daft pillock.
Sally Kellerman, R.I.P. She was 84.
I don’t remember where or how I first saw MASH, but I was definitely too young to see Hot Lips Houlihan naked. They never did that on the TV show! God rest her beautiful soul.
It’s Friday, and you know what that means, dear reader: It’s time for me to beg you to please, please, please, please, please subscribe to my newsletter.
Won’t you do the right thing, friend? I’m pleading with you. This is not a joke, this is me groveling. I’m abasing myself before you, pleading with tears in my eyes. I really need your help. It’s only $5/month or $50/year, and I literally need it to live. I cannot do this for free anymore.
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"Go **** yourself!" should be the defining quote of the war.
We actually shared intel with China? And they rebuffed us and shared it with Russia?! Our Potemkin President continues on. We can't keep on with him and his dementia.
I'll bet none of your readers knew this about Putin:
There should be a special observance for 180 days being left in Afghanistan...
Have a great weekend...
Already seeing lot's of vids of Russians casually committing war crimes: missle-ing civilian neighborhoods, running tanks over fleeing vehicles with the people still inside. Surprised that sunflower lady wasn't just shot dead by the guy she was talking to, he must have been one of the few with a conscience strong enough to override an urge to blithely brutalize an old lady. I hope this goes south on the Russians and it scars their collective psyche for generations.