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"Have I changed or them?"

I think we all have.

"as are the other two wormy wooden puppets, Biden and Pelosi."


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Sep 30, 2022·edited Sep 30, 2022

You know, I hadn't thought about the Jon Stewart era.

There was a time where many of us got our news there. He covered a lot of ground and, as you note, even when you disagreed with him, you got some grasp of all the issues involved.

Then came Clown Nose. It was no longer necessary (possible?) to be funny after that.

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Of course she was inebriated. She had to drink Bud Light so she would have a bottle for her cocktail.

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Both, perfect.

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Oh, wow!

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Bud Light? I'm not sure you can get drunk on that. But certainly she really had pee.

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"I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been numb, disassociated, and/or inebriated.¹ I've never torched a cop car, but still."

I've made it half way through the day like that and, well, nuthin'.

And in general, if you want something burnt or blowed up, I am your guy.

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When The Murrah Building was blown up in 1995 (I was a very old grad student at the time) a very nice Mennonite in our department quizzed me about the power of a fertilizer/diesel fuel bomb, and whether an 'amateur' could build one. (I was the department anarchist.) I told him the truth, that just about anyone who could get blasting caps to set it off could build one pretty easily.

He looked at me a bit, and then said, "Have you ever built one?" I told him that of course I had, I grew up on a farm with lots of trees and stuff in our way. But when I did it there were few to no restrictions on accessing blasting caps. We just went down to one of the local quarries when we needed them and bought them there. He appeared to be flabbergasted.

I don't know about today, but when I was a young man we had rather a lot of stuff to be burned or blown up.

One of the funniest things I ever saw involved that sort of thing. A local guy had a property near a big creek (it would be a river in most areas of the country) he used for duck hunting. Over the years the 'path' he drove to get to his blind took him around one side then the other of a tall maple tree. Eventually it got really bad, and he decided to 'remove the tree, but thought cutting it down would just leave a big stump and the same problem.

So he decided to have a local (let's all him Maynard) who was good with blasting stuff blow it it out of the ground, and then he'd cut it up and fill the hole it left.

Well we were all interested in seeing that, so when the time came several of us were there to watch. Maynard did his thing by packing fertilizer/diesel in containers pretty much all around the tree, aided by some strategically located dynamite. Then he wired the blasting caps and ran the wires back about 25 yards. When he set it off, the tree was blown straight up about enough that you could have walked under it, then slapped right back in the hole. The duck hunter just said, "Well, damn," Anyway they then brought in a dozer later and pushed the tree over and cut it up. I like to LMAO.

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I'd've loved to have seen that tree launch.

Not nearly so fun but we made some Home Brew Napalm (gasoline and styrofoam) in a quart Mason Jar. We took it into the woods and were taking turns dipping sticks in the jar, lighting it, and generally dancing around like morons.

Then one of us went back to re-dip the stick but they were still lit. So they dipped a just-again burning stick into the jar. Quick flash, jump back, tip the goo _into the stream_.

Well, gas floats so we panicked for about three minutes, running downstream along our fire as it scorched ferns and stuff along the way.

We did not learn our lesson despite the FAFO Principle.

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So-called 'Journolist': “Mr. President,..."

The Prez: "I'd be happy to take a message for them."

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The surprising part of the lawyer who firebombed the NYPD police car is that someone was still in jail in NYC, given that you can run around a McDonald's with a hatchet and be out in 24 hours. Also not surprising is Trevor Noah's retirement - I mean if you can't beat James Corden and Don Lemon in viewers, the writing is pretty much on the wall...

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"1 It’s been 1,735 days since I drank any alcohol. Here’s to 1,735 more."

Keep up the really good work. L'Chayim, my friend!

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As I recall, that ding-bat who firebombed the cop car went to Harvard? I'm too lazy to look it up, and I don't care either way. But that's the real privilege if she gets out; the elite protect their own.

She has "unprocessed trauma" from who literally gives a f**k? O, Rly? Well, that's we what called "being human" before we decided to define what "being human" meant. You got it, I got it, she got it, we all got the unprocessed BS in our lives. You either deal with it or you don't, and if you're a Harvard grad you get to use it as an excuse to get out of jail.

Who replaces Trevor Noah? I got one name for you: Hannah Gadsby. She checks all the boxes: Angry Lesbian, Australian, Not in the least bit "Funny." When she gets named, you can tell everyone that a duck who rides a bike called it first.

There ain't nothing "lil" about "Lil Amal." But I guess "obscenely huge Amal" doesn't quite roll of the tongue in English like it does in the original tongue.

But what do I know? Not much, I will tell you, not much at all. I am a duck, like I said, and I ride a bike. Clearly, I have no idea what I'm doing.

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"She has "unprocessed trauma" from who literally gives a f**k?"

Good gravy, THIS. So much THIS. I mean, I do feel sorry for her, really but, The FAFO Principle comes for all.

"Not in the least bit "Funny." "

Then she'll be perfect.

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I like the Hannah Gadsby idea. I wonder what the over/under is, in weeks, for how long it takes her to kill the show entirely?

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Isn't there a statute of limitations on unprocessed trauma? Her unprocessed trauma from 9/11 was old enough to be tried as an adult at the time of the riots.

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I'm not even sure it's sufficient to blame unprocessed trauma for poor behavior even if it's recent.

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Well, surely, I mean... there was a terrible flood.

"Case dismissed!"

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Sep 30, 2022·edited Sep 30, 2022

Didn't the DOJ walk back its charges after Barr left as AG, on a deal that was already agreed to? And now she wants out of even jail? Amazing. She and her buddy were facing up to life in prison originally. I believe they received two years. Contrast that with Mr. Mark Houck, who merely was a pro-life activist who retaliated against an "activist" who got in Mr. Houck's 12-year old's face: He just got a SWAT Team arrest even though he'd offered to surrender himself, and after the state system did not bring charges. A two-tiered system of justice isn't one. Whenever someone asks why Dems shouldn't be elected, this is real fascism in action, using the power of the state to suppress dissent. Interestingly, it's not the gun owners who shoot people; it's Trump supporters and conservatives like Ms. Jacobson who get shot by The Left. So now, Joe Biden is calling Meloni a fascist. He should shut up before he gets what Signorina Meloni dished out to Macron:


As for Lizzo, yet another act of desecration; she just had to twerk while using it. Who in the world authorized giving James Madison's flute to that ignorant witch? Asked two years ago why I wouldn't vote for Biden, I noted that I will never be on the side of those who destroy Art.

I still won't.

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Sep 30, 2022·edited Sep 30, 2022

Es ist fantastisch!

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Hmmm. I'd say "Meravigliosa!"

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The next EU Meeting of Top Dogs is going to be lit AF.

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Lawsy yes!

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I LOVED it! Well prepared and well delivered!

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The Mark Houck Affair has really crossed a line. Almost everyone so far subjected to Armed Panty Raids had a couple or three fingers in the Political Pie. Not saying they deserved it but I have to think they had some notion of the risk involved. And more power to them.

But this guy was stopping people on their way into the clinic. I seriously doubt this guy was calling women Killers, Sinners, or Whores. I doubt he blocked anyone's path. And some Rail-thin Soy Boy with Significant Shrinkage Issues just Trying to Get Laid by That Vagina Studies Major with Green Hair accosts a _12 year old_. Pushed him down? He's lucky Houck didn't go all Instrument of God on his sorry @$$ and hasten a meeting with St. Pete.

Sorry, no. You don't come back around on this guy and act like he's in the wrong.

* Full Disclosure: Between religions right now, neutral on abortion. I just hate bullies.

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2014 for me. Year, not days.

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Good stuff.

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I wonder if Pelosi's husband used that excuse... if so, it worked!

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My subscription renewed recently, and I have to say that I enjoyed the first year. Well worth $50. I did pay the extra $25 for your friendship again. That was a rip off last year, but I am hoping that it will pay off this year.

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For $25, I'm willing to be your friend, too!

No? How about $20? $17?

Please clap.

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I laughed out loud. Hello Jeb!

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I can guarantee the same value for your money!

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The wording of the tweet made me think Little Amal was actually a new regular feature or spokespuppet of The View, which seemed alarmingly plausible.

Seriously, what's the deal with lefties and giant puppets?

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I vote for 17, 350 more days without!

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