Thank you, thank you! I hurt myself laughing today. Elon Musk has to be a great guy making all these losers’ heads explode!

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As for Kathy Griffin, she is among a largish group of comediennes feted as being funny, who just isn't. See, Amy Schumer , that weird Ozzie "standup" who whines about how miserable her life is, and so on.

Treacher is way funnier than Griffin. And just when did "bitchy" become a synonym for "funny"?

My wife still watches SNL, so I catch parts of it. Not only was Schumer unfunny most of the time, SNL is still apparently trying to find a few new funny people. They're mostly failing. The cold opening was only funny to the extent that at least some writer understands how lousy most Dem candidates are now. Oh, well.

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The Trump thing is so dumb, and unfortunately even if he doesn't win the GOP primary he'll run third party and continue to always make things about him. The only way he doesn't run is if this bores him, if it doesn't interest him. Sadly, American politics is such an ego-driven spectacle these days that the likelihood of that happening is nil. I guess that will be the big post-2022 election problem to resolve prior to 2024 is how to allow Trump to be appeased in a support role while not being the center of attention. I don't see how to square that circle right now, but that's why I don't get paid the big bucks.

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“The people Musk just fired weren’t running the site. They were running the users.”

It’s only Monday, but that might be the pithiest line of the week.

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This is a great time to remind everyone that Amy Schumer, besides being very not funny, is Chuck Schumer's cousin. Chuck Schumer is also very non funny. He is, in fact, a humorless scold. I just felt that everyone needs to know the varying vectors of nepotism involved. I am absolutely convinced Amy would never be a comedienne if she didn't trade on her name. Prove me wrong.

What else? Oh, I decided to do a substack. I guess you can click on my avi and get there, tho I have no idea why you would care about what a Duck who rides a bike would write about. Really, so far it's really boring shit. It's not a "news" "letter" in the way Jim does things. It's more a journal. So, you're welcome? I guess? I strongly suggest you ignore the musings of a bike riding duck.

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I am intrigued by your ideas and have subscribed to your newsletter.

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After I get back, Duck!

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Kathy Griffin was relatively funny when her schtick was all about mocking celebrities, reality TV stars and things like that, but once she became an insider (like hosting New Year's eve on CNN), she switched gears and went full blue screechy lady and unfunny Trump-basher. Kind of like what happened to Howard Stern (outsider, becomes insider, now he's turned into Imus, the person he used to mock endlessly).

Today feels like the calm before the storm, we're all just waiting to see how much the red wave destroys the Democrats, and then enjoying the aftermath. Sadly I live in a deep deep blue state, so nothing will change here politically, so I have to enjoy the destruction from afar. What intrigues me most is how Team Biden and the other Dems react; in previous decades this would signal the need for cooperation and bipartisanship, but we all know that this won't happen; the Dems will just revert to their "we resist" playbook and be obstructionists in the same way that the Republicans did over the past few years after they lost the House and Senate. It's probably just going to be a re-arranging of the deck chairs on the Titanic.

The real popcorn moment will be to watch the internal struggle between whatever's left of the Biden crime family and whoever is really running the show (my pick is still Obama behind the scenes); do they pull out the dementia card and try to get Biden to resign? Do they really want to put Cackle-puss in charge? Watching the rats flee the ship will be interesting to see how far they will go to save their own hides, and then get ready for 2024.

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The D-List was really funny and I thought she was good once.

Trump broke people. We see the symptoms all over this comment thread. People who once seemed like normal, sensible people were, for some reason, felt threatened. I've never managed to figure out what they were afraid of except for some vague "Literally Hitler" comments.

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Always assuming the Dems can't cheat enough to avoid the worst.

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“Apparently this is the latest craze among bluecheck liberals, who are tired of rebelling against Trump and need a new stepdad to performatively mock in front of their friends.”

I spit out my drink - you NAILED it lol

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That second Amy Schumer bit from the embedded tweet seems to be an homage to Clem Fandango in "Toast of London." I had to go full-screen on the video because the Clem Fandango voice is so spot-on that I assumed the Schumer producers had paid for the same actor to reprise his "Toast" role. If you don't know "Toast of London," it's worth checking out. You'll know within a few minutes whether it's your cup of tea.


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I did get that vibe when she first sat down, but then it was just so awful I think I forgot.

Matt Berry is amazing.

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Why did I click on those Shumer clips, oh why?

If the ‘20 election was stolen nobody should be more upset than lib comedians, having been left bereft of their main source of content.

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Jim, the following paragraph you wrote should be sent to the Journalism Hall of Fame.

It’s difficult to put into words how deeply satisfying all this is. Every bit of it. The downfall of the censors, the seething at a billionaire who doesn’t spend his wealth the way the libs demand, the lamentation of the journos and celebrities who thought a little blue check made them special… the whole nine yardbirds.

It summarizes perfectly what I’ve been feeling for the past 2+ years. I guess this was how some Iraqis’ felt as they were preparing the ropes to pull down Saddam Hussein’s statue. Hope this is the appetizer for the electoral drubbing the democrats are to receive Tuesday.

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Thanks, I like that one too!

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It’s great to see The Whole Sick Crew (h/t Thomas Pynchon) rocking out in the comments section! I’m not back until the 17th, so while everyone else gets bleary-eyed, 11:00 pm Central election night is 2:00 pm Wednesday Japan time.

And Treach, great newsletter!

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I like the Norm Macdonald homage. This time, that evil dwarf, Fauci. He’s probably one of the worst ever (after Richard III?).

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“I haven’t formed any new drilling.” Lord help this country.

Lil was spot-on on the press. Yeah, I want to see the body cam footage on Pelosi.

Last, Twitter. Brilliant paragraph, as others have pointed out. I may just join in the interest of free speech. Not that I’ll give up this subscription!

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