If I don't get mad at every little thing, then how do I know I'm alive?

/s. Though I do need to cut back on the rage scrolling.

A new neighbor just moved in. Nice young woman. She had an open house last night. She's a communications manager for progressive Democrats. She also gardens and cooks. I think I'll just focus on that.

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I didn't watch the SNL 50 thing because it wore me out years ago. That sketch was pretty funny though. The MAGA unhappiness just proves that the edge hangers-on of whichever party in power evidently sees the need to prove their loyalty in the worst virtue signaling possible.

Sore winners are always a PITA.

That NYU College Republicans thing I saw a couple of days ago, and I was wondering what the point was. He's nearly 7 feet tall, he has Secret Service around him. He attend class and then goes home. Any of those would make him an oddity I think on most college campuses, let alone one as Lefty as NYU. I assumed she was just noticing that people notice that stuff.

I feel sorry for the young lady, but perhaps she learned something valuable, and I don't mean watch what you say. I hope she learned that most ideological organizations at any level are going to have some nutcases with loud, angry voices. Don't let them get to you. Hell, a few years ago a large yarn lovers group (or knotters or crocheters or something) split wide open over some stupid political thing. Don't let the nutcases get in positions of even minor power. They'll misuse it every time.

I tend to suspect these various minor (even minor at major levels, like whack-job Laura Loomer) hangers-on of MAGA understand that NO ONE CARES what they think, and they're not important at all, so they act out like unhappy 2-year-olds.

Ah, well.

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Excellent analysis of the SNL Black Jeopardy sketch. I thought people got butt hurt over the original version and were rehashing their outrage. I didn't realize they redid the sketch. The first version was brilliant as it showed the attraction to Trump was not race base but one of class. The white "Trumper" Hanks had as much in common with the black folk as they did with him.

Sadly all of our modern politics is geared to over reacting and venting anger at the other side. Since SNL has made itself a Liberal lightening rod for progressive talking points, instead of a comedy show, it doesn't get any slack, even when it tries to poke fun at liberal blind spots.

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For sure, acting like the people that they claim to disagree with doesn't help bystanders understand why "my side is different". It's like that dumb period of time where Antifa and Proud Boys would beat each other with bats in streets of Oregon and the only thing different about them was how they were dressed.

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Can't agree with you on either of your topics. RE: SNL sketch, I didn't see it but how is one supposed to know that 9 years ago there was a similar sketch that they were parodying? I didn't know & until you dropped that fact I wouldn't have known.

RE: Kaya Walker her use of the word 'oddity' is tone deaf to my ears. 'Unconventional' - 'keeps to himself' - 'quiet' - 'studies a lot' etc would convey a different meaning than 'odd'. And I read that she resigned on her own - that certainly could have been reported wrong. Sadly, it was an expensive lesson learned in the school of experience.

RE: 'getting over it' - IMO - ppl are feeling their oats on this one. The 4 years of Trump's first term & the interregnum were brutal. While I don't want anyone to be harmed or left out or lose their job because of reverse bloodsport that Trump & his supporters went through, it's MAGA's turn in the sun now. And most of them can't believe it. So give them time to savor the victory of the election as well as cleaning house of all the deadwood ppl & programs.

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You can get mad about whatever you want. I'm not stopping you.

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My only issue with that snl skit was the doug part wasn't funny. "go to church!" is supposed to be the joke? and I'm not religious at all. Skit was hilarious up to that point. The original is great too.

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