Did other Virginians get that "Our Neighborhood" ad about 20 times a day on YouTube?

That was a deeply weird ad that seems like it should have gotten more analysis. Basically all these multicultural ersatz Sesame Street puppets are singing a song that goes "We all care about our neighborhood... Except for Larry who doesn't vote." And they all then shun Larry, who's apparently the only human neighbor (and a white guy.)

It's ostensibly non-partisan, but paid for by a Terry group and obviously intended to shame Democrats into voting for him.

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Well, I went to YouTube to see what I was missing.

I only have myself to blame.

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Do you have a link? I was looking for it and couldn't find it online.

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The voiceover at the end is both hysterical and probably not in the original.

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“I can’t wait for my moral, ethical, and intellectual betters to explain why Winsome Sears is actually a white supremacist.”

From Twitter, its white supremacy because she’s Jamaican. As that funny columnist from Florida likes to write, “I’m not making this up.”

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I WONDERED where Kirsten Powers went. And I see that she is in hiding with her brown hair. After she left Fox, one person put it so eloquently when s/he said, "Kirsten always looks like something smells bad."

You have accurately captured MSNBC & CNN's spin both Election Night and the next day. Nicolle Wallace was twisting herself into a pretzel today trying to sound believable when saying, "that Critical Race Theory, which isn't real..."

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Best subscription ever!

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