i don't get it. Ms. Marjanovic keeps speaking of indigenous people's rights, but she's doing it in Arizona, when clearly she is indigenous to Serbia.

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Man, Keith Olberman and Dan Patrick were some super entertainment, once upon a time.

Wth happened to you, man?

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Some may wonder what Keith Olbermann does all day, week, month, year in between his absolutely ridiculous rants. Does it take him that long to come up with the small amount of material he spews out at the camera?

I haven't listened to anything he has put out in the public forum for years, oh, maybe a few seconds just to keep my hand in.

A quirky kind of curiosity has crept into my mind when I have seen that he's usually got Central Park (?) as his background during his screeds. What is the reason for this? Is he locked out on the balcony by a devious caregiver? Does he take the elevator to one of the top floors knock on a door with a good view & ask to use their bathroom?

The irony of his performance art is that HE is serious. And I'm sure he thinks that everyone who's going to watch it thinks he's serious AND righteously indignant. However, he is just a pathetic, old man who seems as tho' he's never been happy in his life.

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