If the Republicans Don't Want COVID to Go Away, Why Are They Acting Like It's Already Gone?
Morning Joe is for morons
If you want to know what Democrats are doing, just listen to their accusations against their enemies.

I agree that Fauci isn’t a Nazi. The Nazis could stay on-message.
Are Republicans really the ones freaking out over this “Omicron variant”? If anything, they’re too eager for all this to go away. They’re not the ones telling me to wear five masks and get 10 booster shots. They’re not the ones treating a sneeze in an elevator like a war crime. But John Heilemann has a good thing going, and he’ll keep telling libs what they want to hear.
This outburst is even dumber than usual, though, because how the hell can anybody follow Fauci? That babbling midget1 says one thing on Monday, the opposite on Tuesday, flip-flops again on Wednesday, etc. Fauci is a politician, not a doctor. He just says whatever he needs to say to get through the next five minutes. Nothing he says is going to get us out of this, and arguably he’s only making things worse.
If COVID is good for the Republicans, it’s only because the Dems keep botching the response. A year ago, COVID was good for the Democrats because the Republicans kept botching it. And they’ll all keep botching it, because they’re politicians and they have no idea what they’re talking about. The virus doesn’t care what they say about it. Their lies don’t work on a microscopic infectious agent. They can’t psyche out a germ.
Darrell Brooks says he feels “demonized.” He laments being treated like a “monster” for plowing his SUV through a Christmas parade in Waukesha, WI, killing six people (including a child) and injuring dozens of others.
If it’s any consolation to this mass-murderer, most of the media isn’t demonizing him because they’re pretending he doesn’t even exist. As far as they’re concerned, the SUV killed those people all by itself. They died in a “parade crash.” Darrell Brooks can only hinder the narrative they want to promote, he doesn’t fit the profile, so they’re treating his crime like a natural disaster or a mechanical mishap. It just sorta… happened.
Then they wonder why we don’t trust them.
Something something something abortion, blah blah blah blah blah
I dunno, I see stuff like this and I just don’t care anymore. Do whatever you want, you ghouls:
The boxes literally say “ABORTION PILLS” in big block letters, so I assume it’s just a stunt. Probably just sugar pills or M&M’s or something. But it’s the thought that counts. The murderous, repulsive thought.
Maybe the pro-death folks wouldn’t need to resort to such dumb stunts if their arguments weren’t $#!+:
If pain isn’t proof you’re alive, what is?
I’m only halfway following the Jussie Smollett trial, because he obviously did it and it’s Chicago so he’ll probably get away with it. But somehow, all this time I didn’t realize that Joe Biden had weighed in on the hate crime that never happened:

How about now, Joe?
Fortunately for Biden, the only hate, homophobia, and racism in this case was entirely made up by Jussie Smollett. Whew!
Alec Baldwin is now claiming that the gun just went off in his hand on the set of Rust, the movie he now wishes he’d never made. I’m skeptical. But Stephen Gutowski knows a lot more about guns than I do, and he says it’s possible.
Okay, maybe so. But somehow that bullet still managed to make its way from that gun into Halyna Hutchins’ chest, while the gun was in Baldwin’s hand. If I did that, even by accident, I’d be in jail right now instead of weeping in front of George Stephanopoulos. But then, I’m not rich or famous. I didn’t play Trump on SNL. I’m not protected.
I dunno, a bunch of people lied about a bunch of stuff. It was another day. What more do you want me to say about it?
It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia is back, and it’s… fine? The first episode of season 15(!) was all about how the gang spent 2020, and it had some mildly funny pandemic jokes. Plus, those knuckleheads ended up being accidentally responsible for several “news” events of the year, which are depicted without coming off too politically slanted. (Even the staunchest MAGA-head can agree that Rudy Giuliani’s hair dye melting down his face was funny, right? Hello?)
I can barely even remember most of 2020, but I know I didn’t do a lot of laughing. At least not sanely or mirthfully. So it’s nice to have those stupid, disgusting creeps back on TV. They may have lost their fastball, but they can still put it over the plate. Is that how you say it? I don’t really follow basketball.
Oh hey, more Matrix crap.
“Why use old code to learn(?) something new?” I dunno. Money?
I’m hesitantly hopeful about this sequel/reboot/whatever, but it’s not as if the Wachowski Siblings have gotten any saner or better at telling a story over the last 20 years. The Matrix was lightning in a bottle, and the sequels were just stultifying. Well, even if this new one is gibberish, which is starting to look like the case, at least it’ll be pretty.
Keanu Reeves is also writing a comic book, which means he’s telling his vague ideas to a professional comics writer (Matt Kindt) and then slapping his name on the cover to drive sales.2 It’s called BRZRKR, and it’s about an immortal soldier who’s like 80,000 years old and doesn’t want to be an immortal soldier anymore. It’s basically Highlander with lots more gore.
Well, you’d be grumpy too if you had a bunch of arrows and knives sticking out of you.
Keanu is supposed to be doing a BRZRKR movie for Netflix, but he’d better hurry up if he wants to play an old man who never ages and still kicks ass. The dude is doing great for his age, but he’s 57 years old. He’s already six years older than Wilford Brimley was in Cocoon. It’s like Keanu and Tom Cruise are competing for World’s Craziest Grandpa. The older they get, the more punishment they want to take.
I’m not quite as old as those guys yet, and all I want to do anymore is nothin’. I had to take a breather just after typing that sentence. How do they do it? Cocaine? Monkey glands? The glorious power of Xenu?
Happy Thursday, and thanks for reading. Hey, any thoughts on the length of this AD-FREE newsletter? I try to write as much as I can every day before my self-imposed noon deadline, because I want to give you folks your money’s worth. (Unless you’re not paying yet, in which case I want to give you a reason to subscribe.) But I’ve had at least one person unsubscribe because it was too much to read. That seems like complaining to Dairy Queen that your sundae is too big, but whatever. I know people will whine about pretty much anything, but if it’s a problem, I can try not to work so hard.
Sorry: little person.
Emilia Clarke from Game of Thrones just did the same thing. It sounds… terrific.
Lines like "They may have lost their fastball, but they can still put it over the plate. Is that how you say it? I don’t really follow basketball" remind me why I read you, whether I agree with you or not. You make me laugh, JT.
Love the newsletter. I skip over the stuff that doesn't interest me. Trust your judgment. Don't listen to the crazies.