You didn't get busted by Twitter for making a fat joke about Busta Rhymes - the folks at Twitter are too dull to have gotten that you were even making a joke about that - but you quoted him criticizing the official mask policy of our betters and masters, and that cannot be permitted.

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Pod-cast! Pod-cast! Pod-cast! Just pick 3 to five items from the news and talk about them.

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Here is some Chinese agitprop directed to our friends to the north, note the characters in the tree branches.


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I'm with you. I can't listen to podcasts even of people whose thoughts I like lot because it's so-o-o-o-o SLOW!! I can listen about 3 3times as fast as they can talk I guess. and there's no interaction as when you talk with a friend. And ll of them seem to begin with a really long, slow description of what they're going to tell you, maybe eventually.

However, I have no doubt that some of your subscribers may listen/hear differently than i do, so why not give it a whirl? I'm not sure you would have to talk about anything specific. I remember many years ago that my father began his morning by listening to some guy talk about what he thought about stuff he was reading in tht morning's St Louis newspaper. I asked Dad why he listened if e was going to read that paper later. He said, "I just like hearing someone else's thoughts about events, if I trust them to be honest, and if they disagree with me eneough to be interesting."

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Can’t be a right leaning, I’m sorry I mean far-right, account and appear to pile on anything anti COVID NPI.

Das ist verboten!

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I have to admit, I agree with the guys who think you should at least do a "trail" podcast, see if it works for you (and us), and see if you would be good at it. My prejudice says you would be good at it, or at least generate hatred from all the right people!

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