Reading the article, I recalled the name Eric Boehlert and thought "let's google him and see what his asshole is up to."

Then saw how he met his demise.

Good. Fuck that guy.

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That fucker got hit by a train and croaked? To quote Biden, “that’s story book man!”

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De mortuis nil nisi bonum and all that, but I'm not sorry to hear Boehlert's dead. Hopefully MMFA will be joining him soon.

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I don't remember it as well as you do, of course, but I was a reader of your blog then and I remember the whole thing all too well. And I can have no positive feelings for Boehlert (who was pretty much a total dick all the time), and I wouldn't feel real bad it his demise was just incredibly painful.

As for MMFA, they can all go SABOD and the DIAF and I would be okay with both. They are, as a group (and probably as individuals but I don't know them that way) hideous, hateful monsters whose only goal in life seems to be to ruin the lives of those they see as enemies, e.g., anyone who disagrees the Muh Narrative in any even minor way.

So I wish them painful job hunting with thousands of applications and no offers while living in penury and pain and inflicting their 'friends' with their agony.

In reality, most of them will get some piddling job with some Lefty NPO and mostly be forgotten. They will find that they're not important to be kept anywhere near the Lefty "inner circle", to their great disappointment.

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It's called Karma and it's pronounced ha-ha-ha-ha-ha.

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Media Matters can go jump in a lake for all I care. They are muckraking pencil pushers with a nincompoop who started them off, David Brock. Perhaps one day, jt, you will be recompensed by the government for all your pain, suffering & time lost. Well, perhaps your heirs.

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MMFA is, of course, a symptom of a deeper problem within whatever it is that calls itself modern journalism... but still it's a relief whenever a tumor gets excised from a body, no matter how diseased.

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Gotta dig deeper and excise the rest of the tumor. Then blast it with radiation, just to be sure.

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