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Aug 5, 2022
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"This sort of thing used to be considered an attack on the First Amendment. But then Trump lost."

@ Jim: I nominate this for your Friday Headline.

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During the days of Covid, in April of 2020, my son was so depressed about things he attempted suicide. The good news is that he is OK now, because his attempt was not fatal. He spent a week and a half in the hospital, mostly in ICU. We couldn't visit him during this time, I could talk to him on the phone and that was it. My wife and I just wanted to be there, hold his hand, and tell him we loved in and see him through this time of hell.

So, the least the gay community can do with regard to the Monkeypox is cool it with the big gay orgies. If that's asking too much of you, guess what? You can eat shit.

I'm still bitter about being told I can't be there for my son during his greatest moment of need...

(no duck or bike related jokes today... sorry. I can't)

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First, I’m so glad to read that your son is doing better. I cannot imagine not being able to be there with him.

All of this is beyond galling. We are called selfish for caring more about our family then we do about those who want to have anonymous gay sex. Fine, I’m selfish then.

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And, yeah. I just don't think We the Little People have the stomach for another lockdown.

People know. They know that the intended benefits didn't pan out and the collateral damage has been pretty well catastrophic on many fronts.

Except maybe around a few metro and barely suburban neighborhoods but I predict a massive NOPE if they do it again.

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"So, the least the gay community can do with regard to the Monkeypox is cool it with the big gay orgies. If that's asking too much of you, guess what? You can eat shit."

F#@& yeah!

And, wholly jeebus, Pato. I am so glad to hear that things are better with your son. Father of two grown daughters - 29 and 25, neither live too close - and I couldn't imagine such a thing but...

Last summer, my youngest who moved cross-country to L.A. almost two years ago with her boyfriend who's some techie at ... I think it's Activision/Blizzard ? (forgive me; I'm more of a Minesweeper and Carmen Sandiego guy) to be near his older sister who was some 30-ish financial wizard at DisneyLand Corp Ofc. The went out to celebrate my daughter's birthday, couples split for home, sister ... left us without warning. And THAT was unbelievably painful and tragic, and I only met her once maybe 7 years ago when they were all were in school.

So, like, dayummm... Just glad it's better.

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It was cruel stuff like that, all over the world, that I will never forget.

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I am so sorry for you. I'm glad your son is OK. I understand your anger. After all the mask-shaming, the notion that gays must have ORGIES is literally incredible.

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Eating shit might actually be one of the activities. Do yourself a favor and don't look up "monkeypox piss orgies."

Seriously, though, sorry to hear about your kid. Glad he's okay now.

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Duck, my friend, it sounds like they pushed you right into the Bitter-clinging Deplorables. Luckily, that tribe doesn't require tattoos or piercings (although feel free if you're into that sort of thing), and spandex is totally up to you. There are few requirements, but the Deplorables prefer to identify their tribal identity by doing favors to people they don't even know, helping out anyone in need, and leaving you the hell alone if that's what you like. A pretty easy-going bunch until pushed too far.

And about your son, I am so glad he made it. 50 or so years ago a dearly loved cousin of mine didn't make it, despite all the efforts of a loving family. Her parents carried that until the day they died. I still can't think of it without a pang. It will never go away, I guess. Hold your son. Be all the support you can. Love him. I hope for your success.

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I can name it anything I want? Great! I'm going to call it Geor...


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If this is a Looney Toons reference then <insert Captain America meme here>.

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Just so long as the squeezing allows for some breathing.

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It's always amazing how these news story's from each crisis try to mislead the public. The headline, “GOP Governors Cause Havoc by Busing Migrants to East Coast" has a real "Republicans POUNCE" feel to it. Who caused the crisis? Not the Democrat President who invited all of Central and South America, no not that guy. No, it was the REPUBLICAN Governors on the border who noticed and said, "why don't you go to some places where they love undocumented immigrants" who created this crisis. It's the same uncanny, every time, without fail response from our media. So frustrating!

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"Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free… Just not, y’know, here."

Our host has hit on this a handful of different times. It's the ultimate in hypocrisy.

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Boy did you call it with "Republicans Pounce".

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I do like the first part though: "GOP Governors Cause Havoc". I think we could use more of that. Maybe even T-shirts.

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"None of this is about science. "

It never is.

Follow the money.

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And the trail of slime.

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I didn’t ask for the ... *pencil-thin mustache*, but somehow the AI knew that’s what it needed.

My favorite Jimmy Buffet song: Pencil Thin Mustache


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I have a friend who can carry off the swagger of a pencil-thin mustache when he's willing to make the effort. When he was in his thirties he was a "Boston Blackie" kind of character. Or a William Powell "Thin Man".

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What blows my mind is that even after all the evidence of just how untrustworthy and/or incompetent the MSM and their go-to experts are, many people are apparently buying into the narrative that monkeypox affects everyone equally. I'm reading about these anxious people trying to assess their risk level, all because they only read the NYT or Wapo. They are just sheep to the slaughter, every time.

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"What blows my mind is that ... many people are apparently buying into the narrative that monkeypox affects everyone equally"

See also AIDS, young Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dallas Buyer's Club et al.

It's vuja de. It's as if none of this has ever happened before.

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Fauci claimed, early in the AIDS epidemic, that the virus was an airborne threat.

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"But health officials and longtime HIV activists say abstinence won't work." WHAT?! Gays can't even do "two weeks to slow the spread"? What's with the argument that "it's not fatal"?! "Once upon a time, long, long ago, in 2020-21, you were literally a terrorist..." This is another instance of hypocrisy and double standards.

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What does 115 credits get you?

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115 tries to make something funny!

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"We can be pushed around because we’re just a bunch of rubes." That's because we haven't coalesced as a "tribe" yet. Most of us never wanted to belong to any tribe but "American" and we accepted in anyone who accepted and played by our rules.

Possibly the biggest current tribe in the US is that 25% (or less) of the 13% (and declining) of the population who are Black Americans. They are losing ground. And although Hispanics make up 17% or so of the population, they are a splintered tribe, if they're a real tribe at all, and many of them aspire to join "the Americans". Perhaps 10% of the 17% are some kind of generic Hispanic tribe. Probably 40% and growing are joining the "Americans", as are maybe 15% and growing of the Black Americans.

But the Gay Tribe has never been more than 2% of the total population. However, they usually don't have children (unlike the "Americans") so they have time and money that they can use in politics. They also discovered (or some of them did) that their particular combination of the major political resources -- time, money, and votes -- used cohesively and spent with passion and persistence gives them outsized sway. The difference between a company of well-armed Marines compared to a random mob 10 times as large.

However, the push, push, pushing of the rubes seems to be forcing them to create their own tribal identity separate from "Americans." Lets call them the Bitter-clinging Deplorables. That tribe may include 80% of working class, no college education whites, 15% of working class Blacks, and 40-50% of working class Hispanics. That's a real big tribe. And they're getting tired of being pushed around. Maybe they feel like pushing back. Now what happens?

I think we're in one of those political Realignments that the poli sci types like to talk about, but I think there are fewer tribes aligned with the Progressives than there are with what many of us used to be proud to be called -- Americans. Call that tribe MAGAs or Dittoheads or whatever, but if you poke them much more, I think that the Deplorables will make you wish you hadn't.

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Enough already with Better Call Saul.........PLEASE.

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Just a couple more weeks!

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