Haven't seen that movie, but whoever wrote that scene knew what they were talking about. OTOH, in real life I would fail to see how she is actually 'helping' the problem of male failure to commit. That is a social problem, not a biological one. Continue bashing males for being shallow and "unnecessary" and see what it will get you.
And I…
Haven't seen that movie, but whoever wrote that scene knew what they were talking about. OTOH, in real life I would fail to see how she is actually 'helping' the problem of male failure to commit. That is a social problem, not a biological one. Continue bashing males for being shallow and "unnecessary" and see what it will get you.
And I doubt if in that movie she's interested in a fat, ugly, smelly guy. Oddly enough, women can be shallow on a biologic base as well.
Haven't seen that movie, but whoever wrote that scene knew what they were talking about. OTOH, in real life I would fail to see how she is actually 'helping' the problem of male failure to commit. That is a social problem, not a biological one. Continue bashing males for being shallow and "unnecessary" and see what it will get you.
And I doubt if in that movie she's interested in a fat, ugly, smelly guy. Oddly enough, women can be shallow on a biologic base as well.