Here's a thought - perhaps you could write his speeches! Just think of all the old chestnuts from yesteryear you could revive. YOU could be the next Peggy Noonan. Bill Safire. Dan Schwerin. Jon Favreau.
Course, there is the slight problem that he won't actually read the speech correctly. so 'dog sled' might come out 'cats and dogs' or 'covered wagon' may come out 'little red wagon' - but that's the price of fame & glory. Don't forget about all of us 'little people' who supported and encouraged you at the beginning.
Am I evil if I hope that it's Rosebud Joe really pines for?
Yes. But it's one of the reasons we love you.
Absolutely, Jorg.
Here's a thought - perhaps you could write his speeches! Just think of all the old chestnuts from yesteryear you could revive. YOU could be the next Peggy Noonan. Bill Safire. Dan Schwerin. Jon Favreau.
Course, there is the slight problem that he won't actually read the speech correctly. so 'dog sled' might come out 'cats and dogs' or 'covered wagon' may come out 'little red wagon' - but that's the price of fame & glory. Don't forget about all of us 'little people' who supported and encouraged you at the beginning.