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Apr 11, 2022
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I love that movie. Cage is maybe the third- or fourth-craziest thing about it!

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Apr 11, 2022Edited
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Read the same somewhere.

I've got a few giggles ready to release if he ends up with a controlling stake and, because it's FU money, just says, "Sell of the hardware and print up those pink slips!"

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I do not doubt that this was the most significant response Julian Lennon could muster. The real question, however, is: how does this affect Taylor Lorenz?

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I learned about three months into the pandemic that this was political, after they told everyone that crowds were bad for things like mask protests, school shutdowns and business closures, but that it was perfectly fine if you wanted to protest the police following George Floyd. Also, your rewriting of the Imagine song was genius... "I guess Putin actually agrees because he doesn’t think Ukraine is a country. You know what, never mind, this was a bad idea..."

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I got 2 copies. Thought I was losing my memory (I'm old). But no harm, no foul. Better getting it twice than not getting it at all.

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Is it weird that I thought Sean Lennon was John's only kid? Maybe I just don't pay attention to things that don't concern or interest me, but I liked Sean's music and (some) of his Twitter takes. Julian Lennon... where has that guy been hiding?

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Thank you for covering the pop culture. I know some people find it tedious and/ or pointless, but I'm trying to put politics on the bottom of the list of things to which I should pay attention. It's not that I like everything in the pop culture, but you save me the trouble of wading through all of it. And sometimes I learn about something worth following. Thanks!

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Fauci can't join the trash heap of history fast enough to suit me...

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I have a question about climate change, EVs in general and SUVs in particular. No one on the left will give me a clear answer.

First of all: if everyone who currently drives an SuV *right now* goes out and tries to buy an EV ... do we have enough? Secondly, tell me what suddenly happens to the price of an EV if that happened tomorrow? The average price goes from $50K to $75K in a second. (I'm making those numbers up to prove a point)

The point here is that The Left's answer to climate change and the sudden increase in gas is JuSt BuY a TeSlA, PoOr PeRsOn!" They don't take into account the current supply of EV's, or even basic econ 101 supply and demand.


Which brings me to my general view about evolving technology. Every time humans adapted the next great technological revolution, it was done in an organic fashion, and not foisted onto up by our Corporate Elites in government and the field of Professional Agitation. Why do we think we can somehow command everyone adapt a carbon free world? It can't be done.

Please indulge me for a moment. I've been thinking about this for a while now.

There is only one way to adapt a Carbon Neutral world: that is to have a technology that is so far superior to gas/oil/coal, that even if carbon based fuel was FREE, we would still go with this new technology. That is how it has always been done. The transition from Hunter/Gatherer to Farming was done because farming was so far superior in every single way, that to remain a hunter/gatherer was stupid and regressive. Every technology since then, the next one similarly superior and clearly the next step in social evolution.

We adapted cars because horses (which were free) could not compete. We adapted the internet because writing a letter or watching TV (which was basically free) could not compete. I know this analogy ends up falling apart at some point, but I believe my point is solid.

The next great Green Revolution needs to be so superior to gas/oil/coal/etc that even if gas was free, we would still adapt it. That is the only way, history proves.

But, here's the kicker; that technology does not exist. It has not been invented, let alone developed to be usable, let alone developed at a scale 300M people in the USA alone could adapt the technology. We are easily 20 to 50 years away from that point.

Our focus can be either on making gas so expensive, we have no choice but to Go Green. Or we develop a technology so superior we have no choice but to Go Green.

Guess which one the Corporate/Statist Uniparty has decided on?

(thanks for letting me ramble. Since getting kicked off of Twitter, this is where I go to vent my ideas)

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"The average price goes from $50K to $75K in a second. (I'm making those numbers up to prove a point)"

It's all good. 69.420% of statistics are false.

(I usually say, "87.3% of all statistics are made up on the spot.")

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But seriously, that's why the government messing with the economy is so bad.

Pricing is a tool that permits us to compare the value of different objects to one another. It signals to producers how much of something to make in advance of or response to demand. We're forcing demand for something that, at this time (as you note) is still _less_ valuable in almost every way that can be measured at this time than the product it's attempting to supplant.

I don't think the analogy falls apart at all. This is how you get market failures.

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Just back from reading the articles at Mike's links and I must ask: is there a reason why short, skinny, 56 year old white guys who like math are so underrepresented in the NBA?

Surely this is the result of pure and blatant racism, if the teachings of the prophet Kendi X are to be accepted. The NBA won't be right until 60% of the players look and play like me. OR are you saying those guys are actually just better basketball players than me?

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Fauci has done criminal acts: He funded the GoF research that led to the creation of this chimera virus. He lied about his/our involvement. He tried to suppress the WIV's involvement/responsibility in favor of the wet market theory. The war on the unvaccinated--when it does not take into account natural immunity--was morally wrong. He can't be gone soon enough for me.

As for the pandemic being done: The WH tried to claim that Pelosi's hugging and kissing Biden was not a "close contact"; what's that mean, no tongue?

Ms. Gajewski is correct about Elon Musk; Twitter wanted him "capped" on his ownership. Now, not gonna happen.

The deflate SUVs thing is yet another instance of the lawlessness of the Left. Compulsion is their thing, not freedom. Hence, "You can't write that". Thank God I grew up in an era of freedom of thought and speech. I intend to vote on that platform this fall.

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Interesting that it was not Elon Musk who told the world that Elon Musk is not joining Twitter's board. Even more interesting that Elon Musk afterward tweeted that you can't believe everything you read. I kind of get the impression that Mr. Aggarwal was trying to preemptively prevent Musk's accession to the board. If so, that was probably a career-limiting move on his part.

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Totally dig the Juan Epstein reference.

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Here's another problem created by jagoffs who would flatten tires: it's incredibly unsafe. Women in particular are in vulnerable position if they find themselves on their own with a flat tire---I'll never forget the time mine went flat on the Schuylkill Expressway in Philadelphia and I had to take the nearest exit. At night. Into West Philly. And I was new in town; had no idea where I was. A couple of really nice guys changed my tire for me but it could have easily gone south in a hurry.

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