Beth Davenport is in PIG?

Adding it to my list of movies to watch...

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It ages me, I know, but when you said "Gretchen Corbett" and "Rockford Files", I said "oh yeah" and put Pig on my must-see list. (Like Juanito, I see.)

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My first impression of you stinks. I gave a personally hefty donation to your “Who the Hell is Jim Treacher” blog because, well, I don’t know why exactly. I was in a mood for expanding my base of critical analysis targets, finding radical leftism bereft of new material upon which to broaden my understanding of minds that would hate freedom.

I actually enjoy most of your items in your regular postings. You have a wit and a common sensical way about you that makes me believe you are on a search for more truth than has afore been afforded you through your usual channels. And then, Full Stop.

It has continued to amaze me how one man’s name can completely discombobulate an evident and sophisticated trajectory toward truth and cause one to throw all curiosity out the window, even in total contradiction to the journalistic creed to seek truth above all else.

Donald J Trump. He’s not a monster. In fact, he’s exactly what the Founder’s envisioned as the fail-safe against career politicians. The American public has desired, craved, clamored for a candidate unbeholden to the powers that be. Have you not wondered at the concerted effort, the almost military opposition to the first, non-swamp President in over a hundred years? Can you, honestly, not make the connection? If that is the case, my donation was a waste.

With 24/7/365 opposition to his even being a President, President Trump managed to lower the minority unemployment rate to a number lower than ever since that demographic was included in official employment numbers. (So much for racism). He brokered peace agreements between four Arab nations and Israel that earned him 2 nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize. Through a conservative use of his powers, he brokered a reset of the NAFTA agreement that gave our country a new lease on life with our hemispherical neighbors and that squelched the hemorrhaging of jobs making the United States a preferred nation for manufacturing.

Even though the narrative was that President Trump was a despot in waiting, he showed Constitutional restraint at using Federal power when Antifa and BLM were torching cities beyond using them to protect Federal properties. He offered federal assistance but refrained from imposing it.

No wars were initiated while he was President. A plan to disengage from Afghanistan was on the books, getting, first, American citizens, then Afghanis, then sensitive equipment, and finally military personnel out, once all was secure. The Democrat Party owns what is happening now.

If you had attended one of President Trump’s “Make America Great, Again” rallies you would know that this is a man, despite his crass history and crude demeanor, who loves America and who loves America’s people. He has lost over 1.5 billion dollars in his attempt to make America the vehicle for any ordinary citizen to achieve what he enjoys. Yet, the MSM continues to put out the narrative that he served only for his own benefit.

I would wish that your obvious mental acuity would bypass your ingrained fears and biases and would engage your common sense and see that the facts I pointed out outweigh what the press, the political establishment; the powers that be have given you as counters to good, old thinking.

Every fact I have proffered is readily found and verifiable but, I’m just a shop hand. I’m not a journalist who lives to verify stuff, would that I had the time to do so. Your chosen profession has the distinct privilege of codified, immutable freedom to tell the truth and to be untouchable in your pursuit of it. That is power. And yet, as if one, the entire profession has banded together, thrown true power under the bus and set about destroying the people’s trust in you along with any semblance of professional integrity. Now, you are nothing more than a mob, egging on the bullies and thugs as they assault us and defending them, protecting them, when it was our freedom for which you were granted your honorable calling.

But, purveying truth requires responsibility, a virtue found lacking, mainly because that sort of responsibility requires the work and the work requires commitment to the truth and that is the rub.

At the turn of the twentieth century, as the fashionable ideology of socialism was gaining acceptance among the elite academics, journalists and union leaders, it was not uncommon for there to be well-publicized debates between advocates for capitalism and socialism. In one such debate, published by the St. Louis “National Rip Saw”, with Socialist writer/editor Henry Tichenor, John Basil Barnhill said, “When the government fears the people, there is freedom. When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.” Between those two points, where do you think we lay, now?

A single agency of the federal government laid waste to the personal prosperity of millions of Americans over a virus against which there is over 99.5% survivability, on a par with the annual flu season. They did it by lying to us, by censoring dissent, and by inducing fear. They have enlisted the Big Tech industry to be publishers, censoring or allowing flows of information, by ensuring that they would retain their non-publisher protection from liability under Section 230. I don’t even know if there is a word for that. Government, in bed with industry, has propagated lie after lie to deceive and to engender fear in the population all the while, suppressing any information or treatment options that might mitigate that fear.

Now, our beneficent government is practicing, again in cahoots with Big Tech, this time Google, with surveillance by geo-fencing. This is virtual dragnetting, guilt by proximity. This can evolve only one way. This cannot help but end in the capturing and suppression of dissidence. Are you afraid, yet?

How about “HR 1” and “HR 4”? These two House bills comprise House Majority Leader Pelosi’s plan to federalize our elections. Together with outlawing any attempts by the states to ensure the integrity of their elections, (code worded “voter suppression”), these two bills require the loose practices of the past election be enforced making election integrity virtually impossible.

Finally, Biden was not a Presidential candidate. He was a slap across the face of America for daring to elect an outsider. He is the admonition that we are never going to be afforded such an opportunity again. He was the Leftist’s saying to us, “We can install any idiot we want and there’s nothing you can do to stop it.” If common sensical people like you don’t wake up, our future leaders will be groomed by the Party and installed and elections will be something our kids will forget ever were.

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