
I cancelled my Disney Plus plan this morning. Since it was a one year deal paid for in full in December 21 it’s pretty much an empty gesture since Disney gets to keep my $69.99. Still felt good. Happy Friday!

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1) I agree with the principle of your main item: Disney can do what they want; we can do what we want.

2) However, Disney has declared themselves to be a political player. "Our goal *as a company*" is to repeal or overturn enacted legislation. They are no longer just a commercial enterprise which we can patronize or not as we wish. They are pursuing a legislative agenda, just like a lobbyist, SuperPAC, think tank, or other swamp critter. They need to be treated as such.

3) Disney's actions and statements (and I'm thinking largely about the leaked Zoom call here) indicate quite clearly that they view certain segments of their market as unimportant, or certainly less important than others. Members of that segment are justified in feeling angry, and in expressing that anger.

4) "They’re patently ineducable, or they wouldn’t have gone into journalism" was a magnificent ending to perhaps your most magnificent week.

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In the past 30+ years I've taught at 2 mid-level state universities in different states. Uniformly in both cases the average worst students were journalism/communications students. They were frequently the ones who couldn't even meet the dreadfully low standards of the College of Education, and who were so self-centered that they couldn't major in Social Work (the 2nd average worst students).

Obviously a very few were good students, but the average was dreadful. They were even worse than the "Angry Studies" majors.

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I am not watching Sunday night TV because I watched Disney when I was kid. I wonder if my tv still gets local channels. And what is all the plus about?

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The Plus is LGBTQ.

Seriously, don't give money to people who hate you.

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