RemovedJul 29, 2022·edited Jul 29, 2022
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Ben Kingsley was a better Veep than Cacklin' Kamala any day, though.

He was a shoe salesman.

Then again, so was Al Bundy...

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RemovedJul 29, 2022·edited Jul 29, 2022
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Right! Did Joe Biden score 4 touchdowns in the 1966 City Championship Game?

No he did not.

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So who do you get to play the part of Martian? Or a talking donkey?

Holding this position is textbook Reductio ad Absurdum.

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Martian? Ray Walston.

Donkey: Frances.

Next question?

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^ This guy gets it!

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Ray Walston's best role was "Mr. Applegate."

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Classic and in his prime.

Although I'm partial to Mr. Hand. "What - are you people on dope?!"

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It's obvious that no REAL talking donkeys were auditioned for "Shrek"; instead, the role was given to a *human*, a clear case of speciesism! (I am offended, therefore you should apologize and give me money. And lots of it. Now.)

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^ This guy gets it!

They should institute "The Donkey Rule" for future casting: at least 2 real donkeys must interview for the role before hiring.

Oh, and this is for you *pushes stack of piasters in RMc's general direction*

It's a fortune amongst the Steely Dan crowd.

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I think the people down the hall know who we are.

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On Immigration, I checked: Schadenfreude is spelled the same in Spanish. Catching Bowser in her hypocrisy is wonderful. Biden isn't doing nearly enough on The Wall. "At least AOC won't have to commute," is priceless.

I truly wish someone would tell us just how often Biden is given meds. Daily? Twice a day? Special suppositories if he speaks after 5:00? My God, what a wretched Presidency.

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"I truly wish someone would tell us just how often Biden is given meds. Daily? Twice a day?"

I'm going with: every time he starts coming down. Or goes off script.

"Special suppositories if he speaks after 5:00?"

Egads, man!!!

"My God, what a wretched Presidency."

Ho. Lee. Schamokes. Is it ever.

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I like the "more stuff to read" links. If it catches your attention, it's worth a look. And a properly snarky comment.

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The most popular Monroe quote, among 20-30 something females, is "if you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best." I don't know if this is an accurate quote or not, and I don't care to look it up right now. What I do know is that is one of the most hideous thing a person can say. Maybe you at your worst is drinking and driving, running over a cat and then crashing into the house. NO, I can not handle that, sweetheart. Or maybe you at your worst is smacking the kids around, taking drugs, and shooting guns into the night sky. Or maybe you rob banks and sleep with the neighbor. I don't know. But I know that you at your worst is you being a bad person, and if you can't control your base impulses, then count me out. That's just how I see it.

I don't care how hot you are, you don't get a pass for rotten behavior... and as the beauty of youth fades, all you are left with is your character.

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Oh my God, I laughed out loud! WHERE did you come up with that?! That poor cat...

The beauty of youth-->Carpe Diem.

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See also the Hot-Crazy Matrix. Marilyn's way into the Danger Zone.

I have the sudden urge to watch Archer...

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Dating a woman high on the Hot/Crazy Matrix scale can be fun for a while if your heart can stand it. It's sort of like taking a baby raccoon into your house for a pet. You know that sooner or later you're going to regret it. Still . . .

And it's definitely not for older guys. Even the ones with real money. True Hot/Crazy women can't really be bought, only rented at best.

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Yes, exactly what I was thinking of.

I am firm believer that the only real unearned "privilege" is Hot Girl Privilege. If a woman is hot enough, she will not have to work for anything. Which is why I wasn't too bothered when my daughter, at the age of 2, went forehead first into the coffee table and put a big scar in her forehead. Yes, yes, yes... it was unfortunate. Yes, to all of that. But, you know, she's worked very hard since then. She didn't fall back on the obvious good looks she inherited from my wife, and she applied herself in school, getting scholarships and what not.

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"I am firm believer that the only real unearned "privilege" is Hot Girl Privilege."

Ask the blonde waitress with legs that go all the way up: "Can you tell me what's in a Gin and Tonic?" and she says, "Let me ask the bartender. *giggle*"

She's getting a $50 tip.

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As my grandmother always said, "Beauty is skin deep. Ugly goes to the bone. Beauty gradually fade away. Ugly holds its own."

I have known, and dated, a few women pretty high on the Hot/Crazy Matrix, and it is my observation that they get Hot Girl Privilege at least into their early 50s if 1) they make it that far, and 2) work at both keeping in shape and don't try to continue looking like they are 24 (no one does that very well).

Besides, too many men and women in their early 20s don't know enough about life to know what actual value in humans comes from.

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"Besides, too many men and women in their early 20s don't know enough about life to know what actual value in humans comes from."


30 seems barely enough for some people to get it.

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"At least AOC won't need to commute."

Treacher, you magnificent bastard. I read your Tweet.

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"They keep propping him in front of the camera and juicing him up to keep him awake enough to read his lines"

I have this feeling Biden's sliding toward something like Weekend at Bernie's with DOCTOR "Edith" Jill "hugging" him from one side, mouth obscured by the mic, his "voice" streaming in from some underground bunker in Western Maryland.

Like that episode of Star Trek TOS where the crew have to extract Gill who's been turned into the Nazi Party mouthpiece but they've got him all hopped up on a sedigive, so high he can't speak. They have a big microphone in front of his face so you can't see that his lips aren't moving. Playing a tape nearby.

Hey - they thought they could just go, "It's not a recession *Jedi Mind Trick, gawdammit!*" and we'd be all, "So say we all!" I think they're going to try it anyway, any minute, even if they know that we know that they're lying.

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So many references ... you're makin' me dizzy.

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*snicker* sorry

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I listen to you, Jim. I pay hard-scammed dineros to LISTEN to you.

Cast griping about Yet Another Marilyn Biopic? How about pooping over the next season of "Picard?" They both seem equally relevant to me.

...Back to Korean sitcoms.

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I don't care about Lady Bond being a thing, I for one would be fine with Lady Bond being a femme fatale who seduces and spies her way through boy toys and Rocket Engineers. I think Idris Elba would also be a great Bond. Too me, Bond is a SPY more than a sex. Bond has to be a British Spy with a license to kill, drinking Martinis shaken not stirred. Bond is action, charm, and deadly intent.

Historical people should be cast as closely as possible to the actual person as possible, representing them as accurately as possible or what's the point?

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Drug-addled, permanently suffering the after-effects of the death of one's parents, violent, ruthless, cold... I think it's hard to top Daniel Craig as 007 for most closely being the spy Ian Fleming envisioned in his books.

Elba can do it. Feels like some mostly-a-hottie femme fetale would end more like the all-girl Ghostbusters. Maybe?

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I actually did NOT know that.

I remember seeing Live and Let Die as a young 'un at the Westview Drive-In Theater in the Baltimore Suburbs and thinking it was the greatest thing ever.

Sometime soon after that I was dragged along to a yard sale and found a beat-up paperback copy of Casino Royale. I found a way to acquire pretty much every book I could find - surely 10 at least - including some like a short-story version of Octopussy and Quantum of Solace that were a decade or nearly three away from being made into movies.

Ian Fleming also, coincidentally, wrote Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. Dick van Dyke, who played the protagonist role in the movie, is in the Alcoholics Hall of Fame so maybe that's the hook to Bond. *ponders*

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I don't think they'd do it *right*, just that it could be done. It could very easily be a Lady Ghostbusters situation. The worst thing to do is make it about Girl Power, excuse me Grrrl Power, because it's about the exercise of state power

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I love Idris Elba but when he was cast as the gunslinger in The Dark Tower it threw me off. He still did fine, but after reading a novel you get an image in your head and when the casting goes too far afield it’s disconcerting.

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Ana de Armas sounded fine in the trailer. As for the movie itself, I think I'll skip it. We don't need another "tragedy of fame/woman in peril" picture. (Geez, wasn't it *ever* fun to be Marilyn Monroe? Ever? Just a little bit...?)

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You know, that's hard to tell, which makes it even more sad. I think that (and I am not a Monroe scholar, more of a Guy of a Certain Age who remembers the dark times before the Internet when we had to depend on TV, radio, and (gag) newspapers to get to "know" our celebrities) she was occasionally happy, I think, when a guy married "Norma Jean". Until celebrityhood got in the way again. She wanted to be taken seriously and rarely was. She was a much better actress than given credit for.

She certainly seemed happy for a bit her marriages to Joe Dimaggio and Arthur Miller. And then, . . . not. Very sad. And being mistreated by two Kennedy's (in all likelihood) . . . gag.

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