That week certainly has been wiped from history for now. It won’t be long before one of the party turn coats spills the beans. It’ll be interesting to watch the democrats turn on each other.

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We'll get some beans, eventually. All of them? I doubt it.

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Sacha Baron Cohen was also brilliant in "The Spy," which largely escaped notice, but is an excellent mini-series (or whatever we're calling them now).

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It's striking how we've now seen multiple high-profile (as in "helping to lose elections' high-profile) examples of the Democratic Party's control of the media being a double-edged sword. But somehow they never result in either the Party or their media vassals changing anything about how they operate.

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The thing that stands out the most about the Biden cover-up by the media is how shameless they were with it. One particular instance I remember from the 2020 campaign is when they had Jim Carrey portraying Biden on SNL for their fantasy version of a debate, and he was doing cartwheels and had the aviators and I remember one of the twitter comments being how far from reality it was that it was "media malpractice" - if SNL had trotted out the same thing for Trump, like Ben Garrison's ridiculous idolization of the guy, and treated it seriously they would have been ridiculed by their audience until the end of time. But when their guy is made into a reverse-caricature, it's seal claps all around. These people deserve to have their worldview upended in the most jarring way possible.

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What's the opposite of doom scrolling? Joy scrolling, maybe? Whatever. It's finally over, and I need to turn off the Interwebs, go rake some leaves, and get back to that pile of 75 books I want to read before I die. The clock is ticking...

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"They didn’t speak truth to power. They hid truth for power."

Abso-damn-lutely. Best line of the day and one that should be shoved in their smug, self-righteous faces at every opportunity.

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It's not just the gaslighting/lyng, it's that they know we know what they're doing (media and Dems) and they just look us in the eye and keep it up. That's not the way to win my vote.

The Dems are seriously in need of revamping their party. They probably won't though. I think the current wave of Progressivism/Wokeism/FarLeftism has crested and is receding. As with the tide going out we'll see who turns out to be naked.

And I tried to 'like' a comment and got a message saying I was blocked. I didn't even know that could be done.

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Jim if you have never watched "The Spy" it is worth a watch. It is Borat totally against type, and I think, a well done series.

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Alright, I'm getting several recommendations. I'll check it out.

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What I found so outrageous aside from the Biden cover up was the attack on the American public.

Trump may have resorted to immature nicknames but he never attacked the people that supported Biden or Harris personally (except for the jet setters preaching at us to dump gas stoves and cars) and Hollywood elites.

The Dems villainized American citizens for having a different point of view. That is really overwhelming to me. Those people who were supposedly running to represent the citizenry of this nation hold us all in contempt. And they thought we were too stupid to notice.

I was going to skip the top line but the deep hatred seeping out of their mouths toward people who are looking for real solutions forced me to pull the lever for Trump. They will never understand that I do have a working brain and am capable of reasoning. They will never recognize they were the problem not me or the millions like me who reached a tipping point when the president- lower case - called more than half of the people of the nation he was supposed to serve garbage.

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The best thing about this Trumpian "Victory" is that it finally, hopefully, puts to bed the notion modern activist, narrative driven, partisan "Media" and that in its ashes arises real journalism. You know, like if we had all along would never had led to a Trump in the first place.

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Now you know why Biden endorsed Harris so quickly and helped her lock up commitments from all his delegates well before the convention and indeed before anyone else could throw their hat into the ring. Note that she steadfastly defended all of Biden's policies and his fitness for office even after it was absolutely clear that by doing so, she was torpedoing her own chances for victory. She was sent on a mission to lose and thereby cement Joe's place in history as the only guy to ever beat Trump. We will eventually find out what her payoff was - maybe a cut of the billion-dollar campaign war chest.

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