I suspect I am not alone in actually *wanting* to hear what you think, because I am pretty sure you did *not* vote for Biden or want Hillary to win!

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I finished, on your recommendation, Mr. Inbetween (and The Magician). Have you or anyone else commented that the high-concept pitch is Louie with a hitman instead of a stand-up comedian as the protagonist? I told someone recently that it's not always easy to watch -- a la Curb Your Enthusiasm -- but totally worth watching.

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I hadn't noticed that, but you're right! It's also a good companion piece to Barry on HBO. They're both hitmen, but Barry is a stone-cold pro at work and complete basket case trying to deal with real people. Whereas Ray is just a chill sort of dude when he's not, y'know, murdering people.

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I don't care if you are a cuck who probably wanted Hilary to win. I like your style, Dude.

PS: am paying subscriber already

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Going to be abused? I haven't trusted still photographs or videos for over a decade. People have too much time on their hands to trust anything put out without 3 levels of authentication.

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"I have next to no influence, nobody cares what I have to say about anything, and I have every incentive to give this up and find something better to do with my life."

You know better than these, and I'm going to assume you're being facetious... You have more influence than you think Mr. Treacher, keep up the good fight.

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